fogdryer ago

I believe there is a pedo ring in fla. taking orders for specific type

Kids, calyee Anthony specifically. Police, cps, Gloria Allred , cia and a few others were selling kids out of the Ukraine embassy in New York. These kids were chosen and sold dilberstly to pedophiles for torture and sex. Etc

thewebofslime ago

Have you heard of Tomothy Holmseth? He is one who has heavily reported on corruption tied to all of Florida state government, even up to Marc Rubio who has ties to drug trafficking and a guy who dismembered a DEA agent.

Obviously, everything should come with a grain of salt, but I think Holmseth has a read worthy perspective on Florida corruption/child trafficking and seems to be tied to MK Ultra rings. Remember, the Finders Cult was out of Tallahassee.

frui_spectaculum ago

FYI, I know back in the 80's there was a Satanic Coven based out of Clearwater that specialized in child porn, child sex trafficking, child sacrifice etc. It is probably still in existence. I think the name of the Coven was Diablo Sex. I know this from a friend who grew up in Clearwater back then and got swept into the abuse when he was a child.


I am already skeptical of travel agencies as it seems they would make good human trafficking fronts, so take this with a grain of salt. Even though I might be off on this- (association doesn't equal guilt) - there is a travel agency that offices in the same building as Lawyer Gary E Williams in Clearwater FL.

They specialize in booking LGBT Tourism, Disney Destinations, and Luxury Tourism to destinations like THE VIRGIN ISLANDS, SOUTH AMERICA and ANTARCTICA.

21yearsofdigging ago

Gary E Williams you are now on our radar. Good luck trying to dig a hole or trying to cover up what kind of scumbag activity you are into. Pizzagate is on YOU!!!

WalnutSauceGoat ago



Chris Labruzzo was appointed by Gov. Rick Scott of HCA / Colombia who was involved in the largest defrauding of health care and hospital patients, and got away with it to serve as FL Gov and now US Senator.

Columbia later merged with another corporation to form Columbia/HCA, which eventually became the largest private for-profit health care company in the United States.[7] Scott was pressured to resign as chief executive of Columbia/HCA in 1997. During his tenure as chief executive, the company defrauded Medicare, Medicaid and other federal programs. The Department of Justice ultimately fined the company $1.7 billion in what was at the time the largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history.[8] Scott was not charged with any crime.[9] Following his departure from Columbia/HCA, Scott became a venture capitalist and pursued other business interests.

HCA went public on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in 1969 followed by a substantial growth period for the next two decades. The company was ranked No. 67 in the 2019 Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by total revenue.[4]

In 1993, lawsuits were filed against HCA by former employees who drew attention to the company's questionable billing practices to Medicare for hundreds of millions of dollars.[5] Some of the allegations included charging the government costs for running its hospitals, paying kickbacks to physicians for referrals, and unlawfully charging for costs involving wound care facilities. A federal probe ensued, spanning nearly a decade, and culminated in 2003 with "the government receiving a total of over $2 billion in criminal fines and civil penalties for systematically defrauding federal health care programs."[6] The federal probe has been referred to as the longest and costliest investigation for health-care fraud in U.S. history.


In June 2018, Scott opposed the Trump administration family separation policy, which involved separating children from their parents, relatives, or other adults who accompanied them in crossing the border, sending the parents to federal jails and placing children and infants under the supervision of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In a letter to United States Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, Scott wrote: "I have been very clear that I absolutely do not agree with the practice of separating children from their families. This practice needs to stop now."[149][150]


Scott's administration awarded Comprehensive Health Services, Inc. (CHSi) a tax incentive package of $600,000 to expand in Cape Canaveral, Florida. CHSi runs the Homestead Temporary Shelter for Unaccompanied Children which detains minor migrants, including those separated from families at the border.[151]


The state of Florida doesn't license the facility, so it is not regulated by child welfare authorities. The Office of Refugee Resettlement argues that because the center is classified as temporary, it does not need to be licensed and there is no maximum length of time children can be held there. It is also a secure facility, in violation of the settlement. Children described being monitored constantly and accompanied to the bathroom. They said they feared being deported or sent to jail if they tried to escape. They are afraid to even voice their desire to leave.


Florida officials received a report in May of alleged child sexual abuse at the Homestead migrant shelter, marking the seventh report of such abuse at the controversial federal facility.

Of the seven reports received by the state about alleged abuse at the facility, two involved caregivers, one involving a staff member and another a legal guardian of a minor, state records show.

“The Homestead facility has discretion to allow DCF to conduct child protective investigations as we do not have jurisdiction,” Smith told the News Service in March when the first six reports came to light.

DCF was allowed to investigate the reports alleging caregivers had sexually abused children. Those probes determined there were no “indicators” of abuse, records show.

When the state received reports of the five other cases, which involved child-on-child sexual abuse allegations, including the latest report in May, the allegations were referred to the federal government because of the jurisdiction issues.



Vindicator ago

HI gamepwn. Since this is only based on this guy's comment -- and he may just be a disgruntled ex with an axe to grind -- I'm going to give this the Unverified flair.

vanievilgenius ago

You can say that about any accusation without physical evidence. The list of names offered are definite red flags and suggest something more than just a disgruntled ex.

Vindicator ago

I agree. It's definitely worth researching further.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Agreed. Heck, most of the stuff here, arguably pizzagate itself, may be labelled “unverified”... what’s the point?

letsdothis3 ago

Summary of earlier comment: Sixth Judicial Circuit Court >> Rick Scott >> Fortress Investment Group >> Richard Branson's Brightline

Agreement between AIPF and Terramar Project -

These pedo rings are all connected.

letsdothis3 ago

Susan St. John, Labruzzo and Meyer >> Sixth Judicial Circuit Court Florida

Christopher LaBruzzo is a judge on the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court in Florida. He was appointed by Republican Governor Rick Scott in 2018

Rick Scott and wife invested in parent company bidding on Tampa high-speed rail -

Scott said in June he believes a high-speed rail line from Orlando to Tampa is a good idea. He and his wife last year invested at least $3 million in a credit fund for All Aboard Florida’s parent company, Fortress Investment Group

Voat post re Fortress Investment Group:

Brightline and Virgin Trains USA. After the trains you know that Branson will target the children, right?

Brightline, the Miami-based train and real estate development company that wants to expand to Tampa, has a new partner: the Virgin Group, run by swashbuckling British tycoon Sir Richard Branson.

Brightline announced the partnership Friday and said it would change its name to Virgin Trains USA this month. Virgin Group will make a minority investment in Brightline, which will be managed and operated by Brightline executives and affiliates of its parent company, Fortress Investment Group[1][2][3].

..Fortress founder and co-CEO Wes Edens

..He began his career in 1987 at Lehman Brothers, where he was a partner and managing director until 1993.[6] He then went to BlackRock's private equity division BlackRock Asset Investors, where he remained until 1997 as a partner and managing director.

Michael Novogratz

Prior to joining Fortress, he was a partner at Goldman Sachs where he spent much time abroad including leadership roles in Asia and Latin America....His sister Jacqueline Novogratz is founder and CEO of Acumen Fund,

Re Acumen Fund.. Huma Abedin's cousin, Omar Amanat, convicted in fraud case involving fake emails...

More at that link..

allonthesameteam ago

Blackrock is coming up more and more in this tangled web.

SandHog ago

Hmm. That's ground zero for Scientology too, isn't it? Don't they basically own the whole town?

Rondiggity ago

I'm about an hour south of Clearwater. Clearwater is the headquarters for Scientology, yes. They own a ton of "Office buildings" that they furnish and leave completely empty. In order to maintain their tax exempt status, they have to reinvest the money they take in, so this is how they do it. These empty buildings could be used for any number of depraved things.

Reymrgapurple ago

its a big hub for that.

derram ago :

Whistleblower Ronald Bernard on the cabal sacrificing children - YouTube

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Reymrgapurple ago

florida need i say more.