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Geo_synchronous ago

I thought the Rothschilds were into banking. Not Child care... Rothschild is there to size up potential sacrifice victims for their Satanic baby killing lust.

courtjester1111 ago

Hi. Seems they'll profit from anything.

Vindicator ago

She uses the Child 360 Method. I believe its teaching agenda is not what it seems. Its of an esoteric nature.

I was just vetting your post, @courtjester1111, because we need linked support for every claim, and you didn't really explain why you think Child 360 is "of an esoteric nature." Looks like you could be right.

Their logo is a circle inside a crescent, which also happens to be the crown of Isis and Astarte/Innana/Ishtar. This goddess just happens to be known for her cult of homosexual transvestite priests and sacred prostitution, according to Wikipedia.

This is definitely pizzagate-related, because our previous research discovered James Alefantis's Berlin restaurant Nalu Diner had a special menu celebrating the spring feast of this goddess. The instagram from that second link pretty clearly belongs to a pedo friend of Alefantis.

The Ishtar/Astarte/Innana/Isis imagery also appears in this photo of Gloria Vanderbilt and Anderson Cooper.

courtjester1111 ago

Hi. The Altadena Children's Center and Child 360 Teach a Curriculum based on the teachings of this Author. This>>>

think- ago

@courtjester1111, would you please consider adding the info below @Vindicator provided to your OP, so that your post can stay up? Thank you!

(Please just edit the links in.)

Their logo is a circle inside a crescentPNG, which also happens to be the crown of IsisPNG and Astarte/Innana/IshtarPNG. This goddess just happens to be known for her cult of homosexual transvestite priests and sacred prostitution, according to Wikipedia.

This is definitely pizzagate-related, because our previous research discovered James Alefantis's Berlin restaurant Nalu DinerImgur Album had a special menu celebrating the spring feast of this goddess. The instagram from that second link pretty clearly belongs to a pedo friend of Alefantis.

The Ishtar/Astarte/Innana/Isis imagery also appears in this photo of Gloria Vanderbilt and Anderson CooperJPG.

courtjester1111 ago

Hi. Allow me to try catch up? I'm not with you. My apologies.

think- ago

I'm not a mod anymore, @courtjester1111, it will be up to @EricKaliberhall and @Vindicator to allow some more time for editing.

Good post, btw. :-)

courtjester1111 ago

NP. Got it. I like to be stupid in practice. Not being a mod is ok too. Hope you weren't busted? Thanks for the bump. :-)

think- ago

Np at all, @courtjester1111, glad you posted this submission.

Not being a mod is ok too.


Imnotshocked ago

That FB page is creepy and every kid seems off to me. It’s like the few smiles you see aren’t real.

courtjester1111 ago

Haven't got Spookbook, but could imagine.

Imnotshocked ago

Me neither, but you can still see people’s FB pages if they are made public , even if you don’t have an account ... just a bunch of pics of children with blank stares.

courtjester1111 ago

Cool. Thanks for the education. This Wabbit hole Stinks.

Imnotshocked ago

Np.. yes it smells.

think- ago

The guy on the right is Mike Rothschild. Super shill.

Is this the Mike Rothschild who is active on Twitter, and constantly attacks Pizzagaters? Who says he isn't related to the banking dynasty Rothschilds?

swampkid ago

borrowing your comment again because I still can not go past captcha security for a post. and also this doesn't have evidence per the rules.

  • I recall many people in swamp worked at Disney (people locally say "shadow of big ears" alot) as dancing themed characters and also in their advertising company "yellow shoes"

  • one of the girls we worked with was asian adopted and always discussed things not happily about her dad

  • since posting all my sources, he has somehow appeared at vacation spot while we were there visiting, just vacation

  • he was a helicopter pilot responsible for some minor movie stuff and also real estate companies hired him to take ariel photos of land and property (survallience now that I learned from you all). did voat expose me?

  • what helicopter pilots with adopted asian daughter who was character actor for disney? must be small list?

  • how many helicopter friends do they have? he stalked us an even did an illegal flyover the island which brought the police out to talk to ME? Is that what is targeted stalking?

  • large bellys little legs small heads top gun glasses and maybe daughters who were hurt early in lives

  • I know none can actually help me personally but knowing patterns is good now. So you know, I have contacted her and asked her personally if she was molested

  • I have not heard back as she is married with a baby now but this could be in spam by now too

so there is this pattern again. easy to identify swamp creatures. also, I think dr phillips road in orlando is pedo haven, especially with asian families and people. My friend delivers pizzas (not a joke pun) and he always says how weird people look when they answer the door, like they forget they even ordered a pizza.

I am learning alot. thank you! I'm overwhelmed with learning this all.

think- ago

I still can not go past captcha security for a post

What do you mean by this? You have enough CCP to do a post.

swampkid ago

The owners of the website use it as a tool to deter accounts I think. I asled some other people and they say some users are shadowbaned on voat too. Like their votes will not be tracked or postings can fall quick because the actual owners have multiple accounts. He says this is all FBI or something.

Please do not take my word for it. I am having to understand much on here. And asking for opinions can be very difficult without a way to know if the answers are truthful.

think- ago

Users here don't get shadowbanned, @swampkid. This is only a rumour. Sometimes the system has a bug when you try to vote, but this happens to all users, and is not limited to certain posts.Then just try to click the upvoat or downvoat button again after some time.

courtjester1111 ago

Roger that Fren.

think- ago

Well, obviously in this case, it was disinfo that was published, so Snopes in this case seems to have been right, it's still interesting they use him as a source though.

courtjester1111 ago

Agreed. Daily Dot got some savage assistance just before Mid terms last year. Wayback will help. I have limited resources today and fingers are cold. I started here. This>>> Then this>>> Ignore the photo on the site, It has been swapped for this. The picture you see is Austin Powell. Compare here.