TryingtoSurviveOn95 ago

You left out that NYPD is there. The vid circling Twitter shows NYP tapping windows closed with home Depot boxes as a drone operator looks in... I am not impressed. It's like the fox guarding the hen house at this point. No one arrested, no one held to account... Yawning....

carmencita ago

Holy Cowabunga. Are they going to report the evidence or hide it. That is the question. Just Wow 😮.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

washingtonexaminer -

dailymail -

Vindicator ago

Thank you.

tech-adm ago

The same FBI who helped destroy Hillary's evidence - not exactly hopeful at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if they planted something fake on Trump instead.

Vindicator ago

I'm encouraged that CBP is there.

septimasexta ago

Captain Nautica of the Disney Cruise partners with the Pizza Pi boat..uh huh...

NinaSparrow ago

But of course 🙄


Vindicator ago

Now what would they be looking for in the surrounding water, I wonder?

maurice1 ago

I wonder if they're looking for tunnels?

Remember back a few months ago, someone posted about new construction on the island and underground explosions. Maybe they're looking for traces of computer equipment or hell, even bodies.