Angelis_Solaris ago

The account who posted the Trojan Unicorn series has been banned from It is findable at this site:

grantedrights ago

so here we were :-D inUNdaTED with unicorn cornocopia via truthstream :-D

WeirdlyEerie ago

In case researchers who are good at following the money want to have a look

WeirdlyEerie ago

Evidently, the BBC is going very soft on NSPCC. Could this be why?


Director of Marketing and Communications at NSPCC is Ali Jeremy, who prior to this had an 8 year career as director of communications at the BBC."

Also: "HumberElla

Another NSPCC trustee is also chairman of Guardian Media Group, Neil Berkett, so I wouldn’t hold out much hope for impartial reporting there either."

Piscina ago

This is Jeremy Malcolm: He has a twitter account @qirtaiba He is a paedophile under the guise of 'sex positivity for children'

Also members of Prostasia are:

Meagan Ingerman (Prostasia Foundation) — She is a prostitute AND childcare worker. She says of herself "kinkster tells us what we can learn about child protection from the consensual kink community."

She is also an expert on such as kink and gives talks on kink/BDSM for beginners; in other words, she introduces and grooms teenagers into bdsm.

One can assume that Prostasia supporters such as David Green (Electronic Frontier Foundation); Ian O’Brien (Free Speech Coalition) are also paedophiles.

Prostasia is associated with Sex and Culture Org. Their website has photos. Some look like children. Lots of bdsm. One is a photo of a woman with what looks like blood on her face.

Piscina ago

Dr Craig Harper, who wrote this piece on Prostasia has a youtube channel where he says that paedophilia is not child abuse.

WeirdlyEerie ago

Postmodernism is a sophist sorcery imo. It is the use of words to destroy concepts. In the sense of inversion/perversion/diversion, it is anti-nature.

I have witnessed in the classroom many instances of mindcontrol via sophistry. I think that Aristotelian "Rhetoric" has been abandoned in favor of linguistic serfdom.

Rhetoric is now Occult.

Pomo and QT are "Satanic", by my own identifying them as such, as per their own twisted semantic spellcasting. /s It's a classic NLP /BITE/ Duality World induction.

Remember the billboard of Desmond is Amazing with the pedo spiral on his face and the words HYPE and INFLUENCE

This demon seed of QT is a weaponized meme to sterilize the college degree seeking middle class.

At the same time, it renders infinite numbers of child victims unto the beasts gaping maw.

Meanwhile, HYPE and INFLUENCE reign in the Augmented Reality Gameshow we call social media.

Hype and influence. Those are rhetorical devices which shift the brain via suggestion. Nuance, emotion, insider vs outsider, activated almonds.

Meanwhile the elite adrenochrome addicts bet on the teeming masses yearning to breathe what price a bargain basement soul for debasement?

It's just occult for atheists. Remember satanists like to think of themselves as wry humanists.

Yes this is my sole soul drunkpost on this forum. Peace out

Angelis_Solaris ago

I don't understand this social spellcasting thing. Is there a report which explains it?


the drunk speaks truth

WeirdlyEerie ago

Hehe thanks. In vino veritas right?

Piscina ago

Great post. Queer Theory is a perfect entrée for paedophiles to get mainstreamed. Academics the world over (mostly gay men) are touting the benefits of 'intergenerational sex' aka incest and 'boy love' based on Queer Theory.

NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) is supposed to be a 'charity campaigning and working in child protection in the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands'. Instead, it is doing the opposite: indoctrinated, grooming and sexualising children. It recently engaged Munroe Bergdoff as its Childline ambassador. Bergdoff is a transvestite who has posed for Playboy. He has called women 'hairy barren dykes'. He hates women. His contribution to womanhood has been to fetishise the subordination of women and an astronomical plastic surgery bill.

This is James Makings, who works as Celebrity and Talent Manager for NSPCC & Childline. This is James in bondage and S&M gear, wearing a condom over his head.

This is an example of the indoctrination by NCPSS of children.. This is NCPSS grooming children with concepts such as 'polysexual, pansexual, homoflexible, heteroflexible, demisexual, bycurious'. All these terms come straight from Judith Butler's Queer Theory--a horribly turgid, verbose and tortuous read. She seeks to confuse the reader with her verbosity and academic-speak.

Interesting that the CEO of NCPSS is Peter Wanless, who, in July 2014, was appointed by the British government to head a review into historical sex abuse claims. Not surprisingly, the review "found nothing to support a concern that files had been deliberately or systematically removed or destroyed to cover up organised child abuse".

WeirdlyEerie ago

Thanks for an amazing post. I have been trying to get up to speed on that NSPCC thing, too, and your comment is an excellent roundup.

Reading the mumsnet thread and someone shared employee reviews of working for NSPCC. Toxic front.

I'm on this page in that thread And someone shared a screenshot of a tweet from another creepy af "new child protective charity" sayung how open they are to LGBTQ + send your donations to them instead of NSPCC. "Prostasia" I get a really sick feeling about Prostasia. Here's the mumsnet thread on them


Piscina ago

James Makings, the fat gay dude in the fetish gear who works for CHildline of National Centre for the Prevention uploaded a recording of himself in fetish gear announcing that he's pissing and wanking whilst at work for a children's safety charity. Those people calling for his dismissal are being labelled 'homophobic'

Piscina ago

Thanks. The first link to mumsnet talks about the fact that NCPSS is giving all that inappropriate info to children.--info about sex.

I have just read the Prostasia stuff. oh my dear lord. they are friggin paedophiles hiding behind a 'prevent child abuse' flag. Sheer hypocrisy.

letsdothis3 ago

OMG. Thanks for bringing Prostasia to my attention. Definitely needs looking into

WeirdlyEerie ago

Wow I am really glad I pinged you, but on the other hand I nearly threw up reading that.

Check out the mumsnets threads, they are verbose but if you skim for links very interesting tangents and leads crop up. Blessings!


Despite "banning" Trans people from the military, Donald Trump is NORMALIZINGand HASTENING the LGBT agenda too

The following is an example of Political Theater. Trump elevated Morgan thru Celebrity Apprentice, Morgan is playing the "Voice of Reason" to Trump's "Voice of Tradition"

British commentator and former “Celebrity Apprentice” winner Piers Morgan pressed President Trump in an interview about the president's public support of the LGBTQ community while issuing a ban on transgender people serving in the military.

Morgan, in an interview that aired Wednesday on “Good Morning Britain,” asked Trump why he felt the “need to ban transgender people” from the military.

“This week, you tweeted your support for the LGBT community around the world where they’re being persecuted or excluded,” Morgan said. “Which does prompt the obvious question: If you feel that protective of the LGBT community, why did you feel the need to ban transgender people from serving in the U.S. military?”

Trump said it was because transgender people “take massive amounts of drugs.”

“They have to ... and you’re not allowed to take drugs,” Trump said. “You’re not allowed to take any drugs. You take an aspirin. And they have to after the operation. They have to. They have no choice. They have to.”

Morgan pointed out to the commander in chief that the cost of medication for transgender troops is “minuscule” compared to the U.S. military’s budget.

“The U.S. military spends a lot more money on, for example, giving Viagra to servicemen than it does actually on medical bills for transgender people,” the host added.

Trump said he didn’t know that statistic.

“So it just seems to me an unnecessary thing for a guy who wants to be supportive of the LGBT rights and the community around the world, that you’ve taken this action,” Morgan told the president.

Trump responded, “It is what it is.”

The underlying Transgender Ideology is never addressed, the "problem" is framed as one of military readiness, drug use, and economic costs.

@kingkongwaswrong @Crensch @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

will any of the mods denounce Trumps' Tranny Agenda?

derram ago :

Dr EM on Twitter: "I just published The Trojan Unicorn: Queer Theory and Paedophilia, Part I."

This has been an automated message.