Piscina ago

The best emeralds come from South America. They are very deep, vivid green. From what I've been reading the last few days, slavery (ie trafficking) is very commonplace in Brazil, especially in mining towns like Minas Gerais, and is almost culturally accepted because it's so imbedded in their history.

girlinashittycountry ago

My countribution to this post, a 2003 article that links Epstein, Garneiro, Bush and so on https://www.istoedinheiro.com.br/noticias/economia/20030605/bush-garnero-bilionarios/21104

dandelion2319 ago

@angelafogo MARIO GARNERO Active Miami, FL — Manager for Knr Holdings LLC - Director Timothy D Richards, Manager Alvaro Garnero, Director DE CARVALHO MONTEIRO Active Miami, FL — Director for Brasilinvest International Inc. (Director Timothy D Richards) Manager Mario Garnero, TIMOTHY RICHARDS Active Miami, FL — President for Richards & Sanchez, P.A https://www.corporationwiki.com/Florida/Miami/mario-garnero-P3176421.aspx https://www.richards-law.com/
"Richards & Sanchez is Miami-based international tax, corporate, and estate planning law firm designed to fulfill the legal needs of a global clientele." "We are a dynamic, forward-thinking and tech savvy law firm. Our team is multilingual and multicultural. All attorneys and staff members are fluent in Spanish. Attorneys at our firm also speak French, German, Hindi and Portuguese. Our firm maintains membership in global professional organizations to gain immediate access to competent advisors in jurisdictions worldwide." GENERAL GUARDIAN CORPORATION Vice President Timothy D Richards Vice President Elena Diaz

Anyway of note they have this address listed as all their known addresses Which apparently is a lot of people / businesses known address. ONe is this: CIA. INVERSIONISTA PESAN, agent is a Lawyer https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Lawyer+Nicolas+Gutierrez+takes+on+property+%22traffickers%22.-a0163335587


Timothy Richards is listed on 198 companies many also registered in Nevada- https://www.corporationwiki.com/Florida/Miami/timothy-d-richards-43603.aspx Okay so what is interesting somewhat here is that there are numerous companies and the same people are listed as employees for several different companies. So like one person maybe listed on say 50 something companies as an employee. Not sure what that means but it is a webb.

letsdothis3 ago

Dr. Rosa Haritos of Healing Channels, a Boulder-based Energy Healer, Serves as Lead Medium at Omega Event in NY This Month & Opens Registration for 2018 John of God Tours

The Omega Institute welcomed John of God (João Teixeira de Faria), from Abadiânia, Brazil, to its 9th annual event, held October 3-5, 2017 in Rhinebeck, New York. John of God was joined by his healing team, including Boulder-based Rosa Haritos, Ph.D., to help more than 1,600 attendees per day experience the power of energy within a loving and accepting community.

With a Ph.D. in Medical Sociology from Columbia University and Andrew Mellon Fellowship at Stanford University, Rosa Haritos has worked in hospital, research, and academic environments for more than 20 years. During her first trip to John of God in 2004, Rosa Haritos was identified as a medium and made a Daughter of the Casa. She applies her past education and constant learning to understand the spiritual underpinnings of physical and emotional illness.

Uh huh..


Omega Institute for Holistic Studies is a non-profit educational retreat center located in Rhinebeck, New York. Founded in 1977 by Elizabeth Lesser and Stephan Rechtschaffen, inspired by Sufi mystic, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan and his ecumenical spirituality, today it offers classes to over 25,000 people a year, at the 190-acre (0.77 km2) campus

In 1977, co-founders Stephan Rechtschaffen, author of Timeshifting, and Elizabeth Lesser, author of The Seeker’s Guide and New York Times best-selling Broken Open, say they were inspired to create the Omega Institute by scholar and Eastern meditation teacher, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan.[8][9][10][11] The name “Omega” came from the teachings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a 20th-century French philosopher and Jesuit priest who used the term “Omega Point” to describe the peak of unity and integration toward which all life is evolving.

New York City events have included speakers such as Al Gore, Christopher Reeve, and Eckhart Tolle. ... Other Omega speakers and teachers have included Adyashanti, Maya Angelou, Deepak Chopra, Pema Chödrön, Jeanne Fleming, Jane Goodall, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, Ram Dass, Thich Nhat Hanh, Allen Ginsberg, Gloria Steinem, Pete Seeger, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Philip Glass, Betty Williams, Lon Milo DuQuette, and many others.

Elizabeth Lesser https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Lesser

She has shared her work and teachings at TED (conference)[4] and on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday.

The Omega Institute and the CIA :

Russell Targ, a physicist, author, and pioneer in the development of the laser and laser applications, was cofounder of the Stanford Research Institute’s investigation into psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s for the CIA. There, he participated in 20 years of experiments in remote viewing, a psychic method of gathering information from afar...

In 1997, Russell Targ retired from his position as senior staff scientist at Lockheed Martin, where he developed laser technology for peaceful applications. Today, he pursues esp research, including remote viewing, in Palo Alto, California.

TrustTheTruth ago

What is the Emerging Markets Institute at Cornell?

What is the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise?

Who controls the University and what other country do they have a location in? Who else is there with them?

What is the World's Most Valuable Resource and where is it?

Who are the Pilgrims Society? Who are the Knights of Pythias and Malta? Who are the Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, Aspen Institute, Brookings Institution, Cato Institute, Center for American Progress, and Chicago Council on Global Affairs?

What happened at the Earth Summit? Who did Bill Clinton appoint to the President's Council on Sustainable Development? What was Zika a test for and who benefited?

What is the Sphinx Head (Society)? What is the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult? What happened with executives at Cargill, DuPont and others in the chain?

Sustainability is The Great Deception to forge the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI and Community Policing.

Racine is the ROOT of All Evil, Model for The Great Deception and the Real Agenda, and The Path to The Truth.

Warren Buffett controls the news, Bill Gates and other elites are global partners, and the weak link in the chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

What was Mayer Amschel Rothschilds' real name?


Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

think- ago

So does Garnero own shares of John of God's mines? Or is JoG the sole owner? And who are the other Brazilians in Epstein's Black Book?

septimasexta ago

think- ago

Interesting, thanks!

septimasexta ago

Bogota Journal; Emeralds' Luster Hides a Darker Side

"When Medellin drug lords wanted to expand their money laundering, they turned to emeralds. A decade ago, they approached Colombia's top gem traders for a marriage of convenience, hoping to gain access to the Magdalena River for drug shipping."

"Once at the top, Mr. Carranza became the most powerful proponent of cleaning up the country's sizable emerald trade, by creating a commodities market to regulate quality, pricing and payment."

"Mr. Carranza's initial plan for a commodities market included a steep membership fee that would essentially have kept smaller players out. Though a commodities market would make emeralds taxable, thereby lessening profits, it would also mean creating an objective standard to for quality and value." By DIANA JEAN SCHEMOAPRIL 11, 1998 https://www.nytimes.com/1998/04/11/world/bogota-journal-emeralds-luster-hides-a-darker-side.html

"Why We Must Combat Money Laundering

People who commit crimes need to disguise the origin of their criminal money so that they can use it more easily. This fact is the basis for all money laundering, whether that of the drug trafficker, organized criminal, terrorist, arms trafficker, blackmailer, or credit card swindler. Money laundering generally involves a series of multiple transactions used to disguise the source of financial assets so that those assets may be used without compromising the criminals who are seeking to use the funds. Through money laundering, the criminal tries to transform the monetary proceeds derived from illicit activities into funds with an apparently legal source.

Money laundering has devastating social consequences and is a threat to national security because it provides the fuel for drug dealers, terrorists, illegal arms dealers, corrupt public officials and other criminals to operate and expand their criminal enterprises. In doing so, criminals manipulate financial systems in the United States and abroad. Unchecked, money laundering can erode the integrity of a nation's financial institutions. Due to the high integration of capital markets, money laundering can also negatively affect national and global interest rates as launderers reinvest funds where their schemes are less likely to be detected, rather than where rates of return are higher because of sound economic principles. Organized financial crime is assuming an increasingly significant role in money laundering that threatens the safety and security of peoples, states and democratic institutions. Moreover, our ability to conduct foreign policy and to promote our economic security and prosperity is hindered by these threats to our democratic and free-market partners." https://www.state.gov/j/inl/rls/nrcrpt/1999/928.htm

think- ago

People who commit crimes need to disguise the origin of their criminal money so that they can use it more easily. This fact is the basis for all money laundering, whether that of the drug trafficker, organized criminal, terrorist, arms trafficker, blackmailer, or credit card swindler.

Yes. Important to keep in mind.

septimasexta ago


"RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) - Brazil’s state police say they have found a suitcase full of cash and emeralds hidden in the home of a faith healer accused of sexual abuse by hundreds of women. The suitcase was discovered at the home of Joao Teixeira de Faria on Friday in a basement accessed by a trap door in a closet. Police in the central state of Goias said they also found about $300,000 worth of Brazilian reals. They had yet to appraise the emeralds." https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/dec/22/cash-emeralds-found-in-brazil-faith-healers-home/

letsdothis3 ago

There's something that is being covered up with this story. Basements are not common in tropical climates. Here's a link with the basement discussion to back up that statement: http://www.gringoes.com/gringoes-forums/topic/basements/

Any mention of tunnels anywhere?

septimasexta ago

The raid on John of God turned up emeralds. Bogota, Columbia area has most of the world's emeralds and Bogota is a big center for emerald sales. Were these emerald mines? Diamonds (and potentially emeralds) are used instead of cash for international money moving.

ASolo ago

Emeralds, child-trafficking, mines, spiritual 'guru's', Did Geffen, Oprah and all of these players involved watch too much Indiana Jones or did Spielberg's movie imitate life?

Either way @AppliedAspergers ~Awesome thread~ and a truly significant lead on another angle of the Epstein, Wexler, Queen of England, Charles/Saville, MI6, Nazi/NWO extension of Tavistock standard op extortion/sex trafficking/SRAritual pipeline.

I'm wondering to what degree of separation self appointed ambassador to the Caribbean and official UN Ambassador (Agnelli;House of Bourbon) Paolo Zampolli is to all of this?

septimasexta ago

A more accurate film is ROMANCING THE STONE Setting is the emerald mines near Bogota.

ASolo ago

Another Robert Zemeckis film too. Interesting

ASolo ago

Zemeckis later stated that the success of Romancing the Stone allowed him to make Back to the Future, which was an even larger success.


But I digresss. Interesting for my own interests but not relevant to this thread (hmmm or is it?)

ASolo ago

Ah yes with Michael Douglas?

septimasexta ago

Yes. A "romantic comedy." It did have some great lines. $5 on iTunes Someone I know who grew up in South America said it was actually filmed in Mexico. Lots of references to the drug cartels operating in Colombia at the time. The purpose was to make Colombia look bad and keep tourists away from there. I wonder if they were flying to Mena, Ark. back then?

"It all started in 1984 when Congress cut off funding for the Nicaraguan resistance. CIA station chief in Costa Rica, Joe Fernandez, sent a confidential message to the FDN (Nicaraguan Democratic Force), authorizing them to seek "alternative funds". They were told that they would have no interference from authorities if they tried to enter the U.S. by air or sea. The alternative funds would be in the form of drugs for weapons.

Key operatives in Iran-Contra were George Bush, Oliver North, Dewey Clarridge, John Pointdexter and Caspar Weinberger. The entire operation however, would have to have bi-partisan efforts. This would require the cooperation of former CIA operative and then Governor, Bill Clinton.

Cocaine was obtained from Colombia and moved to Panama where it was protected by Panamanian defense forces. Next, drugs were moved through Costa Rica, where the shipments were personally guarded by the Minister of Public Security. The final destination was U.S. territory. The flights were handled by the FBI and CIA and met no resistance.

The major traffic point was Mena, Arkansas, where the weapons production and training of Contras took place, and where shipment of guns and trained Contras originated. Planes returning from Central America would be carrying cocaine. It was easy to load drugs on the planes that returned to the U.S. after delivering weapons to the Contras. The distribution within the United States was handled by the Mafia." https://sites.go ogle.com/site/nocancerfoundation/mena-arkansas-drugs-money-and-murder