ASolo ago

Cecillia Szalman -nothing in google

Mario Ganero Sr. - Looks to be a typo because there is this Mario GARNERO who is a pretty prominent Brazillian banker and entrepreneur pictured here with George HW Bush.


At the link you can se this guy is also buddies with Billy Clinton AND the Pope.

AppliedAspergers ago


Some of the greatest names in mining are big owners of BRI. This includes legendary resource investor Rick Rule, who calls Amir, “one of the next great executives in the mining industry.” Renowned speculators Marin Katusa and Doug Casey are also large shareholders.

Yet, one of the biggest owners of the stock is Mario Garnero.

She claims Faria would offer money to poor girls aged 14 to 18 to go and live in mineral mines or farms he owns in the Brazilian states of Goias and Minas Gerais.

OK, nobody make a miner-minor pun. This is not the time.

3141592653 ago


ASolo ago

Have to hand it to Defango for putting this together not sure how it has sat here for almost two days and noone has one and done any research on this name in the Black Book. I'm going to have to go back and watch it again to get the name but I just had to comment first that I'm amazed this thread hasn't gone that far in the past two days. It's a pretty significant development and as Defango implies Epstein could be the manager of what could be a pretty big operation, Epsteins trafficking pipeline extends up from Brazil into the British and American Virgin Islands and to Epsteins TEMPLE, also COINCIDING with Oprah, Branson, and any number of celebrities that own islands up and down this drug and sex trafficking corridor.

think- ago

Well, kudos to Amy Biank, the former guide, who spoke up. Maybe we should look for more info about what she said, she seems to know a lot of details, and talked to the workers at the Casa.

@angelafogo @girlinashittycountry @letsdothis3 @ASolo

angelafogo ago

Thats great. It would be great if we could talk to her

think- ago

I googled her a bit, not sure whether she still tries to teach 'John of God healing techniques'? Maybe it's just old sites she forgot to take down?

AppliedAspergers ago

This person just interviewed her, apparently:

think- ago


think- ago

Thanks. That's what I thought, sadly. So this is why they push her as the 'true whistleblower', and try to discredit Sabrina Bittencourt?

Would you maybe have an archive for that site? So that people can read it without leaving an IP address? Thanks! :-)

SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis3 ago

Good video. He mentions that possible Epstein dimension. We've certainly found links back to New York, here :

It's all connected with the same names popping up in this international network of traffickers.

letsdothis3 ago

Great video. You don't have a YT link for it do you? I hate not being able to skim through it.