What would Jeff Epstein know about women?
Anyhoo, article here: https://www.businessinsider.my/jeffrey-epstein-told-a-journalist-he-funded-sophia-the-robot-2019-9/?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1568496659
..In a new essay detailing a journalist’s friendship with Jeffrey Epstein over the past three decades, Edward Jay Epstein (the two are not related) says the wealthy financier told him in April 2013 that he was funding a Hong Kong group to build “the world’s smartest robot,” named Sophia.
...Sophia was built by Hanson Robotics, a Hong Kong company created and led by David Hanson. Hanson teamed up with Ben Goertzel, founder of open-source software project OpenCog, to create Sophia. Goertzel has openly thanked Epstein for “visionary funding” of his “AGI research,” Fast Company reported, and Sophia is powered by OpenCog’s code.
The article casts some doubt on whether Epstein did fund Sophia, but this seems to be confirmed in a number of other articles.
The technology from Sophia is now being rolled out in "Little Sophia", a creepy $99 walking, talking, singing & joking robot doll. It incorporates emotional AI software developed by Epstein's researchers
Epstein's A.I. protege Ben Goertzel is on the board of the Timothy Leary archive, maintained by Michael Horowitz (Winona Ryder's dad). Also on the board, the late John Perry Barlow 🤡, Todd Huffman (DARPA), Bruce Damer (Pentagon, Highlands Group). timothylearyarchives.org/advisory-board/
Goertzel is writing a book with Lisa Rein, Timothy Leary's digital librarian and a consultant for KurzweilAI. Lisa was a friend of Aaron Swartz and co-founded Creative Commons with him and Larry Lessig
I have a personal connection to Lisa Rein. I helped fund her unreleased documentary From Dead Drop to Secure Drop, about Aaron Swartz's invention for secure whistleblower leaking. 3 people connected to SecureDrop now dead: Swartz, Barlow, James Dolan
Lisa has so far only one published one clip from her documentary. Trevor Timm runs the Freedom of the Press Foundation. Barlow and Daniel Ellsberg were founders, with Pierre Omidyar funding. Greenwald, Snowden, Poitras, John Cusack also on the Board
Source for previous clip: http://Archive.Org The founder of that, Brewster Kahle, is also on the Timothy Leary archive advisory board. He's a founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation along with Barlow & Woz & former student of Marvin Minsky.
You know who else was a founder of the EFF? John Podesta.
Voat posts re Highlands Group: The Highlands Group, the Bank of the Ozarks and the Clintons
Larry Summers, Epstein connections
Re Electronic Frontier Foundation :
On the Sunlight Foundation, the Open Source and Open Government movements and the co-option of Counter Culture
A sad indictment of what happens to humanity when bad men are allowed to rule and good men stay silent.
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EFF has only 50 employees (San Fransisco) and makes 10-25 Million dollars a year!
Employ a NY design Co called PENTAGRAM who also works with a lot of schools/colleges: