Jo99pine ago

So was that polygraph about alefantis, stormy, Schneiderman and weiner real?

Blacksmith21 ago

I looked up the polygrapher myself and and found another case which used the same format to detail their findings. Same guy on both docs. Unless the document is faked and I'm not seeing it, I'd say it's real.

Jo99pine ago

Interesting. I had heard about james stormy and wiener being at that party in 2007 a couple years ago (not sure of OG source) so when I saw the poly I was like hoky smokes... it is true but then I wasn't sure if the poly was legit. Any idea who was the first sharer of the polygraph image? Thanks for your reply

Blacksmith21 ago

Also, I've been polygraphed multiple times and the language is consistent with what I've seen on my polys, in how they render a judgment. Govspeak is a little different read. This guy was prior law enforcement.

Blacksmith21 ago

Also the photos of Stormy's brand. And Schniederman's involvement too. Weiner would have been anywhere there was pussy to chase. Alefantis was the wringer which ties the whole thing together.

Mammy ago

I am praying your are right, @Blacksmith. I wish I could post the graphic here, but CNN tweeted about the verdict, calling NXIVM a "self help group" which "prosecutors say housed a secret sex cult." Here's the link: CNN Calls NXIVM a Self Help Group

Blacksmith21 ago

That is astounding. Not really. I'm still surrounded by people who won't wake up.

EyeOfHorus ago

I'm sorry you think this will go mainstream. The tribe won't allow that.

Lansing-Michigan ago

It is mainstream......In NYPost .

swampkid ago

I have done a lot of reading after being a part of pizzagate. I usually just read pdfs from the declassified CIA and NSA files on their website. I will look for the pdf I am going to describe, but there was one that they have a base or something where money or supplies needed to be for in Key West.

I know my name is about the President's campaign and stuff, but maybe drain the swamp is more literal than just like draining criminals. Florida is a swamp and when I was younger there were a lot of areas you could not bring your boat which is weird considering everyone has a boat or airboat.

Blacksmith21 ago

100% Cracker

swampkid ago

we used to leave our dishes in the backyard for the animals to lick clean

does that make me a cracker? if it does that I do not care.

Blacksmith21 ago

I dunno. I'm a Cracker. I prefer to use a sink to clean my dishes ; )

newfag322 ago

I must have missed how this connects back to pizzagate. Is commit ping pong, the owner, or Tony Podesta linked to NXIVM by evidence from the trial? Or is it more of the general idea that members of the elite and political societies are connected to the sex cult? Thus confirming suspicions of pizzagate.

letsdothis3 ago

We have connected NXIVM with James Alefantis, see:

DC's Cafritz family foundation appears to have been major funder of BOTH Alefantis' Gallery and NXIVM

AND ...

Maggie Nixon and NXIVM, the John Podesta "14 and fish" photo, and a Clinton email on the Pew Trust

Maggie Nixon - Sarah Nixon - Alefantis - Melissa Moss connection

Sarah Nixon [mother of Maggie] is friends with our buddy James (see her instagram 3_ringcircus or whatever) - but it doesn't stop there....

With sandy blond hair and a nicely antiqued blue Vineyard Vines pullover, Nixon is handsome on the way to craggy. Turns out he and his wife, Sarah Guinan Nixon, own a home on the real Martha’s Vineyard, as well as an inn. He was there yesterday, in fact. But that seems like another life right now. “He’s like a 19th-century explorer,” says his old friend Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “He’s been everywhere.”

..“I’ve seen most of the rivers in the East, and that was the deadest of them all,” says Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who toured the Anacostia with Nixon early on and helped him establish Anacostia Riverkeeper, an advocacy group focused on improving water quality. “It was literally dead—there was nothing in it.” They cast a 100-foot fishing net into the water and came up with exactly three fish—all of them migratory shad, which didn’t even live there full time.

The Waterkeeper Alliance board of directors is a 13-person board composed of 6 members elected from the Waterkeeper Council, 6 members elected from the Trustee Council, and a president elected by the Waterkeeper Alliance membership. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. serves as president of Waterkeeper Alliance's board of directors and the organization's executive director is Marc Yaggi.

Marc Yaggi is in Jeffrey Epstein's LBB btw... along with Christina Oxenberg

letsdothis3 ago

@Vindicator see parent

Vindicator ago

Nice addition :-)

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks. Also, some recent news stories had me looking again at Gavin Newsom (connected to Kennedy and Obama) .. remember Newsom's aide who died young - Chona Sarte-Lagman? [Wrote about her here:] Her husband Eugene Lagman runs a Lollicup franchise in Roseville and has been having dance offs at his establishment for young people since 2009..this video is from 2009 This is in collaboration with D-Trix...

The funny thing is that Lagman joined twitter in 2009. The first person he followed was Barack Obama , the second person was D-TRIX Guess who was his FIRST follower.... BARACK OBAMA

The train that just derailed was on its way to Roseville.

Anyway, have you seen this very creepy video with Newsom and his 2 year old son?

Notice the boy has a black and white handkerchief prominently displayed? Remember what that means? You can find it in this article:

Black and White Handkerchief: torture of a child and sexual abuse

Coincidence? Yeah, I think we need to do another deep dive...

Lansing-Michigan ago

Those at the top who were in control of Comet Ping have to know some back stories.

Vindicator ago

Please see the definition of pizzagate in the sidebar -- it's never been limited to Comet Ping Pong. In fact, pizzagate was a thing weeks before Alefantis' Instagram was even discovered. "Pizzagate" is the abuse of kids by the global elite, or any activity designed to facilitate it or cover it up. NXIVM involved child sex slavery, celebrities, heiresses, politicians as well as fundraising for Clinton.

Blacksmith21 ago

It was "pizzagate" re: "cheese pizza".

Vindicator ago


MaxBlock50 ago

The NXIVM story makes a great red pill. Especially when you consider Schumer is involved.


But bronfmans are still only implicated in Racketeering so far?

Blacksmith21 ago

All of the CP, trafficking, etc. charges for Raniere were "Racketeering" charges as well. Read inside the parentheses.


racketeering is a different charge than child trafficking.

bronfmans were charged with different crimes.

I think bronfmans are guilty, but I see no signs they are being implicated in the court proceedings

auralsects ago

Lol, dude, name me a single Jew who ever went down (besides Madoff who fleeced fellow Jews)

You need to know the power of the organization Bronfman's famous for, and I dont mean the poisonous alcohol or entertainment: the World Jewish Congress got him personally negotiating with Gorbachev.

Jews have successfully and publicly blackmailed entire nations for money for their fake Holocaust

Or to import millions of niggers into Sweden

The president of South Korea, a top tier economy, was literally deposed for being in a Cult. Nobody gave a fuck or even remembers, and that was only 36 months ago.

Point is NXIVM is small-fry compared to these kikes' crimes, of which Pizzagate is just one of the means to their ends.

Blacksmith21 ago

A scalp is a scalp. Bronfman's will have their turn.

derram ago :


✔︎ Sexual Exploitation of Children - PROVEN ✔︎ Child Sex Trafficking - PROVEN ✔︎ Child Pornography - PROVEN ✔︎ Human Trafficking - PROVEN ✔︎ Conspiracy - PROVEN ✔︎ Blackmail - PROVEN ✔︎ Slavery - PROVEN…"

This has been an automated message.

Blacksmith21 ago

Can you eat popcorn @Derram?