PatriotLady1 ago

This post is all over the place. Your lack of up voats is your own fault. Focus.

Labourmix ago

Knowing what we all know that reads as truly sinister. I've often thought that these TV writers that come up with some of these horrific ideas for shows like Hannibal must be truly fucked up in the head.

ASolo ago

The Bahaman Island of Nassau is a VERY well known hub of sex trafficking and abuse. Oprah and many other celebrities like to party on the OTHER side of the Island at clothing mogul Peter Nygard's Aztec Temple (the kind they used to roll heads down).

ASolo ago

Louis Bacon Close To Seeing Hated Bahamas Neighbor In Jail Or Dead

Hedge fund billionaire Louis Bacon’s gardener is found in the buff and in the Jacuzzi—and also dead. The circumstances don’t appear suspicious until Bahamian police also find some military-grade speakers on the property, pointed right at the burnt-out Mayan-style private resort of Bacon’s neighbor and fellow billionaire, Peter Nygard.

ASolo ago

“Mr. Nygard considers himself to be completely above the law in the Bahamas,” Smith said. “He’s been running his little Republic of Nygard since the 1980s here.”

ASolo ago

He certainly loves his butterflies

Butterfly Tacos y Tortas

La Pepa and Butterfly Tacos y Tortas at Audi Field

Opened July 14, 2018

DC United's new home at Audi Field will be the site of José and ThinkFoodGroup's newest culinary lineup, in partnership with Levy, a subsidiary of Compass Group USA: La Pepa, Butterfly Tacos y Tortas, and three portable carts. La Pepa is a Spanish sandwich concept, based on ThinkFoodGroup’s popular food truck, Pepe, and Butterfly features a variety of Mexican street foods inspired by the group's Mexican restaurant Oyamel. D.C. United suite holders can also enjoy a separate curated experience featuring a menu of classic Spanish dishes.

ASolo ago

Pepe Food Truck

Of course, PePe is a Spanish name and has the american connotation as having "pep" whereas it is apropos to have a food truck named after but with these people we are ALWAYS dealing with DOUBLE ENTENDRE.

ASolo ago

Decided to look at this guy's restaurant's... didn't have to look far for the symbology.

3 butterflies


fogdryer ago

did you see my pictures from his vegas restaurant >?????

world central kitchen post

ASolo ago

I can't remember. Link?

septimasexta ago

AGENDA 21: "SINNERS REPENT and eat your Globalist Stem Cell Burger!"

ASolo ago

Can't believe this has been sitting here 19 hrs with 7 upvoats. Pretty significant find here. Of course there are connections. Let's not also forget that Andres "relief" efforts in Haiti involved massive amounts of cooking.

septimasexta ago

Yes. Odd things going on here. For hours, my post was the only one listed on "Top"

Another big story: New York mayor is trying to force vaccinate Ultra Orthodox/Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn. Claims 23 cases of measles is justification. Vaccine safety advocates are recommending this: "FOR OUR FRIENDS UNDER THREAT OF MANDATORY VACCINATIONS We have been asked to share this:

NEW YORK DO NOT COMPLY If a "health officer" shows up at your door and demands to check your vaccine records, and threatens that you and your children will be force vaccinated against your will or you will face a $1000 fine, state this: You will take the $1000 fine, but you will also: 1. You will make a legal investigation as to whether a 48 hour notice is within the law to force a medical product or procedure on an unwilling individual. 2. You will make a legal investigation as to whether it is within the law to force a no-liability product that is currently in litigation for fraud on an unwilling individual. 3. You will make a legal record that they are in violation of the Code of Federal Regulations which guarantees patients free, prior, and informed consent, and the right to refuse any medical procedure or medical research study. Vaccines are a no-liability product and a perpetual post-market surveillance safety study, and any subjects, including our children fall under protection of The National Research Act [Title II, Public Law 93-348], Regulations for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research [45 CFR 46] and revisions of various regulations, rules, and laws ([21 CFR 50], [21 CFR 56], [45 CFR 46 Subpart D], [10 CFR 745], that guarantee pregnant women, fetuses and children special protections [45 CFR 46 Subpart B, 45 CFR 46 Subpart D]. 4. You will make a legal record of the violation of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and the first tenant of the Nuremberg Code that states the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. 5. You will make legal record of their violation of Article 3.2 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights which states: The interests and welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of sicence or society.

TELL THEM YOU CAN FINE ME NOW, but expect to refund my money or to find that your fine is illegal very soon. DO NOT COMPLY: Your compliance validates their power to force an illegal act upon the citizens. This is a social test. DO NOT COMPLY."

Posted by: Jenny Allan | April 10, 2019 at 07:40 AM

I AGREE! Big pharma players are also Big Globalists. Vaccines and child trafficking have crossed paths before. Could this desperate attempt to eventually force vaccinate ALL children be related to the fact that they could be food or sex slaves for the PEDOVORE ELITE?

truthdemon ago

They exploit every biy of the lifecycle of childrem that generates cashflow from birth to death..

Watch monster inc ...and the decoded versions on utube

ASolo ago

Great comment and great legal advice on this subject.

ASolo ago

This place is really slowing down lately, so slow even site owners have to make slander threads on harmless members on what of the most case sensitives subjects out there. I think they chased a bunch of folks away by these strange tactics.

septimasexta ago

Are they being pressured? Taken over? I noticed on one of "Amazing Polly" You Tube posts, ALL of her legitimate research links were broken. Alex Jones WAS correct in this: "There is a war on for your mind".

ASolo ago

Oh yeah I've been encountering these kinds of things on these stupid little forums for ten years now, they all get power hungry or subjective and in MOST cases it really does end up looking like a psychological operation. Fuck it, fuck them, I'll just keep breezing through and being part of the truth movement in places they least expect it.

There certainly is a war on people that are trying to disseminate the truth but like all things that ring true way too many people have heard the sound and are joining in, I don't have to worry about being dead and gone now without knowing their is a rebellion brewing, one that will NEVER let these cultists win or rest. FUCK OFF U nasty rotten occultists. Even enablers and brainwashed fools become unwitting participants in their bullshit because people are so dysfunctional from the mkutltra program, the literal rise of demons is occurring.

Even those people that nominally believe in conspiracies will turn on those of us that know and are convinced.

septimasexta ago

In New York, a Grisly Traffic in Body Parts

"A macabre scandal has spread from a body-harvesting lab in New Jersey to hospitals as far away as Florida, Nebraska and Texas as hundreds of people discover that they have received tissue and bone carved from looted corpses, not least the cadaver of Alistair Cooke, the late and erudite host of PBS's "Masterpiece Theatre."

The Brooklyn district attorney and federal Food and Drug Administration inspectors are investigating dozens of funeral homes in New York City and Biomedical Tissue Services Ltd. of Fort Lee, N.J., which is run by a former dentist who, his lawyer acknowledges, abused intravenous pain medications while with patients.

The former dentist came to funeral homes, investigators say, and extracted bone, tendons and skin from corpses without the consent of relatives. Later, Biomedical Tissue Services shipped coolers full of tissue to hospitals for surgeries. A dead body can be worth tens of thousands of dollars when it is dissected for parts."

"The scandal raises questions about the safety and proper supervision of a billion-dollar-a-year industry that supplies skin and tissue for 1 million tissue transplants each year. But patients are most confounded by the skin-crawling fact that no one knows from whom the bone and tissue was harvested." By Michael Powell and David Segal Washington Post Staff Writers Saturday, January 28, 2006


septimasexta ago

"Cancer patient has her appendix, large bowel, gall bladder, spleen, womb, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and most of her small bowel removed in 'mother of all surgeries' to treat 'one in a million' cancer misdiagnosed as IBS"

septimasexta ago

"Cancer Spreads from Organ Donor to 4 People in 'Extraordinary' Case By Rachael Rettner, Senior Writer | September 15, 2018"

carmencita ago

fogdryer ago

And so the elites have found another avenue to the children. Very clever!

carmencita ago

Andres is up to his eyeballs in alligators. He is so deep into this, really. So glad you brought this up.

septimasexta ago

Any other links?

In light of the Jussie Smollett hoax, was this Hollywood neural linguistic programming?

"American Gods Has a Lynching Problem" Bryan Fuller also works on this show.

carmencita ago

Sorry, if you know what's happened in my life lately, well that's the reason I am sometimes awol and also still taking it pretty hard. Very tired today. Here is the post from @fogdryer there is much info in here on Andres.

septimasexta ago


middlechild ago

They had no clue then, what SETH RICH & JULIAN ASSANGE were capable of.

Their finely procured tools of control would soon come against them, as Patriots worldwide used the same tools to shine light on what they so covertly tried to hide.

derram ago :


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