Bern666 ago

The DAY you understand this is a battle between Maleficium and are awake.

At the top it is and will always be the good (god guys) otherwise you wouldnt be here.

Bern666 ago

No one in the hbtq movement or in anyway deviants to Gods creation is a friend of God. They are not in Gods plan and THEY hate him for it, seth or satan he welcomes them in all their decadence. From the top child murdering pedophile to the gays........they ALL have their need. But if you look at humankind in evolution THEY always dies out, their genes are not sustainable. To act to create something in life as in transhumanism is to act against in reality is that going for you? Little witches you have no F idea who you are up against. KS dead PR dead GV dead and many many others are dead. Just keep the fire UP and soon all of you will be 🔥


siegnagel ago

Yep that's what I thought, but you know Q is a LARP :/

Vindicator ago

@gamepwn, can you explain and provide a supporting link to the Kappy video you're referencing per rule 2? Thanks. I'll give you the edit flair.

gamepwn ago

Sure, just did.

Vindicator ago


Thinkfaest ago

Remember in Kappy last video he said Q would probably mention him. I’m guessing this is the area where Kappy was entangled.

theooeht ago

Good call.

I would say you're right.

Otto- ago

Yeah, freakin' good way to circle back. Could that mean the footage was taken somewhere on St. James or in the Virgin Islands? Either way a venue made to look like an old bathhouse. No windows or sign of daytime in the video, plus Caucasian looking girls.

theooeht ago

Or it could just be in Syria and hinting the same thing goes on on Little St. James.

It's scary to think little children could have been kept there. Plenty ways to steal kids and keep them captive.

think- ago

@gamepwn, you might want to write a short intro to your post, and connect the dots, as required by the rules, so that newbies will understand what it is about. Thank you. :-)

On a sidenote - another speculative 'Q' post - sigh (sorry, @gamepwn).

Lobotomy ago

Stop worshipping your false god, Q.

Vindicator ago

Name checks out.

Lobotomy ago

Don't be so blind.

Otto- ago

Heckin' aye, thank you guys for the defending Q, never felt such camaraderie. I can relate to those same stories & I've seen it's never a waste to at least look into the subjects, scandals & history.

siegnagel ago

Q posters and Anons are the most productive of Anons. Why do you think if Q is a LARP that the NSA or MI use those Anons for research? Because they never fucking stop. Ethos Dig Meme Pray is their life. If a LARP is bridging society and bringing Anons world wide together to uncover corruption and SRA I'm all for it. WWG1WGA.

Vindicator ago

Except that is the opposite of what is happening. Everyone I know who follows Q has gotten actively involved -- either in politics, redpilling their friends and family, researching, etc. I know several people who have taken their kids out of school and started homeschooling to avoid vaccine requirements, and two who started a local group to stop drag queen story hour at our local library, all normies who woke up because Q has mainstreamed stuff they would have dismissed as "conspiracy theories" in the past. You are just repeating a brainless talking point.

Lobotomy ago

It's such a shame to see pizzagate research die this way.

KillerKap ago

PG isnt dead. You just multiplied the number of researchers tenfold. Stop complaining and start digging.

Lobotomy ago

It's going to die if you put all of your stock in Q, instead of researching on your own.

argosciv ago

NotHereForPizza ago


That's what I've been trying to get you guys to get to.

This is the gut feeling I had when those pictures were first posted. I take it you saw when I posted the video a few times afterwards.

Hispeedtim2876 ago

Go search for Isaac Kappy bath house video,,,scroll and find result from Godlike production,,,,read ,,,,what is the country of Jersey? Now choose not to agree to terms,,,when you click on it it brings you to ???? WTH?

God_Before_Anything ago

It's always done that...I used to be a frequent visitor to Godlike Productions.

fogdryer ago

didn't Rahm also attend bathhouses

rickman2 ago

Oh wow that page makes references to hanky codes being used on party invites for one of Obama's alledged lovers. Right back in 2006 they were making jokes about it.

Billie Frist sends out sexy party invites - Tennessee Guerilla Women, April 2006

Frist's Southern Hospitality - Washington Post, April 2006

Lansing-Michigan ago

Yes.....have read he and Obomba both went........from a journalist I trust....who went to Chicago to investigate.

Battlefat ago

Where’s Aleppo?

— some faggot

Blacksmith21 ago

Who else likes bathhouses? Bathhouse Barry, of course! No coincidences.

auralsects ago

All faggots like bath houses. Don't be modest I read your 1993 doctoral dissertation on gay bathhouse etiquette

Blacksmith21 ago

Sounds like the voice of experience.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Alright, which one of you faggots did this? ;)

Former names - Q Sent Me

@gamepwn @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

@think- @heygeorge check it out, lol

Otto- ago


MadWorld ago

I think @argosciv might have done it. He sounded proud when he brought up the subject in the chatroom.

argosciv ago

Lmfao, no that wasn't me, I don't use my mobile for anything.

Just found it on qrv and had to laugh.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Funny stuff. :-). @argosciv did you do this?

argosciv ago

Nope, see reply to MadWorld above.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It made me do a double take,for sure. Giggled all afternoon. What fun could be had by rewriting wiki.

argosciv ago

It was pretty damn funny to see. Normally I wouldn't at all condone messing with wiki (considering that bad actors have tried to mess with us in doing so), but I laughed my arse off at this one.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The bad actors writing wiki to begin with could definitely use some messing with, but i understand your point.

Would be nice if they could just stick to the facts.

Vindicator ago

That truly would be a "new world order", LOL.

Vindicator ago

Nice catch, LOL

maurice1 ago

We need a haha reaction on here. I swear that's funny.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I had to reload the page twice, just to make sure. Best laugh all day.

maurice1 ago

I checked the wiki link. They've fixed it now.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Not before we got it.


We have it all,




Vindicator ago

What happened to R, S, T and U?

We do have quite a damn bit, don't we?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What happened to R, S, T and U?

Um, we might have different words for those Initials. What do those mean?

Vindicator ago

You quoted Q, and signed it "V"

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It took a minute for me to figure out what goes between Q and V, singing the 'alphabet song' helped.

I thought it was more like 'Republicans Snort Trumps Unmentionables'. :)

Jehoshaphat ago

I was going to mention that. Some refer to Hussein as 'Bathhouse Barry'. This is tied to the culture of his youth.

YogSoggoth ago

Actually in the first gay area of San Francisco men who were prostituting themselves would wear their pants so underwear would show for prospective clients. That was the bath house street. If only the urban kids knew that, they would probably not be dressing like that.