mintmachine ago

Possibly more leads here Epstein and the Edge

think- ago

has provided essential funding to the famed Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton

Somehow nobody is talking about Epstein's ties to Princeton....

flyingcuttlefish ago

Thanks for this info! I will add it to my Bloomberg page on the 971 blog -

I am trying to keep things in categories as the story grows so readers can look things up in the search bar and find most in 1 place.

YogSoggoth ago

"There's no better time to invest in particle physics," Jeffrey Epstein

asserted. "Much needed unifying theories are finally coming to light."

Indeed, each of the four physicists who received the Fundamental Physics Prize

was cited for their unparalleled contributions to physics. Arkani-Hamed was

cited for his theories on large extra dimensions, the Higgs boson,

supersymmetry, dark matter and gauge theory scattering amplitudes. Maldacena for

showing that "black holes and quantum mechanics are compatible, resolving the

black hole information paradox" and for providing "a useful tool for the study

of strongly coupled quantum systems." Seiberg was named for his unifying quantum

field, string and supersymmetric quantum field theories and Witten for non

perturbative duality symmetries, models of particle physics derived from string

theory, dark matter detection and the twister-string approach to particle

scattering amplitudes. Hollywood connection, of course. "There's no better time to invest in particle physics," Jeffrey Epstein

asserted. "Much needed unifying theories are finally coming to light."

Indeed, each of the four physicists who received the Fundamental Physics Prize

was cited for their unparalleled contributions to physics. Arkani-Hamed was

cited for his theories on large extra dimensions, the Higgs boson,

supersymmetry, dark matter and gauge theory scattering amplitudes. Maldacena for

showing that "black holes and quantum mechanics are compatible, resolving the

black hole information paradox" and for providing "a useful tool for the study

of strongly coupled quantum systems." Seiberg was named for his unifying quantum

field, string and supersymmetric quantum field theories and Witten for non

perturbative duality symmetries, models of particle physics derived from string

theory, dark matter detection and the twister-string approach to particle

scattering amplitudes.

YogSoggoth ago

Sounds like Hollywood. Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun (Official Music Video)5:21

Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun (Official Music Video)

think- ago

Jeffrey Epstein, Prominent Education Patron, Backs Obama's Call for Early Education

Interesting: Obama's name has been suspiciously absent in all of this.

letsdothis3 ago


letsdothis3 ago

Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation Blog -

Jeffrey Epstein and WildAid Inc. Back China's Largest Embargo on Ivory

NEW YORK, Feb. 19, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Jeffrey Epstein, one of the largest funders of scientists around the world and the founder of the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics at Harvard University, has put his support behind WildAid Inc. and China's first real crackdown on ivory poaching.

Just last year, the Chinese government destroyed approximately 6 tons of confiscated ivory in the city of Dongguan near Guangzhou. The act represented the largest embargo on the Chinese ivory market. The embargo came on the tails of WildAid Inc.'s consistent efforts to raise awareness in China. And to support them, the Duke of Cambridge and football star, David Beckham among others, appeared in a broadcast message on China's leading television stations...

Ha, I knew the Beckhams were involved in the slime fest...

Jeffrey Epstein Applauds FDA's 1st Approval of Inhibitor Cocktails for Melanoma

The well-known science philanthropist and founder of the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics at Harvard University, has heralded the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the first inhibitor combination clinical trial for melanoma patients.

"It's about time," Jeffrey Epstein remarked who donated substantial funds to the Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA) over the last few years. Based in Washington DC, the MRA is the largest private funder of melanoma research and has awarded more than $49 million to researchers around the world...

2013 Foundation Recipients

Foundation Recipients for 2013:

Ballet Palm Beach

Biosocial Research Foundation

Dubin Breast Center

Duke University

Edge Foundation, Inc.

Elton John AIDS Foundation


Humanity +

Independent Filmmaker Project

Maccabi World Union, Inc.


Melanoma Research Alliance

Mount Sinai School of Medicine

MPTF, Inc.

Stockholm School of Economics

The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation

The Hasty Pudding Institute of 1770

UJA – Federation of New York

WildAid, Inc.

think- ago

About the Hasty Pudding Institute -

It's a club for Harvard students.

think- ago

Ballet Palm Beach

Ballet Palm Beach - remember the recent NYT article about Epstein recruiting dancers...

letsdothis3 ago


YogSoggoth ago

"Chinese government destroyed approximately 6 tons of confiscated ivory in the city of Dongguan near Guangzhou." Sure they did. The philanthropists in the MSM told us so. I told everyone about Beckham's properties in Sarasota, Florida right? WildAid is the opposite. My Dad was right all along. Biggest assholes in the World!

letsdothis3 ago

Re: Elton John AIDS Foundation :

See: Elton John and Robert Maxwell