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think- ago

[OP continued]

Mr. Epstein appears to have gained entree into the scientific community through John Brockman, a literary agent whose bestselling science writers include Richard Dawkins, Daniel Goleman and Jared Diamond.

In 2004, Mr. Brockman hosted a dinner at the Indian Summer restaurant in Monterey, Calif., where Mr. Epstein was introduced to scientists, including Seth Lloyd, the M.I.T. physicist. Mr. Lloyd said that he found Mr. Epstein to be “charming” and to have “interesting ideas,” although they “turned out to be quite vague.”

Also at the Indian Summer dinner, according to an account on the website of Mr. Brockman’s Edge Foundation, were the Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page and Jeff Bezos, who was accompanied by his mother.

Mr. Brockman was Mr. Gell-Mann’s agent, and Mr. Gell-Mann, in the acknowledgments section of his 1995 book “The Quark and the Jaguar,” thanked Mr. Epstein for his financial support.

Mr. Pinker said he had never taken any financial or other support from Mr. Epstein. “Needless to say, I find Epstein’s behavior reprehensible,” he said.

Mr. Thorne, who recently won a Nobel Prize, said he attended Mr. Epstein’s 2006 conference, believing it to be co-sponsored by a reputable research center. Other than that, “I have had no contact with, relationship with, affiliation with or funding from Epstein,” he said. “I unequivocally condemn his abhorrent actions involving minors.”

Lee McGuire, a spokesman for Mr. Lander, said he has had no relationship with Mr. Epstein. “Mr. Epstein appears to have made up lots of things,” Mr. McGuire said, “and this seems to be among them.”

**While he might have been truly interested in eugenics and transhumanism for his personal gain, please keep in mind that he very likely is a Mossad (and CIA) agent, so he possibly tried to collect info on scientific research for Mossad (and maybe the CIA as well).