LetsTalk2 ago

I suspect his website was taken down at the advice of a lawyer. I also suspect since the passing of the child victims act, a lawsuit will be filed soon. If you google Matthew Lazarus, Child Victims Act, you can watch a video of him speaking at the capital. Also, if you visit the Westchester County Taxation website, for $20 you can view Marsh Sanctuary’s incorporation documents filed electronically. The owners of Marsh Sanctuary include Nelson Peltz, Tommy Mottola, and Stanley Jaffee. Aren’t some of those names friends with Epstein? Also, apparently Christian has a new project, which can be found via his Instagram. It’s called the head hunter. You should check it out.

SearchVoatBot ago

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gamepwn ago

Thank you for this! I just made a thread on it with the new information.


I sent you a DM if you are Matthew. In it is my email you can contact me with.

think- ago

Thanks for the heads-up.


Nipplesurfer ago

Err... shill?

And I don't believe you. You are either just as defective cognitively as a boomer is bud. Can only worth with what you give me.

Nipplesurfer ago

1Lol. This is pretty comical shit. So far, even with just the information you have, you could easily find out who I am. You know that though, I suspect, it's why you went with deflection.

You handlers have been busy since I posted that btw. Over a dozen bites.

As far as your insinuation that I'm some kind of employee or agent, you know better than that. Or should by now.

Thing is, I really really do know you. I know your generation. I've been watching, pushing, and fighting against what you've done to the world for my entire life. I know you.

We were the butt of jokes to you 'people' for about a year before you decides we weren't interesting enough to care about. You decided being distracted by something else, ANYTHING else was better than being confronted with the inescapable proof of your narcissism and solopsist obsession with 'me me me mine mine mine!'. Your interest faded in just over a year. We don't get that option. We get to do this every day for the rest of our lives and it never stops for us, ever.

I've been watching more closely since I got out of service. The ONLY reason the vast majority of you bqqmers can convince yourselves you even give half a shit about these kids is because the correct jew told you to.

You care right now because it's politically convenient to your handlers. When the election is over you will once again forget any of us ever happened.

That's not a prophecy boomer, that's a pattern of behavior. You're being played and nudged toward 'muh pizzagate' because they need a foil to use against the other group of jews you handed the country (and us) to in the eighties. And when the correct jew tells you to care about something else, you'll go pretend to care about something else.

This has been your generational pattern of behavior for fifty years.

Whatever you believe you've accomplished here on this far flung free speech life raft with all your scrapbooking and grousing, it is truvial. It has accomplished exactly nothing that really matters. It is a place for you to come and virtue signal at each other until your handlers tell you to be outraged about something else. You don't actually care about any of it, and the proof of that is that youre sitting here virtue signaling and being outraged at me for callung you out instead actually doing anything of substance.

So you keep on keeping on there rabbi. Do you understand why no one cares about anything you hqve to say yet? Because your programmed pre responses are so utterly predicted and hard wired into you that hearing them is unecessary. All we have to do to figure put what you believe is put on Hannity or Tucker or Ru Paul. Your talking points are their talking points.

So no.

I don't actually know.

I only care about things that are true. And the pattern of your behavior and motivations dictate more than any other indicator that these things are simply true.

NotHereForPizza ago

I have exactly one single account at this website. I'll never make another.

Fuck yourself.

21yearsofdigging ago

Of Course this connects to dickhead, Tim Burton! I worked with that guy, he thought cannibalism was hilarious! Fucking goof

Awareness4All ago

Tim Burton is one of the key pieces to this puzzle. In fact, I’ve realized that if we played connect the dots (dots representing PG’s major known concerns) he is connected to almost all of them.

3141592653 ago

What a harrowing story. And, try to forgive yourself. You did nothing wrong, although I understand your regret. And ignore that venom-spewing shill. Keep up the good work.

SearchVoatBot ago

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thislionsheart ago

Googled Christian. Looks SO PSYCHOTIC and like SUCH a baby raper to be perfectly honest. Looking into his eyes shows great fuckery. Damn evil.

Vindicator ago

Looks like it was up until Jan 2018: http://web.archive.org/web/2018*/https://www.mywarface.org/

gamepwn ago

If only I could find an achieved version of the website with the full blog.

LetsTalk2 ago

Apparently you need 10 points to DM someone.

Vindicator ago

You're almost there LT2. Make a couple more comments, and you'll be able to DM.

gamepwn ago

Are you Matthew/know him? I can DM you my email

Vindicator ago

Maybe Google cache?

I've taken to archiving things religiously when I see them, especially more obscure sites like that. You just never know when they're going to get scrubbed.

Vindicator ago

How could you have helped him, gamepwn?

gamepwn ago

I don't know I often think about that. I wonder what he wanted to tell me. Did he want me to get the story out? I have no idea.

Vindicator ago

I remember you DMing me at the time, asking about what to do and we both were worried it was a set up. As I recall, that was only very shortly after Trump won. Security was a huge concern back then. People were constantly getting doxxed and threatened -- Bigfish, Liz Crokin, Abortionburger, Will Craddick. Then there were all the "suicides". Scary times.

Nipplesurfer ago

FIND THIS MAN. You let yet another vet get chewed up and eaten, you fucking fuck, and you could have helped him.

I hope you fucking burn.

think- ago

You let yet another vet get chewed up and eaten, you fucking fuck, and you could have helped him.

I hope you fucking burn.

You don't know anything about @gamepwn's work for the Pizzagate movement, or the background of this story.

But I do.

If you came here to stir up shit, member for 12 days, you can just fuck off to where you came from.

u/Nipplesurfer member for 12 days - 0 scp - 43 ccp - 0 submissions to v/pizzagate

u/gamepwn member for 2.2 years -10933 scp - 2245 ccp - 149 submissions to v/pizzagate

@sandhog - just fyi

Nipplesurfer ago


You don't get to do the same shit everyone else does.

Do you think you sitting here scrapbooking is helping us? Did it help us in the 80's fuckface? If I told you my name and you took a little walk down memory lane you'd rethink that fucking stance pretty fucking quick cupcake.

Like him, once I was able, I enlisted, and like him, once I got out, everyone everywhere that made a claim of 'support' had 0 real life meaning or effect.


You don't get to just shrug. Fuck yourself and fucking die in a fucking fire boomer. I KNOW YOU.

I know the limitations of your boomer ability to commit to anyrhing outside your personal fakery. I suffered for it for years.

So now this guy is out there and not onve, but now twice, your bqqmer narcissism is going to cost him everyrhing.

You are a fucking disease.

And I was here long before you boomer, and will be long after.

think- ago

And I was here long before you boomer, and will be long after.

No, I have been here for 1.6 years, you only signed up 12 days ago.


Nipplesurfer ago

Boomer, your penchant for straw men, and your ability to contort your own perceptions aside, even you have to be aware that this is not reddit. The same rules do not apply here.

So, if you've warped your own thinking into believing an account's age is the signifier of it's user's time here, you're gonna have a bad time.

Lol have you really been operating under that belief this whole time? AHAHAHAHAHAH. User incompetence that aloows you to convince yourself that you have some kind of 'internet points' like this was reddit.

think- ago

Well, what were the names of your previous accounts then? And why did your create a new alt?

Proof that you have older accounts, or it didn't happen.

@kevdude @sandhog

think- ago



Nipplesurfer ago

Don't care either. I know this veteran is out there. I care about him.

Blacksmith21 ago

You're a fucking coward @nipplesurfer. You've never set foot out of the basement in your life. Save your limited hangout bullshit for v/pillowbitersanonymous

Nipplesurfer ago

You know you already lost this. Ypu know I'm exactly who and what I claim to be. I have EVERY right to address you creatures as I have. Few in the world share that the way I and this man you've failed do.

You are everything Ive told you you are. As am I.

Blacksmith21 ago

You sound like an idiot.

Nipplesurfer ago

K. Dismissed.

gamepwn ago

Thanks think, what a self righteous jackass troll. I appreciate that!

think- ago

Kindly welcome, @gamepwn.

gamepwn ago

Fuck you I got scared at the time. Have you ever had a pedowood victim contact you? I have done more for this movement then you ever have. I have spent years fighting for these children.

Nipplesurfer ago

Don't give a fuck how scared you were boomer. He needed you and those kids needed him.

Fuck you. You make yourself a tool of the jew.

You can rot in fucking hell. But if you have any contact information of any fucking kind, PM it to me.

If he's still out there, I doubt he's in very good shape.

gamepwn ago

I won't give you shit zero submissions.

Nipplesurfer ago

Piss off coward. Any excuse to prevent you from having to match convictions with courage.

Your cowardice made you drop your Gethsemne cup, and you are at your Rubicon boomer. I give 0 fucks about you and your litany of excuses. I do this for a living. If that veteran is out there, right now, and suffering, you put him there.

If that veteran is dead you killed him.

I am one of the kids you're pretending to care about bitchtits. All grown up. We all told you for thirty years what you were letting the jew do to us, and then, as now, it was a blizzard of excuses and 'not my problems' and 'oh someone shoukd do something's'.

I will find him. I will do whatever I can to help him. I have the courage my convictions bring me because they are True. You failed because yours are not.

Do this.

gamepwn ago

You sound like a self righteous liar. Like I said eat shit. You don't care about any children you have no fucking research and have not even been apart of the fourm. Like I said:eat shit.

Nipplesurfer ago

So back to lying deflecting and bullshit from you. Shocking.

Here's hint you mentally diseased cumstain. Boystown NE, Wegner Elementary. Ringing any bells? Or did you let the jew memory hole us along with every other glaringly obvious ring.

As far as the rest of your deflective bullshit diatribe goes, no one who matters gives a shit what you defective worthless cunts think.

The fact that there is such a thing as pizzagate at all, that it took you blind geriatric narcissists 30 years to listen, is evidence enough of your worth.

I'm done with this. Twice you have failed this veteran for no other reason than to be egotistical and spiteful and obstinate. Do you think he or any of thise kids give a flying fuck about your excuses?

Man, you guys are like some kind of dark miracle.

think- ago

He's just a troll, he came here only to stir up shit.

gamepwn ago

Yeah I know, I can see right through this piece of shit.