YogSoggoth ago

I said this a long time ago, that Laurens kids were PG related. There is a pizza slice with two butterflies flying out, and I have to sit there and stare at them at the stoplight knowing what it means. We have more vanity plates than anywhere on the planet I would imagine.Taxes at work.

theooeht ago

Yeah, I got a weird vibe about this case a couple of days ago. At first, I was overjoyed, but then this feeling of futility hit and I would bet anyone this ain't going anywhere. Those hypes about people talking, etc., just wishful thinking.

This will not go well.

Oh_Well_ian ago

just shut the fuck up Debbie Downer

theooeht ago

Who me?

Hey, I'm keeping it real. What was it a month ago ... two months ... Q said to be prepared. For what? Nothing's happened! And there's more mass migrations and the harpys are still yapping and now we have Mrs. Smollett walking back her story with no ramifications for lying. Really false hopes are just that. Remember all the hope surrounding Weinstein and NXiVM?

But I do understand. You're trying to keep positive and there I am putting the opposite out there. I've lost hope. I really have.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You're a Liar...

Border crossings are down by 85% since President Trump leveraged Mexi's into putting 4,000 troops on the border.

Smollet case has been re-opened.

NXIVM case has led to the Royal Family landing in the crosshairs.

Look... Maybe you're just a lazy mother fucker and all your moping has kept your head in your ass.

Nahhh.. you're a downer shill.. A fucking piece of shit, at that.

theooeht ago

Somebody's wrathful today.

Not biting.

YogSoggoth ago

McCawley can also be McCualey, or McCauly(4). Jewish from Ireland I suppose. I know one of the four for instance. Art school connection in my home town is Ringling Art School. That is the focus of the investigation here in my hometown, which defends your hometown. I live in extreme elite town. Garbofantasticallistic decor.

septimasexta ago

Macaulay Culkin? Must have a Jewish relative.

YogSoggoth ago

Some families change names like clothes, from what I've observed.

markusANT ago

Stop GeoEngineering Message from J. Marvin Herndon Ph.D.


CITIZENS OF ALL NATIONS: We stand together united against a common peril. Planet Earth and her lifeforms are under assault. No, this is not an alien attack from another world. This is an attack by alien creatures that have risen among us, monsters whose unbridled ignorance, arrogance, greed, and thirst for power have no limits. Worse, the monsters have absolutely no concern for the well-being of humanity, not even for their own families.

UNIVERSITY SCIENTISTS should tell the truth. Instead, they deceive the public by talking about geoengineering as if it is some future possibility. Are their heads buried in the sand? Do they not see what is happening in the air above them? Do they not question? Have they no concerns even for their own families?

ARTIFICIAL CLOUDS, sprayed by tanker-jets, have been reported with ever increasing frequency for at least fifteen years. Since about 2013, it has ramped-up to full operational level over America and elsewhere on the globe. But what are they spraying? No answers from authorities. Just silence or lies. Why the secrecy? Why? Because there is strong evidence that the main substance they are spraying is coal fly ash, a toxic-nightmare that can be inhaled or enter through skin and eyes. Our bodies’ moisture is all that is required to release a host of toxins in chemically mobile forms, including aluminum, implicated in neurological diseases. The monsters are poisoning humanity.

TO MEMBERS OF NATIONAL SCIENCE ACADEMIES, I say this: Tell the truth about what has been happening in the air above us, warn people of the dangers, the risks to health, admit that knowledgeable scientists have too little understanding of the Earth’s complex behavior to even consider geoengineering.

TO POLITICIANS I say this: Serve the interests of the people who elected you. Stop this geoengineering insanity.

TO THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT I say this: If you haven’t done so already, initiate an investigation into the crimes against humanity perpetrated under the guise of geoengineering.

AND TO ALL THOSE WHO STRUGGLE to bring an end to this inhumane activity: I salute you. And I thank you.