Vindicator ago

Hi there @theOldOnes. Since we never dound a link to the elite for this, or to anything related to kids, I have to remove it now for Rule 1. Go ahead and add the url to this post to your pgwhatever crosspost so people can find it again easily if they can't remember what to search for:

pittsburghisapedoden ago

The Czech Republic like all nations has a history of the occult. Prague is well known for witchcraft.

theoldones ago

i'm good at researching the occult angle. name me the groups, people, and magic to look at

Vindicator ago

Thanks @theoldones. This sounds pretty twisted all right. Unfortunately, we have to have a connection to elite child abuse in order to leave it up here. I will give this our 24 Hour Grace flair, in case anyone can find a connection. After that, we'll have to take it down if nothing turns up. The flair should give it some eyeballs, though. This sounds very much like NXIVM.

theoldones ago

yeah, i kinda had to a double take, there was so many red flags in this one.

biggest point that sticks out to me, the last ownership update is from 2016, but, who owns it now?

Vindicator ago

is there people in the sub, who could find the correct real estate info?

Probably. That's why I flaired it. The place to look would be tax assessment records. The challenge is, these are going to be in a foreign language.

I was going to ping @CatsControltheEU, who spoke Russian and might have been able to help, but I just saw that he deleted his account for some reason. :-( Any idea why he nuked his account? He seemed like a decent sort.

theoldones ago

he was tired of drama and went to poal

i know how to contact him actually, let me call him up

Vindicator ago

Was it because Putt unbanned the pedo voat brigaders?

theoldones ago

also, i sent him a message on poal, but that account was active only 11 days ago, so coin toss on whether or not i hear back

Vindicator ago

Well, Kev is on Paol. I called him out on some of his bullshit, and he made a fake account over there in my name. I made a post proving it, and within five minutes he wrote a dismissive TL;DR comment and slapped a Disinfo flair on it.

He's howling about Redditmods while going all-out Redditmod. It bears a striking resemblance to Alinsky.

theoldones ago

kevdude and post flairs is a minor problem on PV right now. the madlad seriously said to leave if you werent happy with him abusing tags lol

Vindicator ago

Well, CatsControltheEU is the third serious pedo-hunting account that has self-deleted in the past few weeks.

theoldones ago

he doesnt like kevdude, or his mod conduct, i think

Vindicator ago

LOL. Have him lurk my recent comment history. Kev's a douche.

He should come back and help clean up Voat.

grantedrights ago

stop the mysogonie .. btw my ccp was moved to -4 from 28 in a flash after my last post .. i love these free speech echochambers - so i cant post anymore ..

gab doesnt show elsagate, minds - overstock - soros , not to talk about twatter plebbit fakebook etc

the memoryhole is really turbocharge, so cache and share things, even more import talk 2 at least 1 person IRL and alert them

( closedsociety404 proposed this, but i think it is important to suggest some easy solutions beneftting most people as often as possible after naming problems as well ! )

about things going grossly wrong and things ( like demanding from each and any politician to declare income and revenue, this alone can easily cut curroption by half ! ) that are common denomitors beyond the game played with pitting all those various groups against each other !

important as well to watch the global delopments ( china crisper surveillance etc, india aadhar demonetization, .. ) and inform people that the lokal problems are pieces in a much larger puzzle !

so i repeat some points i want to get across : check ahuwahzeus for background info, watch and share

"Utopians" are playing a murderous game of tribal & racial politics we should be moving away from.letting them play divide and conqueer :-D

i didnt post so much, so its easy to click through :-DD especially the sub give the gist easily

media detox - as elsagate type stuff is going main((stream)) - buy local pay cash, and grow some food and share it with people you like.

JT used as i wanted to post the vid and have it autosaved to bitchute , hooktube gone south and invidio looks untrustworthy by now 2 ..

so help people not even paying for strengthening the controll grid as part of the supplychain of oppression

agro chemical medcine porn ( here elsagate ties everything together : read Antisemitismn, Atrazin and why Amazon hates Books ! ) MSM etc here molyneux did one good vid: "your enslavement" good addition to the vid linked here !

auralsects ago

Notion of women having any authority whatsoever confirmed as satanic and perverse

EricKaliberhall ago

But your handler is female...

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Would you please explain our posting rules to @theoldones. You need to delete this, and he crossposted it to v/pizzagatewhatever.

I don't know if the body of the submission will still show up after it has been deleted, but he might need some extra assistance with the cross post. idk, I just archive and serve donqi his coffee laced with saltpetre. ;)

Vindicator ago

I've flaired it for removal tomorrow. We give possible leads like this the 24 Hour Grace flair in case anyone is able to turn up an elite connection.

@New4now @letsdothis3 -- ever heard of this cult before?

new4now ago

Saw this visual

It's cracking me up

Not sure I want to look. Lol


Vindicator ago

Good Lord. Definitely reverse NXIVM. Blech!

new4now ago

It does go with those clubs we were looking into though

I believe this is the group CDAN had in blinds

All female, had to have something

Forgot all of it, most were guessing trans kids, maybe it's a Male slave

There's been a few blinds

new4now ago

Never heard of it

Her Majesty Patricia I., the Empress of the Womania Empire and Queen of the OWK is therefore asking all OWK followers and fans for a financial contribution (donation), intended exclusively for the roof and outside wall reconstruction of the Tower.

Donations can be made not only by the endless number of slaves, servants or submissive visitors, who in the last 19 years have stayed in the OWK Area, but also by "remote" supporters and fans of the OWK

Will see what I can find

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Good, so little info so far. Can't dig very well, maybe some of our EU researchers will be able to turn up some more.

auralsects ago

LMFAO did u ever see the video I made all about Sweden being ruined by women? It was the 2nd country to let them vote, now look at it HAHAHAHAHA

I made another one of all the nigger cock they suck, inviting "refugees" into their homes to fuck them and not reporting it when they rape their daughters.

Finnish women (first worldwide to get the vote) pay migrants 20 euros for sex at train stations.

grantedrights ago

stop the mysogonie .. btw my ccp was moved to -4 from 28 in a flash after my last post .. i love these free speech echochambers - so i cant post anymore ..

gab doesnt show elsagate, minds - overstock - soros , not to talk about twatter plebbit fakebook etc

the memoryhole is really turbocharge, so cache and share things, even more import talk 2 at least 1 person IRL and alert them

( closedsociety404 proposed this, but i think it is important to suggest some easy solutions beneftting most people as often as possible after naming problems as well ! )

about things going grossly wrong and things ( like demanding from each and any politician to declare income and revenue, this alone can easily cut curroption by half ! ) that are common denomitors beyond the game played with pitting all those various groups against each other !

important as well to watch the global delopments ( china crisper surveillance etc, india aadhar demonetization, .. ) and inform people that the lokal problems are pieces in a much larger puzzle !

so i repeat some points i want to get across : check ahuwahzeus for background info, watch and share

"Utopians" are playing a murderous game of tribal & racial politics we should be moving away from.letting them play divide and conqueer :-D

i didnt post so much, so its easy to click through :-DD especially the sub give the gist easily

media detox - as elsagate type stuff is going main((stream)) - buy local pay cash, and grow some food and share it with people you like.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

prototheme -

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

wiki -

This would be better in v/pizzagatewhatever @theoldones, until you can find the connection to children and the elites.

We have some excellent researchers here who might be able to help you.


theoldones ago

i can post it over there

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you. I have never heard of this cult before, definitely creepy.

theoldones ago

worst case: another NXIVM

best case: not a trafficker directly, but one node in the areas related social clique

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

chances of involvement are over 50%


From the wiki: Torture Chamber and Schoolroom. Do these women have children?

The main building was the Queen's Palace, which was the residence of the monarch, and contained a banqueting hall, library, throne room, torture chamber, schoolroom, gym, and extensive basement prison, the cells of which could be hired. -

they talk about "male slaves", but where are they getting male slaves?

You're kidding, right? People are willing to tolerate the most vile treatment from others, just for kinks and to feel like they belong to someone or something.

Plus, men are weird.

theoldones ago

Do these women have children?

it's likely, but whether or not they're theirs or someone else's, who knows. also, since this is a kink thing, some of those students and teaching topics, have to be extremely adult