Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Staged before the event.

think- ago


Factfinder2 ago

Is Maxell disclosing or just cementing the desired narrative with her review of the book?

Note that she bought the Kindle version, so the photographer likely wouldn't have been able to see what book she was reading.

Seems staged. Could be she wasn't in LA.

think- ago

The Amazon reveiw was written by a fake account impersonating her, it seems.

I was told you can change the screenname that is used when you write reviews at any time.

letsdothis3 ago

Operatives, when they want to send a message, tend to chose their locations carefully. I think y'all need to look into In-N-Out Burger (and the foundations they support). I'd do it myself but I got too many other rabbit holes I'm looking into.. but a quick scan tells me there's juice here...

The chain also has fans in a number of renowned chefs including Gordon Ramsay, Thomas Keller, Julia Child, Anthony Bourdain, Ina Garten, and Mario Batali.[18] Famous London chef/restaurateur Ramsay ate In-N-Out for the first time when taping Hell's Kitchen in Los Angeles, and it soon became one of his favorite spots for take-out.[68] Ramsay was quoted, saying about the experience: "In-N-Out burgers were extraordinary. I was so bad, I sat in the restaurant, had my double cheeseburger then minutes later I drove back round and got the same thing again to take away."[68] Thomas Keller, a fan of In-N-Out, celebrated with In-N-Out burgers at the anniversary party of his restaurant, The French Laundry.[69] Keller also plans on opening his own burger restaurant inspired by his Los Angeles experience of In-N-Out.[70] Julia Child, one of the first celebrities to champion the chain, admitted to knowing every location of the restaurant between Santa Barbara and San Francisco.[71] Child also had the burgers delivered to her during a hospital stay.[69] Anthony Bourdain reportedly said that In-N-Out was his favorite fast food meal;[69] later naming the restaurant as "the best restaurant in Los Angeles".[72][73] Ina Garten at an interview at Today show divulges "I have to say, I don't eat fast food at all, with one exception. When we're in California doing book tours, we always have to go to In-N-Out Burger. It's so good and I know it was Julia Child's favorite too, so it's okay." [74]

In-N-Out was one of the very few restaurant chains given a positive mention in the book Fast Food Nation. The book commended the chain for using natural and fresh ingredients and for looking after the interests of employees regarding pay and benefits.[75] An In-N-Out food truck catered Vanity Fair's 2012 Academy Awards after party

SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

Excellent info, thank you. Anthony Bourdain, huh....

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, and we have pizzagate posts on most, if not all, of the other chefs (and their restaurants) listed there.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Why isn't there an arrest warrant for her?? CALLING ALL CARS!

Clubbooradley ago

Being “perfectly friendly” and “very lovely” must’ve come in handy when she was recruiting underage girls for sex with pervy rapists 🤷🏼‍♂️

flyingcuttlefish ago

I am slowly beginning to see LOTS wrong with this story. Why the big time lag between spotting and news item. No name of the person who "found her" ... the perfection of the photo... the high diff between the 2 images of her.

think- ago

Most people think there aren't any female pedos, so it was possible to gain their trust.

think- ago

Because William Barr is head of the DoJ.


Vindicator ago

I wouldn't exactly call it covered up. Everyone is asking this question.

think- ago

... #BarrCoverup is a hashtag on Twitter. And rightly so, considering that the feral prosecutors have been denying justice to the Epstein victims, by refusing to reopen the old case in Florida, although the plea deal was illegal according to US law.

I felt like vomitting when Barr said the victims deserve justice.

He is in charge of the federal prisons. He is responsible that Epstein died or disappeared.

And on top of that, he should have recused himself from the case, since he worked for Kirkland & Ellis, the law firm that represented Epstein in Florida.

Vindicator ago

The old charge in Florida involved only one girl. How did refusing to reopen it deny justice to the other Epstein victims? The ruling that the plea deal was illegal opened the path for all of them to bring their cases against him, and his co-conspirators, did it not? And it made Federal prosecution possible as well.

think- ago

No, it didn't. They only chose one girl for the plea deal in the end though. You might want to reread articles about the Florida case.

Because in a new trial they would be able to punish the co-conspirators as well - all the famous people who raped the girls. They got immunity in the plea deal.

The ruling that the plea deal was illegal opened the path for all of them to bring their cases against him, and his co-conspirators, did it not?

No, this is why I am bitching about it. The judge ruled that the plea deal was illegal, then said the victims and the federal prosecutors should come to an agreement about how how to procede now.

The victims demanded that the case should be reopened, the federal prosecutors refused.

Incidentally, only a couple of days before Barr recused himself from the case. Well done. /s

septimasexta ago


think- ago

Yes. I almost understand poor Mossad. /s

Everybody insinuates Epstein was running the child trafficking ring for the Mossad, while nobody talks about the CIA, that must also have been involved. Epstein told the Evening Standard that he was CIA, that was some time in the 1980s.

Since he worked at Dalton, where Donald Barr was headmaster, who worked for the CIA predecessor OSS, and Anderson Cooper, who was a student there, also has been a CIA asset, I guess he first worked for the CIA, then later also for the Mossad.

Vindicator ago

Barr left the headmaster position six months before Epstein was hired, from what I have read.

Lansing-Michigan ago

I read that Barr quit after Epstein was hired at the end of the semester.

Vindicator ago

I read that was debunked. Don't have the link, though.

think- ago

There are conflicting stories about this timeline actually. But it is obvious that Dalton has some CIA connections.

septimasexta ago

Are Harry and Megan putting her up at Megan's Mom's?

"Meghan left London last Thursday with a rare break in her calendar, to fly to Los Angeles to spend time with her mother, Doria," royal contributor Omid Scobie told Good Morning America this morning."

"Meghan Markle's mom is getting protection from Kensington ...

Search domain

Meghan Markle's mom is getting protection from Kensington Palace in Los Angeles ... media began swarming Doria's Los Angeles home, "

septimasexta ago

Does Ghislaine have dual citizenship? What is it?

septimasexta ago

"Fergie, Andy, L.A. Still Loves You"

from 1988......


Whats with Borgs cat excuse? Here he says something about his cat in another press denial as well.

Scott Borgerson, CEO of Boston-based tech company CargoMetrics, is denying a Daily Mail report that Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein's alleged madame, is hiding out in his Massachusetts home.

What he's saying: >"I'm in Europe right now and there isn't anyone in my house but my cat,"

Borgerson tells Axios, adding that he's asked local police to check the residence. He says he knows Maxwell, but is not dating her, as the Daily Mail has asserted.

septimasexta ago

They only speak to the peons in code.

eyeswideopennow ago

Go to amazon. Look up the book. Check reviews by G. maxwell - they communicate through these reviews. If you click on her name, her profile appears and five years of reviews!

pizzagatecharlotte ago

Lol its obviously a fake review


gotta be. like beta kitten?

septimasexta ago

Good guess!

derram ago :

Jeffrey Epstein Accuser Shares Story Of Alleged Rape For 1st Time | TODAY - YouTube

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