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Vindicator ago

@letsdothis3, I'm going to give this the "Unverified" flair for now. The source you've linked is not the originator of the story. At the very bottom in tiny print it states it was originally published by When you go there, you see another somewhat sketchy site with no "About" page listing editors or writers. Instead, it says

The Swamp is powered by Vocal creators. You support Johnny Vedmore by reading, sharing and tipping stories...

The Swamp is powered by Vocal. Vocal is a platform that provides storytelling tools and engaged communities for writers, musicians, filmmakers, podcasters, and other creators to get discovered and fund their creativity.

How does Vocal work? Creators share their stories on Vocal’s communities. In return, creators earn money when they are tipped and when their stories are read.

How do I join Vocal? Vocal welcomes creators of all shapes and sizes. Join for free and start creating.

To learn more about Vocal, visit our resources.

It appears to be similar to Steemit. But when you click a few more links, you get this page showing a bunch of executives and this page advertising a bunch of Big Tech Swamp news. Fishy, since folks like that have universally censored this type of investigation and exposure prior to now.

It doesn't add up.

The author of the original piece claims to be a founding member of the site:

Follow me @JohnnyVedmore. I'm a UK based Singer, Songwriter, Political Investigative Journalist, Legalise Cannabis Advocate and Leader of UWIP The United Wales Independence Party. FREE WALES!!! Host of Proper Gander.

I think this is a bunch of opportunists taking advantage of the Epstein furor to shill their various platforms and ads (in his case, cannabis).

We need to independently verify the claims being made, here.

letsdothis3 ago

Okay, let's look into that platform a bit more.. I'm doing this because firstly, the 'unverified' flair gives the impression that the information in the article is incorrect or fabricated.. which it isn't, and secondly, I'm wondering why this information is being put out now.

If you go to the bottom of the About Vocal page, we have Jerrick Ventures LLC

Here they are with a list of their staff members:

CEO is Jeremy Frommer : (from his CV) University at Albany, SUNY and London School of Economics .. you know where this is going, right?

You'll note that he was President of Overnight Productions: Founded by film producer Rick Schwartz, Overnight produced films such as 50 Cent's “13”, Tim Robin's The Lucky Ones, Lindsay Lohan's Labor Pains, and Robert Rodriguez’s Machete.

Founder is Justin Maury Reading the article you'll see that once again we are dealing with globalists and the deep state.

So, what is behind this take down of Epstein?

Vindicator ago

Reading the article you'll see that once again we are dealing with globalists and the deep state.

Yes, that's exactly me my point. We need to vet everything as well as we can, because I think they are throwing out a lot of chaff to keep toxic Epstein-juju from tainting them.

Do we have sources to corroborate the information other than your original link that aren't obviously MSM/globalist controlled? I will gladly removed the flair if we do.

think- ago

@Vindicator, could you please make a list of the statements in the original article you have a problem with - I don't see anything that seems to be fishy.

Thank you.

Carbyne is clearly a Mossad front company.

letsdothis3 ago

Okay, that makes sense. Just listening now to an interview with him on the Richie Allen Show (can't stand him) but .. it's here: .. starts at ca. @57:00 m.

Vedmore talks about Carbyne911 and connects it to Amdocs

The company was founded in 1982 in Israel as an offshoot of Golden Pages, the Israeli phone directory company, which was owned by the Aurec Group headed by Morris Kahn.

..He is the founder of Golden Pages Israel, Amdocs, the Aurec Group, Coral World and other companies. Through Coral World he founded several marine parks around the world, including the underwater observatory in Eilat, Israel.

Coral World is a marine park and tourist attraction located next to Coki Beach on the East End of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands.

Note the name William Bohlke (a former pilot). On FB he's connected to Adam M Sahiro, a pilot, who runs in the same circles as Dan Nicolosi who works for Epsrein. So I assume the others do as well.

Need to look further when I have more time.

Here's Junkermann at the Vatican