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letsdothis3 ago

Powerline fire in Grant County burns thousands of acres, threatens homes and farms

A wildfire burning in Grant County is threatening homes and farms near Mattawa. People in more than a dozen homes and businesses have been evacuated and local and state officials have told others living in the area to be ready to evacuate.

Re Grant County : Promis, Systematics, Alltel, Little Rock Arkansas, Clintons and Obamas, and the Stephens Family, Worthen Bank (now B of A)

For anyone who hasn't heard of PROMIS, it is software linked to a complex network of domestic and global spying involving every president since the 1980s. A company in Little Rock, Arkansas -- Systematics, Inc. -- is alleged to be behind adapting the PROMIS software to their core banking systems allowing backdoor access to data used to predict changes in the global economy and perhaps even launder money.

The company was started by Jackson Stephens -- Bill Clinton's former financier -- and Systematics installed their core banking systems in major financial institutions across the globe throughout three decades. In 1990, the company was bought out by Alltel, changing it's name.

The Clintons, Bush Sr., and the CIA are alleged to be deeply involved in many of the crimes said to have been committed through PROMIS. In fact, PROMIS software is linked to facilitating the covert funding of unauthorized intelligence operations.

...1948 - Grant County Telephone Company...

Witt Stephens sells Grant County Telephone Co. to Hugh Wilbourn and Charlie Miller. This launches a fifty-year relationship and leads to the evolution of global telecom giant Alltel.

Danny Casolaro was found dead in a hotel bathtub at the Sheraton hotel in August 1991 — the official verdict was suicide.

At the time of his death, he was investigating a sprawling criminal conspiracy he labelled ‘The Octopus’. Casolaro’s starting point for his investigation was a real criminal case — a wide-ranging Washington scandal involving allegations that the US Government had stolen software company Inslaw’s PROMIS program and added illegal back doors in order to spy on foreign governments.

Casolaro called his conspiracy ‘Octopus’ for a reason, as he followed the trail from PROMIS to reveal a much larger story, one that encompassed such seemingly disparate events as the October surprise, the collapse of bank BBCI and the illegal drugs and arms trade — all orchestrated by a secret cabal of global elites.

Ghislaine Maxwell cites Mueller Report in court petition to keep Epstein records sealed

In case you are unaware, based only on Ghislaine's father's history distributing the pilfered PROMIS software around the world, GM was obviously working for an intelligence organization to get extreme blackmail material on numerous prominent people. There is a book on Robert Maxwell's activities titled 'Robert Maxwell, Israel's Superspy' describing his work.

I wonder if her sister took over from Robert: see - The sister of Ghislaine Maxwell is CEO of a data search technology company used by the FBI !