Lansing-Michigan ago

"I mean, it’s incalculable the damage that has been done to this country, to the American election system. ".......American election system is the worst among all western democracies. Watch this video and see an 11 year old girl hack a voting machine in our so called democracy in 11 minutes.

Benkitchen105 ago

If pizzagate was going to be exposed to the masses then it would be so already. But the truth is Trump and Pence are both compromised and they are controlled opposition.

Vindicator ago

Illogical. The only reason we know how big and bad pizzagate is is because they leaked it to Wikileaks. They wouldn't repeatedly confirm it via QAnon and prove he is Trump staff operating with Trump's blessing, promising the pedovores will face justice if they were not going to follow through. It would forever brand Trump as a lying demagogue and ruin the Trump brand, and he wants to be on Mount Rushmore. Your argument is purely emotional.

Benkitchen105 ago

It's not emotional. They are all apart of the same group, look how close Trump is with Benjamin Netanyahu. Trumps labor Secretary Alex Acosta who mislead the victims in deal with that 'terrific guy' Epstein. Trumps attorney is Giuliani, the guy who was in on the 9/11 inside job. I Indiana is a well know trafficking hub and when Pence was governor he did nothing to stop it. Tory Smith said he was abused by Pence before he died. The list goes on ...

Factfinder2 ago

The media echo chamber TDIP = The Democracy Integrity Project:


The Federalist:

Vindicator ago

Have we researched that before?

Factfinder2 ago

Not that I know of.

Vindicator ago

Thanks :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're welcome. ;)

TheDoorsweregay ago

Rush was the lead singer for the doors in the sixties. His character is a pre-internet prototype of Bill Hicks/Alex jones. Nobody will ever explain why/how he makes so much money. He's been in the Oprah/Judge Judy $ ballpark and nobody knows why.

Shizy ago

And let me guess...... you think Alex Jones is Bill Hicks?!! 🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣

TheDoorsweregay ago

They do have the same producer.

Strange way to honor somebody

Vindicator ago

He's been in the Oprah/Judge Judy $ ballpark and nobody knows why.

Because advertisers have zero interest in reaching 15 millions people a week...FFS, try harder.

TheDoorsweregay ago

85 million per year for a quarter of pewdiepie's reach. Smells fishy.

Vindicator ago

Pewdiepie's audience are kids. They don't have any money to buy anything.

TheDoorsweregay ago

Most advertising is aimed at kids.

Limbaugh played the character of Jim Morrison is a crappy band in the sixties. Get over it.

Boomers are the worst generation.

Vindicator ago

Limbaugh played the character of Jim Morrison is a crappy band in the sixties. Get over it.

Bwahahahahhahahah. Hadn't heard that one. LMAO

NotHereForPizza ago

Dude, don't you just love Reddit?

I love Reddit.

srayzie ago

You’ve been doing so good. Why start crap again? You’re obsessed with Reddit.

NotHereForPizza ago

You seem either really dense or just plain ill-equipped to deal with this environment.

Vindicator ago

We all know how much you love Reddit. :-) You should go back there!

NotHereForPizza ago

Ha... I never came from Reddit. Apparently you didn't get the joke, neither one.

Vindicator ago

Of course you didn't!

NotHereForPizza ago

We know about Reddit mods. We k ow what they have access to and what separates them from the typical user base.

TippyHome ago

Vindicated-so funny you listened yesterday too! I used to listen all the time, but got hooked on Dan Bongino and kinda forgot about Rush. Might have been the same thing with me about Bushes. Those people are monsters. But yesterday I caught his show-work had made me miserable and I needed to leave for awhike, and he was on my radio! My game is he is working up to get people to understand about child trafficking. I never for one minute discounted the reality of this happening. Back in Nov 2016, I posted on voat.on that medical personnel know this is going on. Our family doctor friend, a complete liberal, had attended a convention in France where the enomority of the human/child, organ, blood, drugs and gun trafficking was addressed with the world''s elite doctors. I wrote then that we thought he was nuts when he told us this, but the....FbiAnon, weiner's laptop and another LEO friend all revealed it to be completely true. So, I'm guessing Rush can't keep it hidden and quiet anymore. I wrote a long time ago about our friend and how spooked he was.At the time for him, he was worried about the purity of the world's blood, organ supplies. Once completely tainted, a possible pandemic could happen. So, it must be time for more red pills. The algore idiot acolytes worry about climate fallacies, but world wide illness is the more real possibility. On another tangent, has anyone seen "Us" the movie. Spoiler alert-covers info about the many many tunnels the work over, children being trafficked and figured in said tunnels and then, some horror added in. I guess those in Hollywood know it's true. However, no solution provided to make this nightmare end. But, it was interesting that it was addressed. Isn't so far fetched if a big hw actor/producer/director has it in his blockbuster hi, now is it?

letsdothis3 ago

medical personnel know this is going on

In the UK too. There is a mental health ward in one of the large London hospitals, and I was told by a psychiatrist there that every one of the patients in it had suffered child sexual abuse. He wouldn't say more..

Vindicator ago

The most intriguing thing about how Rush may fit into the whole Awakening is that up until Trump, he was the only one ridiculing and calling out the MSM on a daily basis. It's 90% of why I enjoyed listening to him. The hilarious namecalling "PMS NBC" "CBS Eyeball News" (Cabal ref?). I wouldn't be surprised if Trump picked up the namecalling routine from Rush. I know he was a fan of Rush's show.

amarQ144 ago

  1. the 2,280 minutes was from jan to oct 2017 2. write a book "what if..."

auralsects ago

Jfc literal Qtard "brah what if.." posts on a supposed research sub, by the mod no less

It's getting embarrassing to even be here

Fateswebb ago

bye, jizzle. what the hall monitor going to check your pass on the way out or something?

Vindicator ago

DON LEMON: … what could be the biggest bombshell of them all.

NANCY PELOSI: (whispering) We saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign — indeed, the Trump family — eagerly intending to collude.

DICK BLUMENTHAL: (rotunda noise) …colluding with the leader of a hostile power.

ADAM SCHIFF: (rotunda noise) I could certainly say with confidence that there is significant evidence of collusion.

ERIC SWALWELL: …collusion…

JERRY NADLER: …collusion…

BETO O’ROURKE: …collusion…

MAXINE WATERS: There was collusion! If they just do their work and do their job they will find out it was collusion.

JIM SCIUTTO: …the golden shower allegation.

ERIN BURNETT: …Moscow prostitutes urinating…

DON LEMON: He brought up what he called, “the golden showers thing.”

CHRIS CILLIZZA: …the golden showers….

CHRISTINE ROMANS: These golden shower allegations…

ALEX MARQUARDT: The golden shower allegation…

JEFFREY TOOBIN: This golden showers claim…

NATASHA BERTRAND: …allegations that he had prostitutes pee on a bed.

RANDI KAYE: …Russians had a so-called “pee tape” of prostitutes, the golden showers thing.

JIM SCIUTTO: (music) Are the walls closing in?

BOB MENENDEZ: (rotunda noise) It seems to me that the walls are closing in on the president.

LAURENCE TRIBE: He feels the walls closing in!

DON LEMON: The walls are closing in.

MATT VISER: The walls sort of closing in.

MARA GAY: The walls are closing in.

NICOLLE WALLACE: It feels like the walls are closing in.

STEVE SCHMIDT: He sees the walls closing in.

DAVID AXELROD: Those walls are closing in on him.

DICK BLUMENTHAL: The walls are closing in on Donald Trump and his inner circle.

NEERA TANDEN: This is a scandal of 15 on a 1-to-10 level.

JOHN DEAN: This is a level that Richard Nixon never went to.

JEFFREY TOOBIN: …worse than what Nixon did during Watergate.

CARL BERNSTEIN: Today, I read the articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon, and everybody should go read Article 2 of it and how similar it is to what we’ve seen Trump do here.

DICK BLUMENTHAL: It is a break-the-glass moment.

WOLF BLITZER: …a slow-motion Saturday Night Massacre.

SHEPARD SMITH: …a break-the-glass moment.

CARL BERNSTEIN: …a slow-motion Saturday Night (crosstalk) Massacre.

HEIDI PRZYBYLA: …a break-the-glass option.

JAMES CLAPPER: …slow-motion Saturday Night Massacre.

BRIAN WILLIAMS: A break-glass scenario in case there’s a Nixon-era Saturday Night Massacre.

JAKE TAPPER: We are all going through a slow-motion, multi-monthed Saturday Night Massacre.

RACHEL MADDOW: Protests across the country! More than 900 are planned. Question as to whether or not this was the break-glass moment.

ERIN BURNETT: (sfx) …tonight, the push to impeach.

DAVID CICILLINE: …obstruction of justice.

PAUL BEGALA: Boy, this looks like obstruction.

WOLF BLITZER: …the level of obstruction of justice?

APRIL RYAN: There’s a constitutional crisis.

BROOKE BALDWIN: (background noise) … this could potentially be an impeachable offense.

MARK MAZZETTI: …which could lead to impeachment.

TOM STEYER: The Constitution gives us one solution, which is to impeach.

JACK QUINN: This is an impeachable offense.

ARTHEL NEVILLE: Will Democrats look to impeach the president?

CHUCK TODD: Let’s go to this issue of impeachment.

LARRY O’DONNELL: Donald Trump will be, must be impeached.

CARL BERNSTEIN: They are the kind of offenses, uhhh, that would call for impeachment.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: …may be grounds for impeachment.

SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: …the prospect of impeachment.

TOM LLAMAS: The drumbeats from Democrats for possible impeachment get louder.

KIMBERLY ATKINS: If House members find impeachable offenses, it is not just the right thing to do. It’s their duty.

JOHN DEAN: The House is going to have little choice other than to start impeachment proceedings.

RUSH: Now, you notice here, folks, what we first pointed out with the gravitas is that they all in the end — at the same time — using the same characterizations. Either “the walls are closing in,” “it is time for impeachment, “slow-motion Saturday Night Massacre,” “the glass is breaking,” “the break-glass moment,” “the Moscow pee tape,” “the golden showers story.” This comes from somewhere. Just as 35 different people call Bush’s choice of Cheney as VP “gravitas,” this comes from someplace.

We think we know. We pointed it out last week, this organization called TDIP, which is a Democrat nonprofit that is used to spread stories in the Drive-By Media. It’s a clearinghouse of sorts where media doesn’t have to ever track down a story. They just go to this place to find out what to think and what to say and how to report it. It’s run by a former staffer for Dianne Feinstein. At any rate, imagine that, because this happened over a two-year period.

And it never ended! From the time you got up until the time you went to bed, if you turned on a news source, this is what you saw. Not a single allegation — and these went beyond allegations. These became items of certainty as they were reported. It was just a matter of time. These people, in a sane world, would be so embarrassed and so shamed.

They think they report the truth. They think they preserve our democracy. They are undermining it! They are undermining one of the important, great distinctions about this country and its freedoms from every other country on earth. And they are undermining it, and they do it without shame. They do it without embarrassment. They do it without being held accountable, other than — we hope — audiences abandoning them in droves.

Continued below...

Vindicator ago

RUSH: Okay. Now, imagine that you are PMSNBC or CNN, and you’ve had pretty good ratings. You’ve had pretty good ratings… Well, CNN hasn’t. Forget it. CNN’s just junk. But PMSNBC, for a couple hours at night, has had some pretty decent ratings. Why? One reason: The people watching PMSNBC (and CNN at the same time) are tuning in because they need to be fed. Vampires need blood, so they bite your neck. These people need to be fed.

The audiences of these abominations of cable channels need to be fed with reassurance every day that Trump is gonna go down, that it’s gonna be proven by the special counsel that Trump colluded with Putin and stole the election from them by denying Hillary Clinton her presidency. All right. That’s why they tuned in. They needed to be fed. They needed to be assured. They needed to be comforted and told that Trump was gonna be sent packing, that we’re gonna get Trump.

These hosts like Rachel Maddow and these clowns over at CNN, now what are they gonna do? They don’t want to tune in to find out how Mueller blew it. They don’t want to tune in to see video clips of Trump supporters applauding and all. What are these audiences gonna do? That’s why CNN and MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post are all struggling mightily here to keep this alive with this claim that Mueller has alleged that Trump may have obstructed justice.

(paraphrased) “Of course, I can’t prove it. I’m gonna leave it up to the attorney general.” So there’s a lot of ’em that are concerned — and, boy… I watched a little bit of ’em today, and, are they working hard! The arguments that they were having with Sarah Sanders on CNN today trying to prove that Mueller did announce collusion. It was comical to watch.


RUSH: Just one more question here before we get to the phones. If you’ve been reporting for two years that the president may be a traitor, that he might have colluded with the dreaded Russians to steal an election, wouldn’t you kind of be relieved to hear that that didn’t happen? I guess you wouldn’t, because they’re not happy. The media is livid! The media is fit to be tied that Trump isn’t a traitor! They want their president to be a traitor! They want their president to be guilty of stealing an election.

Why? So they can kick his ass out of town to show everybody that they can do just that. Then they’ll get Pence in there and they’ll kick his ass out of town, and they’ll get him for being too religious and too conservative, that nobody elected him. “Who the hell are you, Pence? Go back to Indiana.” They’ll find a way to get Hillary back in the White House somehow with Pelosi naming her speaker and then she resigns or some such thing. I’m just flapping my gums here. But the point is…

You know, I saw Bret Baier last night on Fox News. “This is a great day for America. We have learned that the president isn’t a traitor.” It’s not a great day for half of the country! Half of the country wanted him to be a traitor, just so they could get rid of him! How sick are these people? Okay. Now, I’ve admittedly dominated the program, but I can, because it’s mine.