carmencita ago

Do you remember the William Grey that was killed driving a truck on a Highway in Idaho? The accident that involved a nurse that got into hot water about their taking some blood from him in the hospital? There is that name again.

carmencita ago

That’s the one. We researched this. Never did sit quite right with me. Still mags at me.

septimasexta ago

LOTS of interesting possible connections....

MUST READ: Jerry Speyer: founding partner Tishman - Speyer

"Jerry I. Speyer (born June 23, 1940) is an American real estate developer. He is one of two founding partners of the New York real estate company Tishman Speyer, which controls the Rockefeller Center and the Chrysler Building....Speyer was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the son of Germaine M. and Ernest A. Speyer.[2] According to a 1998 profile in The New York Times, "[Speyer's] mother is Swiss, and his father comes from one of the old Jewish families of Frankfurt" (however, there is only very distant connection to the Speyer banking family, if any); his father, a shoe manufacturer, fled Germany in 1939, established a business in Milwaukee, before moving to New York when Jerry was three months old.[3] Speyer grew up in a cultured German-Jewish household on Riverside Drive. He graduated from the private Horace Mann School. At Columbia University, he majored in German literature and joined Zeta Beta Tau, a Jewish fraternity. "Speyer was one of those people who were solid, and even solemn, at an age when others are still flailing and unsure of themselves."[4] Speyer graduated from Columbia College in 1962 and received an MBA from Columbia Business School in 1964."

"Speyer has served as chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,[5] vice chairman of the New York Presbyterian Hospital,[6] chairman of the Museum of Modern Art,[7] and vice chair on the Board of Trustees of the Rand Corporation.[5] Speyer is also chair of the Executive Committee and chairman emeritus of Columbia University, chair emeritus of the Real Estate Board of New York, and past president of the Board of Trustees of the Dalton School.[8]

Speyer sits on the board of Carnegie Hall, alongside Sanford Weill, the former chairman of Citigroup, with whom he has a close business relationship (see External Links below).[9] His other board affiliations include Siemens AG and the Real Estate Roundtable, and have included Yankee Global Enterprises, the New York Presbyterian Foundation, Inc., and the Urban Land Institute. He is a member of the Economic Club of New York and the Council on Foreign Relations.[9]

Speyer is also chair emeritus of the Partnership for New York City, founded by David Rockefeller."

Factfinder2 ago

Wow. Is there any elitist world-dominating pie Speyer hasn't had his finger in? And Randall Rothschild brought into the fold. But what really caught my eye was this:

his [Speyer's] father comes from one of the old Jewish families of Frankfurt

I'd say it's very likely the father's family was associated with the "Frankfurt School" of thought that envisioned and carried out their plan to facilitate the sweeping depravity we're seeing in the world today.

This is the best article I've ever read in terms of explaining what has happened to us and why:

The Birth Of Cultural Marxism: How The "Frankfurt School" Changed America Archive:


The roots of Western cultural decay are very deep, having first sprouted a century ago. It began with a loose clan of ideologues inside Europe’s communist movement. Today, it is known as the Frankfurt School, and its ideals have perverted American society.


Before WWI, Marxist theory held that if war broke out in Europe, the working classes would rise up against the bourgeoisie and create a communist revolution.

Well, as is the case with much of Marxist theory, things didn’t go too well. When war broke out in 1914, instead of starting a revolution, the proletariat put on their uniforms and went off to war.

After the war ended, Marxist theorists were left to ask, “What went wrong?”

Two very prominent Marxists thinkers of the day were Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukács. Each man, on his own, concluded that the working class of Europe had been blinded by the success of Western democracy and capitalism. They reasoned that until both had been destroyed, a communist revolution was not possible.

Gramsci and Lukács were both active in the Communist party, but their lives took very different paths.

Gramsci was jailed by Mussolini in Italy where he died in 1937 due to poor health.

In 1918, Lukács became minister of culture in Bolshevik Hungary. During this time, Lukács realized that if the family unit and sexual morals were eroded, society could be broken down.

Lukács implemented a policy he titled “cultural terrorism,” which focused on these two objectives. A major part of the policy was to target children’s minds through lectures that encouraged them to deride and reject Christian ethics.

In these lectures, graphic sexual matter was presented to children, and they were taught about loose sexual conduct.

I've only excerpted a bit from the beginning, but it's an excellent synopsis that tracks the trail of rot to from Hungary to Frankfurt to New York's Columbia University and on to what we and the world are dealing with today. I highly recommend reading to the end.

septimasexta ago

Thanks for the historical backgrounder. VERY IMPORTANT! Beware "socialist" Bernie Sanders. MUST READ: The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression "Already famous throughout Europe, this international bestseller plumbs recently opened archives in the former Soviet bloc to reveal the actual, practical accomplishments of Communism around the world: terror, torture, famine, mass deportations, and massacres. Astonishing in the sheer detail it amasses, the book is the first comprehensive attempt to catalogue and analyze the crimes of Communism over seventy years.......As the death toll mounts―as many as 25 million in the former Soviet Union, 65 million in China, 1.7 million in Cambodia, and on and on―the authors systematically show how and why, wherever the millenarian ideology of Communism was established, it quickly led to crime, terror, and repression. An extraordinary accounting, this book amply documents the unparalleled position and significance of Communism in the hierarchy of violence that is the history of the twentieth century."

Vindicator ago

This is an interesting mash up. A lot of food for thought. Hmmm...

septimasexta ago

You might find this an interesting read from 12-11-16 by Yoichi Shimatsu I think Yoichi is disinfo; he writes about what we are currently researching, but throws in inaccuracies and his own spin. His article mentions info being dug up by researchers ON THIS VERY TOPIC in 2016. Look at how he treats Beau Biden- he appears to make him a victim. Did he just know too much? Hmmmm.

Vindicator ago

I didn't know any of this at the time, but it Beau's sudden death struck me as suspicious back then. My thought was that it was to make sure Creepy Uncle Joe would be unable to run for the presidency against Hillary.

I am not clear on Shimatsu...his credentials seemed pretty solid when I checked him out, and the couple pieces of his I read didn't seem to be inaccurate. I hadn't read this one, though.

What are the primary inaccuracies you've noticed?

septimasexta ago

One inaccuracy is that Brock was raised Catholic, not jewish:

"Brock was born in Washington, D.C., and was adopted by Dorothea and Raymond Brock. He has a younger sister, Regina. Brock was raised Catholic. His father was a marketing executive, whom Brock has described as "a Pat Buchanan conservative." Brock grew up in Wood-Ridge, New Jersey, where he went to Our Lady of the Assumption School, and later attended Paramus Catholic High School in Paramus, New Jersey."

On second look though, it is possible that Brock surname is "jewish (from Poland): habitational name from Brok, a place in Poland" according to Ancestry : I have no proof of this.

Shimatsu NEVER directly sources his info...highly sus. In 2016 researchers were just looking into "Dr. Pedophile" and Beau was barely on the radar. Yoishi jumps in and puts it all together for us.... Was Beau an insider who knew too much? That interpretation is just as plausible. They are all Dims. Shimatsu does present lots of info that can be verified by research. I'm not throwing the baby out with the bathwater. However, we should be careful to verify his story.

ASolo ago

I agree Yoichi has been caught in a few minor errors but quite minor at that.

Vindicator ago

I totally agree. Fine-tooth-combing his pizzagate series would be a great project for someone. I wish I had time to do it.

septimasexta ago

Beau supported the bill with STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS: 3 YEARS instead of:

"The first, introduced by Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf, D-Rehoboth Beach, Rep. John Atkins, D-Millsboro and Rep. Helene Keeley, D-Wilmington South, allows victims of sexual abuse by their medical provider to file suit at any time." A protection racket?

Vindicator ago

Interesting find!

septimasexta ago

This is about as PIZZAGATE related as you can get: A potential Presidential candidate gropes kids live on C-span, his son oversees one of the largest pedophile cases on record (who, for unknown reasons wasn't investigated for years) and just about 5 miles away from "Dr. Pedophile's" office, the original PIZZAGATE PLAYERS shared a house on Rehoboth Beach, which became the center of alleged black mailing charges by original pizzagate players DAVID BROCK AND JAMES ALEFANTIS against then Brock partner William Grey. Grey SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED "Biden" in one of his email threats to Brock. We don't know which one he was referring to. The suit was settled privately and according to court documents, the charge of blackmail payments of over $800,000 to Grey were highly questionable, in that agreements had already been signed regarding property ownership. Nevertheless, the Rehoboth Beach house (a historic inn) in question was sold and then SURPRISINGLY TORN DOWN and turned into 2 lots. William Grey has had almost no presence on the internet, except for documentation that he indeed had a 501c3, DELAWARE PET ADOPTION CENTER, which INTERESTINGLY was run out of the afore mentioned beach house.

No one finds this curious? THREE DOWNVOATS, right off the bat? HMMMMMMMM.

carmencita ago

Yeah that's were Jumpin Joe hangs out, at Rehoboth. He bought a house there

Hearn, whose ice cream stand has customers six deep on busy weekends, solves the worker shortage by promoting workers who demonstrate good customer service regardless of age. He has 15-year-old managers.

“You have to have the best customer service people you can. I don’t care if they’re male or female. I don’t care how old they are. I just care how they work with customers,” Hearn said.

He solves the worker shortage by hiring foreign students on J-1 visas and recruiting students from areas such as Milford who get to work via park-and-ride city officials set up. “We love park-and-ride,” he said. “Kids park at the park and ride and come in fairly inexpensively.”

Lots of Kids. They don't care how young they are, maybe 15? This is a perfect hunting ground for Uncle Joe. He hangs out at the Ice Cream Place too. You can bet onit.

septimasexta ago

GOOD CATCH! "Chief Banks, who poses for photos with more than 20 children on an average Saturday night, hires friendly criminal justice students as summer officers and instructs them never to embarrass anyone, especially if their children are around."

Gay friendly + family friendly = pedo friendly?

How many years was Joe going to Rehoboth? "Former Vice President Joe Biden bought a six-bedroom beach house on Farview Road last month. (“We’re thrilled to have him as a resident, but he’s always come here,”

"Joe walks by and says hi to the kids. He’s one of the most powerful men in the country, and he says hi to the kids who are working their butts off scooping ice cream.”

"It’s always been a little bit under the radar who’s in town,” said Andy Staton of Berkshire Hathaway. “That’s what’s a little bit unique about where we live. We offer PRIVACY to people who want to come love our little town. They get to wear flip-flops and shorts and relax and enjoy ALL the things that Rehoboth offers.”"

septimasexta ago


"Former Vice President Joe Biden has long been a frequent visitor to Rehoboth Beach, and like many visitors before him, Biden and his wife, Jill, decided to purchase a home in the Rehoboth area."

"Sources close to the family declined to provide the exact location of the house but said it overlooks Cape Henlopen State Park. It’s a location that is important to the Bidens because then-Sen. Biden worked to return that land from the U.S. military to the state of Delaware. The Bidens’ new house was purchased with a portion of an advance Biden received for his forthcoming book, sources said."

"No stranger to Rehoboth, during his vice presidency Biden could frequently be seen walking along Rehoboth Avenue, near Browseabout Books and other popular locations."

The perfect retirement job for Joe:

carmencita ago

In April, Browseabout Books in Rehoboth Beach will host a local book drive to collect new or gently used books for the Cape Henlopen School District Bookmobile.

For the School District. Not just one school but the district. Joe will get his pick of the litter. He always seems so gentle I now am thinking he may be a very violent pedo. The more I know the less I like . He scares me now. Those parents that let him paw their Children, they are pathetic and sick as well. This whole thing wants to make me throw up.

Beaucephus ago

Remember FBI needs us to submit a public tip either phone or email in order to be able to open a case file and investigate. If we can dig up evidence of any form of crime,, doesn't necessarily have to be pedovore related, they can allocate resources to the case and use their databases to build upon what we lay out for them. We just need to set a foundation for them, get something even as subtle as a rare fish that requires special permit, or some other background item in an image that may have crossed state lines illegally, so long as it's a federal matter so they can justify the origins of the case.

Some rookie agent will see a promotion for cracking a major pedo cover-up out of a referral for investigating a bootleg copy of Scooby Doo on bidens shelf. We will kek at the bantz of our chaos. Kids will grow up with a mind that has been nourished and realize their value and worth. The world will eventually get back to sanity.

Vindicator ago

Grey SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED "Biden" in one of his email threats to Brock.

Do you happen to have a link to the court docs? Those would be interesting to read.

Those "threats" didn't really seem like threats to me.

And if that beach house was a "historic inn", how could they just tear it down? Isn't "historic" status granted to prevent that kind of thing?

septimasexta ago

See 51:16

It appears on p. 6 line 41 of David Brock's counterclaim "filed D.C. Superior Court 11 Mar 08 AO9:49 Clerk of Court" (see 44:48 of video above.) Don't know if one can still access this document online.

Pic of House being rebuilt from scratch:

"Property Overview - 73 Park Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 is a single family home built in 2013. This property was last sold for $1,895,000 in 2016 and currently has an estimated value of $1,905,800.

According to the Rehoboth Beach public records, the property at 73 Park Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 has approximately 1,546 square feet, with a lot size of 4,650 square feet. Nearby schools include Rehoboth Elementary School, Beacon Middle School and Cape Henlopen High School."

Obviously, the yellow Historic Inn is no longer there. Rehoboth Beach public records should have land records. I saw it mentioned that locals did protest it being torn down. This needs to be researched.

Vindicator ago

I agree. More digging is definitely needed. I will give 5his the Help flair.

septimasexta ago


ASolo ago

Great thread Septimasexta. Thats exactly the kind of followup we need is to drag Biden and Son into the dark underbelly of Delaware, a dark, nasty and seedy state for sure.

septimasexta ago

Thanks! Looks like we have Trump's support: HILARIOUS!

"Donald Trump Shares Meme Mocking ‘Creepy’ Joe Biden Behavior"

ASolo ago

Oh hey yeah I saw that too but even Trump's avoiding the children he fondled.

septimasexta ago

Then he would be accused of exploiting children. Biden groping himself is safer...and mocking.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

SHOCKING CREEPY UNCLE JOE BIDEN Groping Children And Young Women Paul Joseph Watson

🍕#PizzaGate Part 28: David Brock Blackmail Scandal + Baphomet, United Nations, #ElsaGate + MORE

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