SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

@Anonymoushumanbeing, we need linked support for every major claim, and you've got nothing for Alefantis being related to L'enfant. Also, you need to explain how Masonic (or not) pentagrams are related to the abuse of kids by the global elite (Rule 1). I'll give you the the 24 Hour Grace flair so you can edit. Thanks.

EricKaliberhall ago

Hey @Anonymoushumanbeing,

The 24hr Grace period is over and no edit has been made, so I will delete this submission per rule 1, Relevance. For more information please see the sidebar. Thank you.

auralsects ago

Lol the innocuous explanation doesnt take into account the many other occult shapes in the layout

carmencita ago

The Order of the Eastern Star must be researched. The women are especially active underground imo. They have totally flipped the Rainbow meaning. Some of the writings in the article are true but there are those that have taken these Orders to another stage. They have stretched the meanings and have evil-ized them as is their intention. It seems the Pentagram has evolved and means many things to many people and groups. this one is of Special Note:

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @letsdothis3.

Posted automatically (#28786) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

PGIsRettarded ago


think- ago

It would appear that L’enfant (Alefantis)

I'd suggest to delete the '(Alefantis)' part in this - L'enfant is not Alefantis, and they are apparently not related in any way. Otherwise the mods might flair the post. Thanks.