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TrustTheTruth ago

Y Combinator also funded Voat.

How was AirBnB started?

The initial concept is created by Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia. They launch the website. To raise money, they sell cereal boxes for Barack Obama and John McCain, candidates for the 2008 United States presidential election. Airbnb becomes part of the Winter 2009 Y Combinator class. The business grows steadily. Brian Chesky moves out of his own apartment to live off Airbnb for three months. In November 2010, Airbnb raises $7.2 million in venture funding. On June 1, 2016, Chesky joined Warren Buffett and Bill Gates' 'The Giving Pledge', a select group of billionaires who have committed to give the majority of their wealth away.[23] He described some of his motivation: "With this pledge, I want to help more kids realize the kind of journey I have had. I want to show them that their dreams are not bounded by what they can see in front of them. Their limits are not so limited. Walt Disney once said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” I would like to help them dream.”[24]

Who else do the founders work with?

In May 2017, Gebbia launched a modular office furniture business called Neighborhood. The furniture was created for Bernhardt Design, a furniture company that has worked with emerging designers.[16] By 1981, in order to diversify the product offering, Bernhardt began sourcing globally and now has offices in four Asian countries, staffed with 50 employees to ensure the quality for which Bernhardt is known. However, the company still has a significant manufacturing operation in western North Carolina, with 12 facilities and 1500 employees.

What else is in Lenoir, NC?

Google, Inc. has a server farm, or "data center", located in Lenoir.[14] There was controversy over the nature, amount, and potential benefits of economic development incentives that the City of Lenoir, Caldwell County, and the State of North Carolina gave Google in 2007 to induce the company to build the server farm.[15][16] The less celebrated benefits of the investment have been construction employment and spending, a small-time server farm investment just outside downtown, Dacentec, as well as local charitable and educational endeavors by Google.

What are Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and others doing?

Google, which has several operations in NC, plans to hire ‘thousands,’ build 5 new data centers across US. Facebook has five data centers across the country and plans to open five more. Apple recently said it would invest $30 billion in facilities and create 20,000 jobs in the United States over the next five years. Amazon has turned its search for a second headquarters’ city into a highly publicized contest — dangling the promise of 50,000 new jobs for local tax break offers.

What is The Deal Trump made with Paul Ryan, and what did Trump say about The Deal?

The 8th Wonder of the World

The most incredible thing I've ever seen

What are the other Seven Wonders of the World?

What is CERN?

What are ley lines?

What Ivy League University is known for its Hotel Management programs?

Where is their other location and why?

What family controls the University?

Where are they located?

Who controls the newspaper?

What is next to Google in Chicago?

What is the Sphinx Head (Society)?

What business is Donald Trump involved in?

Where did Donald Trump make The Deal to endorse the Model for 5G+ AI and the Mark of the Beast?

Who did Trump reserve a Front Row Seat at The Deal for and why?

How is the family directly tied to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption?

What happened with executives at Cargill and DuPont?

Who are their other business partners?

Where did they make a historic flight to and why?

What did Frank Lloyd Wright's father do?

What is One World Religion?

What is The Mark of the Beast?

Where were the Podestas and Emanuels Made?

What is the weak link to the entire chain of command?

What was Jenny Moore's last submission as @Jem777 and what happened?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagateTNT comment by @letsdothis3.

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letsdothis3 ago

One Night mobile app>> The Ned, Soho House London >> Sydell Group ..Ron Burkle

Ron is Co-Chairman of the Burkle Center for International Relations at UCLA and is broadly involved in the community. He is a member of the Board of The Scripps Research Institute, the National Urban League and Frank Lloyd Wright Conservancy. He is a trustee of the Carter Center, and AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA). Ron was the Founder and Chairman of the Ralphs/Food4Less Foundation and the Fred Meyer Inc. Foundation. He was a member of the board of Occidental Petroleum Corporation (NYSE: OXY), KB Home (NYSE: KBH), Kaufman & Broad S.A. (Euronext: KOF), Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO), the J. Paul Getty Trust, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Music Center and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles.


TrustTheTruth ago

Ron Burkle > Guy Oseary > Chris Kutcher > Ari Emanuel > Kristin Bauer van Straten > Clintons > Podestas > Johnsons > Rockefellers > Rothschilds

There are many more connections, and they have Unlimited Resources.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

What was The Truth that Jenny Moore Knew?

There are many paths to the same ROOT of All Evil.

Everything links to Sustainability as the Foundation for the Great Deception (Satan's Ability).

They have been waiting for the right Time and Technology with Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Visioning programs to establish compliance at every level.

They must control all aspects of Life from Cradle to Grave, and Beyond.

The Real Agenda is forged through the complicity, complacency and forced acceptance by The Population as those involved slowly inform them of their fate eventually stripping them of their rights and their Will.

What symbol does everyone carry with them now? What does it represent? What credit card was just released?

Why would Trump call The Deal the "8th Wonder of the World"? What are the other Seven?

This is not a choice. This is a Trick. Everything is based on Deception. The Art of The Deal is rooted in Deception.


We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down.

We the reason why Paul Ryan and so many others resigned.

We are the reason why Q was created.

We are the reason why Q flooded Voat.

We are the reason why Trump closed The Deal from the public.

Where is the DNC convention being held for 2020 and why?

What is so special about The Deal that was made in regards to the Courts?

Who ran Bill Clinton's presidential campaign in Wisconsin?

Who is his sister? What roles does she almost exclusively take and why?

Who is his "wife" and what is she running for?

Who is his "daughter" and what election did she recently win?

Who is his "son" from Russia and what is he being groomed for?

What happened to the past mayors and other officials?

Who controls the newspaper?

What is the Frank Lloyd Wright Trail?

What is the Unitarian Church?

Who gave legitimacy to Art in Embassies?

What is the Young and the Guest?

Who is Samantha Marq?

What roles do Caron Butler and Mark Wahlberg play?

Where was Mark Wahlberg on 9/11?

Who are the Dominicans?

Who was Paul Ryan's running mate?

What is Strangite, and what are the Voree plates?

Why are the Boy Scouts closely linked to NASA, FLDS, Knights of Malta, and the Knights of Pythias?

Where were the Majestic 12 from?

Who was Hillary's mentor, and where is Hillary's Model for Community Policing?

What shooting happened in the area, and what other attack was 'foiled' linked to the Scottish Rite?

What is One World Religion?

What is the World's Most Valuable Resource?

What is The Truth they CANNOT allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

SterlingJB ago

Not going to answer all of these. I do like search engines though so have searched up some of your questions, for hobby maybe. So the chick from true blood is a rothschild under the new bauer new roth name, right? And it seems youre sayin her brother (haven't found direct evdience of that tho), sister in law, and niece have a lot of pol power in anrea, which they do, which also has big deal with foxcoon, which is an indeed sketchy AF operation since no one's even sure wtf they going to do there, which you seem to say is about a scaleable model concerning smart ccities and community policing. Sort of a technological communis doomscape of internel simulation. Other questions. Rockeffelers did the MoM embassy thing, right. Lots of acquifers in Wisconsin? Strangite stuff has to do with an offshoot of mormonism following JS's death. They were into some Ilumaniti lit scene and did have thet island. Emanuel bros seem a lot like podesta bros... Any way, I'll answer more., but and, no offense, personally think the socractic form is overated these days.

TrustTheTruth ago

The Truth is Simple. These Questions are very easy for anyone who wants to Know The Truth.

You found many answers already. Kristin Bauer van Straten is Kristin Neubauer.

The weak link in the chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine, WI).

Mayer Amschel Rothschild's real name was Bauer.

Racine is the ROOT of All Evil and the Model for the Real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) with The Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities, and Community Policing.

Social Media is another form of Community Policing.

Hillary's Deal and Model for Community Policing is Racine, Wisconsin.

Trump's Deal and Model for 5G+ AI is Racine, Wisconsin.

Why would Trump call a corrupt foreign corporation handout, scam and dysfunctional Deal the "8th Wonder of the World"?

Why would Paul Ryan suddenly resign in the midst of developing the "8th Wonder of the World" in his backyard?

What is the significance of the other Seven Wonders?

What is the Sphinx Head (Society)?

Who are the real Pilgrims (Society)?

Who are the Sons of Norway and Dutch Brotherhood?

What is CERN?

Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney also made a Deal as part of the Global Interfaith Alliance for One World Religion linked with the Dominican, Jesuit, Franciscan, Sicilian, Mormon, Kabbalah, Lutheran, Methodist, Society of Jesus, Unitarian, Sikh, Islam, Scientology and other groups involved.

The Podestas and Emanuels were MADE in Racine, Wisconsin along with Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer, Robert Byrd, Joe Schmitz, and many others.

What is the World's Most Valuable Resource and the Key to Life?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

SterlingJB ago

seem youre talking about ley line stuff when talkinin about wonders, maybe? You say johnsons are weak lik. How so? Is there something tangible for your average citizen investigator? Something more than orders and societies, which goddamn sure have a history in racine? Not haggling with you triple t, just interested whee youre going with this, tangibly,

TrustTheTruth ago

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting. What happened to the Pilot? What happened to Jenny Moore? They are not the Only Ones who were murdered for Knowing The Truth.

We are the reason why Q was created and why Q flooded Voat. We are the reason why Paul Ryan and so many other officials resigned in the midst of the development of the 8th Wonder of the World. We are the reason why Trump closed The Deal from The Public.

**When The World finds The Truth about Racine, the Root of All Evil, the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability), and the Model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities and Community Policing, **


They will learn that The World has become fully corrupt, and that there is no Law, there is no Justice, and there is no Hope.

Racine is the ROOT and Model that must be used against them to Save The World and Humanity.



Only then will The World Know The Truth.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Awfully hard to find out where ley lines (high high energy grid around the world) are actually located. Cathedrals and military installations are often placed on cross roads ..I think the reason it is so hard to find out where they are is that the elites like to use them for their own purposes...Minot ND where our nukes are kept is on a cross road. Would bet Laurel Canyon in California is too. Seems like the dark ones are better acquainted with.them than us commoners....and the Catholics like to place their cathedrals on them. Dr. Joseph Farrell says that organ music played in them affects entire areas . ..

Lansing-Michigan ago

Kevin Annette stated a child ritual sacrifice was stopped in Canada. CEO of Cargill was there. DuPonts are in the 13 important bloodlines that control the world...big in chemicals. of the very nasty ones.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Would bet there are some serious ley lines in Lenoir NC...a citizen journalist I trust, Sylvia Germack, who used to write with Wayne Madsen, said that there is a corridor in mid state NC to eastern Tenn.....high high pedaphile areas. Several big pharm HQs in mid state along with big universities , mental hospitals and prisons to experiment with the drugs.NC is also not noted to have a lot of KKK...well kept secret that they had the most of any state in the country at one time. Ft Brag NC, and Duke University have been mentioned as training for MKultra.