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think- ago

Oh wow.

Here's the memo special agent Ramon Martinez wrote at the time.

A Customs memo written by special agent Ramon Martinez (CSR) refers to files “relating to the activities of the organization in different parts of the world, including “London, Germany, the Bahamas, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Africa, Costa Rica, and Europe.”

Martinez’s memo notes multiple #Finders’ telexes including the ordered purchase of two children in Hong Kong, interest in “bank secrecy situations,” high-tech transfers to the U.K., the group’s interest in terrorism, explosives, and the evasion of law enforcement.

Martinez describes the swift end to his investigation: he was told that all the data was turned over to the State Department which, in turn, advised that “all travel and use of passports by the holders was within the law and no action would be taken."

This despite the fact that passports had been issued to locations including Moscow, North Korea, and North Vietnam from the late 50's to the mid 70's.

PDF warning

WaPo article about the arrest of two Finders members -

CIA and-State Department decided that no further investigation was necessary. Of course... :-(