Its not very glorifying. Could it be good guy's hijacking the predictive programming process.

siegnagel ago

This was covered a good while ago by Vigilant Citizen. Still a good read.


They believe that by telling what they've done and people being entertained by it, they transfer the bad karma onto the witless people.

silverwakeskater ago

There should be an pizzagate films voat or hasthags . I saw one with ethan hawk. They stab babys and all that.... Good tastefuñ horror not much gore. Just your imagination

spiffyaintit ago

Was that Ethan Hawk movie 'Regression'? I recall reading they had intended to be a factual movie, and not a 'haha, it was satanic worship fears that were all in their heads' as it ended up being, but there was a push from someone (or some persons) to turn it into a hysteria movie instead. I watched it and thought 'this is the truth, dismissed as hysteria'.

On the topic of pizzagate films, two shows to consider are Dark Money (I didn't watch it myself, but it sounds harrowing and is about Celebrity Child Abuse), and the first season of True Detective which was blatant Pizzagate from beginning to end..... as for True Detective, the earlier few episodes felt like someone was finally revealing all the dark pizzagate secrets of the world as they related to satanic ritual abuse of women and children, and their link to a strong church family and how it spread out into local politics..... and then bam, someone turned a hose on the writer and made him twist it into some lesser plot about someone in the church who had participated in the ritual abuse years before, and kept on doing it for his own pleasures. True Detective season one was full of satanic symbols, including those that are what we now know as pedophile symbols.

gamepwn ago

I have a playlist I just created of Pizzagate references in media!

spikesbae ago

hey! i follow you on YT :)

gamepwn ago

I'm glad :) I love posting for you guys. More to come! We're going to expose all these bastards!

1776Jimbo ago

“Famous”.....or “exposed”?

Geo_synchronous ago

Crazy bitches.

derram ago :

The movie "Starry Eyes" is about committing ritual sacrifice for the cabal to become famous - YouTube

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

wiki -

imdb - h ttps:// -