sore_ass_losers ago

Apparently Sabrina Bittencourt is still alive:

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's some background on Bittencourt's involvement from the Australian press:

"The activist believed to have given voice to the abused is Sabrina Bittecourt, a Brazilian currently in hiding somewhere between Europe and the Middle East.

Bittencourt says complaints about another Brazilian healer, Prem Baba, hit the air waves at the end of August, prompting her to ask in a Facebook post who was helping the victims emotionally.

"To my surprise, women began writing to me. In one month I received 103 complaints from victims of 13 spiritual leaders, including Joao de Deus," she says.

She understood the magnitude of the problem, she says, and began working to help mobilise volunteer therapists and lawyers, contacting the media, lawmakers and human rights organisations.

"I did it in the most organised way possible because I knew I was staring at the biggest allegations in Brazil's history and there could not be slip ups or people would die."

In total, she says she has helped 82 victims of Faria alone. Bittencourt says the women's suffering has brought back memories of her own sexual abuse experiences as a child at the hands of Mormon church member and that she is again, in fear for her life. She says some Faria's aides or supporters have threatened women who raised complaints.

She had been told of several Australian victims, including a woman who has taken her own life, but declined to give more details. The claims could not be independently verified.

Everyone who knew of these rumours or knew of some of the victims and worked to transform this man into a myth are complicit. Many people collaborated to ensure the women stayed silent and in fear.

"It is time to stop turning people into gods. Today we send probes into Mars, but socially it seems like we still live in the Middle Ages some times."

She promised to help more women find their voices in 2019, revealing abuse by other spiritual healers.

"If something happens to me, other wonderful people will continue this work. It's a strong group."

girlinashittycountry ago

At this point I ask myself, is she really dead?

girlinashittycountry ago

More updates. Her son is telling that she has died on Libano. What a weird and confusing story!

sore_ass_losers ago

Libano = Lebanon

Yes it is weird and confusing. I'm glad you're involved here. Please keep us updated on what's coming out in Brazil, as we're somewhat frustrated by the language barrier.

I just posted somewhere else in a comment that John 'of God' was sort of a national treasure for Brazil. Isn't that so? I imagine this must be a big blow to New Age and alternate spirituality people there.

ASolo ago

Keep these kind of threads coming we will eventually knock such a hole in the Weinstein, Geffen, Oprah, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Abramovic trafficking and satanism networks that they will have no choice but to shrivel up and die.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I see the troll army is out in full force trying to tamp down this Bill Clinton connection story.

The horse has left the barn on this one. Bill & Hill should be packing their bags. Watch how fast they find another wedding to go to on the other side of the Earth.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @sore_ass_losers.

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sore_ass_losers ago

Here's the Daily Mail article, linked from CDAN comments:

flyingcuttlefish ago

oh good.... I was looking for that as the Daily Mail quickly removed the story from the main pages. Even the sidebar.

sore_ass_losers ago

Vilanova Grand Marina is in Barcelona, consistent with reports of Bittencourt's supposed suicide in that city. However there is some confusion:

The details of the death of activist Sabrina Bittencourt who revealed allegations of sexual abuse of John of God and other religious leaders are still uncertain. One day after the activist's suicide allegation, her colleagues and her family give different answers about where and when she died.

The news was announced at 11:24 Sunday 3 in a note signed by Maria do Carmo Santos, founder. the NGO Vítimas Unidas, in which Sabrina participated. According to the statement, the activist committed suicide in Barcelona on Saturday around 9 pm, leaving a letter of goodbye. ...

Gabriel Baum, the eldest son of the age of 16, is the only close relative who talks about death. According to him, the mother died in Lebanon and will be buried in this country.

Gabriel also stated that he had met his mother for the last time in Paris, before she went to Barcelona and, later, to Lebanon with her girlfriend.

*What do we know about the death of Sabrina Bittencourt? Thais Reis Oliviera

Vindicator ago

Am I supposed to make it "np." or whatever?

What are you asking, AA?

AppliedAspergers ago

Nevermind. I fixed it.

You change the links to "non-participation": --->

darkknight111 ago

CDAN is implying David Geffen and Oprah were behind the murder plot that led to her death.

Vindicator ago

Here's the text:

Monday, February 04, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Killing Spree

People are focusing only on the big name in all of this. The thing is, there were others killed first in this spree. Oh, and they were all killings. There was no suicide. The claim of suicide was made by relatives to try and ensure their own safety. No one actually believes there was a suicide.

Was it arranged by the mogul? It isn't like he hasn't protected child molesters before. It isn't like he hasn't protected billionaire sex traffickers before. It isn't like he hasn't helped out his one named A++ list friend when they have needed it before. It isn't his first time being involved in deaths to cover up secrets or to do a favor. I think this was more revenge than anything else. You don't run through the list of victims that were in hiding, all helped by the "suicide" victim and then kill them all.

Each killing was accompanied with a message to the "suicide" victim. They were coming for her. She knew they were coming for her. She reached out to people to spread the word they were murdering those closest to her. She knew they would come for her family unless she gave up herself to them first. You know the term suicide by cop? This was pretty similar. Show yourself and get yourself killed or the family goes and then they will come and find you anyway after.

They launched their killing spree from a yacht moored in Vilanova Grand Marina. Guess who the yacht is registered to? Yeah, the same name he uses for all the yachts he bought with this internet tycoon several years ago. This one he has not bought out, but he is still co-owner.

Vindicator ago

Geffen has two yachts. The Rising Sun is currently at anchor near St Berthelemy. The Pelorus is currently in the Persian Gulf.

ASolo ago

Very interesting.

It does look it has changed hands twice though since Geffen.

The Pelorus


Home port: GEORGETOWN (tax free haven/ sex trafficking hub)

sore_ass_losers ago

"The same name he uses" implies yacht is not registered under his own name. "All the yachts" and buying them out implies more than two.


Vindicator ago

Well, he says the attacks were "launched" from the yacht in Barcelona, Spain. He doesn't say when, or whether that's just where they met to plan everything.

sore_ass_losers ago

Regrettably, it seems to me like this Barcelona coincidence is meant to sell the story.

Bittencourt's denunciation video has been out on YouTube for at least a month. Of course she might have been identified as a loose cannon before that.

Looks like the Rising Sun has been around St. Barts since New Years, according to celebrity gossip reports I've found.

Vindicator ago

I just saw on the CDaN blog comments that Bittencourt's "suicide" was near Barcelona? When and where that happened might lend some helpful parameters.

sore_ass_losers ago

Yes, and the Daily Mail article says Barcelona. However her son says she died in Lebanon:

I hope we will learn more about her death in days to come.

darkknight111 ago

@Vinidcator @think

I have a hypothesis. What if the location of the death is irrelevant to the blind?

What I’m getting at is the equipment on the offending yacht is what matters.

If the comms equipment is sufficient to quickly send out orders or communicate murder plots, then where she died is less important than the posistion of the offending yacht to the blind.

The blind does say the yacht in question is not registered.

sore_ass_losers ago

No, the blind says the yacht is registered but implies it's under some other name. Note Geffen is known to own two yachts, the first, the Rising Sun he co-owned with software magnate Larry Ellison then bought it outright. He is not known to have co-owned other yachts with Ellison or co-own any yachts currently, as the blind implies.

I'm looking at this story, but am skeptical. For me it's just a bit too pat: in the past week or so Geffen emerges as a hot topic of interest in discussions as a leader of the Hollywood Gay Mafia, which has been in the forefront of subverting and inverting societal morality. Oprah parties on the Rising Sun at the end of January. This blind implies G. ordered a hit on Bittencourt and drops the name of a marina in Barcelona, when press reports say she died in Barcelona (perhaps erroneously). There's no other evidence of G.'s yachts in Barcelona so far. (I hear what you're saying, location doesn't matter, but the coincidental location was one of the big 'facts' in this blind.)

The blind talks about multiple killings. Here's something to support that:

"Yesterday, after one of her sheltered witnesses in London sought refuge from hired killers, Sabrina called me to tears and did not know what else to do, she just wanted to help, but the evil, led by militiamen, the political rulers and powerful religious leaders, could win.”

@Vindicator @think- (oops, you got their names wrong, darknight111)

darkknight111 ago

Must have misread the blind.

Could be a case of truth plus faulty reporting (likely from sources sending this stuff very early on in the incident before all the information has been verified). We’ll have to wait and see for if this gets revealed.

What I suspect is true are the identities of the culprits/victim (Geffen is a monster, I wouldn’t put anything past him). What is wrong is the location of death and the yacht’s posistion.

Vindicator ago

The blind says the yacht IS registered, and was at the Barcelona marina:

They launched their killing spree from a yacht moored in Vilanova Grand Marina. Guess who the yacht is registered to? Yeah, the same name he uses for all the yachts he bought with this internet tycoon several years ago. This one he has not bought out, but he is still co-owner.

It's possible someone might use VHF to run comms for an operation they didn't want tracked over cell phones, but that is risky because anyone monitoring the right channel would be able to pick up the broadcast. I would think burner phones would be more secure.

More likely it was "launched from the yacht" to avoid surveillance (it's a controlled access environment) and cache weapons (most large yachts have well armed security teams).


think- ago

So it can't be Geffen then. Hmm. Would have made sense though.

Vindicator ago

It would take approximately 8 days cruising to get from Barcelona to St. Barts. The anchor track of Rising Sun looked like it had been there for quite a few tide changes.

sore_ass_losers ago

According to this tracking site the Rising Sun has been only at ports Koolbai and Philipsburg since December 17, 2018. There's also celebrity gossip reports saying Les Moonves was on it at New Years and Oprah Winfrey at the end of the month. (Ports apparent in St. Martins, most press reports mention St. Barts.)

think- ago

Well, hiding on a billionaire's yacht would of course be a safe way to get into a country I guess....this is an example where Enty's 'possible truth mixed with fiction, might only be gossip'-approach really sucks.

The CDAN almost reads like a warning to all victims and witnesses. :-/

sore_ass_losers ago

If this is BS on top of her untimely death, just to get clicks...

Vindicator ago

You mean on Enty's part?

sore_ass_losers ago

Yes. It's one thing to hint about rumors about some Hollywoodian and another to capitalize on and further mystify Bittencourt's death.

I would hope all of the deep, dark CDAN posts would be sincere, but I suppose Enty could be the victim of a rumor also.

think- ago

I would hope all of the deep, dark CDAN posts would be sincere, but I suppose they could be sincere and false, Enty could be the victim of a rumor also.

Yes, fully agree. What bothers me is that this reads as a threat that could be meant to intimitate victims and witnesses. Not good.


think- ago

@darkknight111 - consider posting the CDAN as a submission to v/pizzagate? This should get some more eyes on it. Thanks!

think- ago

@girlinashittycountry @Vindicator @ASolo - have you guys read this CDAN blind, published today? Seems to be about Sabrina Bittencourt.

ASolo ago

Sure did. It has certainly been on my mind and awful lot. Pretty interesting how Geffen and Oprah are plotting assassinations from The Rising Son to cover their tracks with this John of God character, watching the new MJ doc on the yacht, and this new character assassination attempt on Fionna Barnett.

I certainly agree with Entylawyer that most people looking into any of these events are not focusing on the entire cast of characters.

ASolo ago

There are alot of plates getting ready to boil over, this should be an interesting month.

think- ago

I have mixed feelings about Fiona Barnett. I'm not 100%sure she's legit. See the post @Vindicator did today. Maybe you would like to chime in, and share your thoughts? Very confusing.

ASolo ago

I have to admit I do as well and there is no way that I can come to her defense except for simply letting what has already been exposed be the truth that allows her to remain credible. There has been some very extreme infighting in what seems to have been devastating blow to many of us in the SRA/SA conspiracy/researcher community simply because of the innate lack of trust between us all for the obvious reasons. Not only have the seeds of doubt been heavily spread throughout our community there have been massive litigious and personal attacks from many different nefarious groups intentionally aiming for this end result. It's only an inevitability and we just have to be steadfast and sure in our convictions and be careful to judge.

I'm just as confused as you are but be strong in your own guiding light and what the truth tells you.

think- ago

It's only an inevitability and we just have to be steadfast and sure in our convictions and be careful to judge.


I'm just as confused as you are but be strong in your own guiding light and what the truth tells you.

I will. Thank you.

@Vindicator @Sandhog @EricKaliberhall @letsdothis3

SandHog ago

That whole John of God thing is so vile and disgusting...I don't think the proper words exist to describe it. I tend to think it much more likely that someone on the ground locally had Sabrina murdered than Geffen did. Although, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it was Geffen who ordered it given his history.

think- ago

I think that there was a gang of killers sent to Europe to kill all victims and witnesses that have been hiding there.

I'm not sure whether it's helpful to suggest it was a wealthy US billionaire, if this part of the story is fiction. This might only be a distraction.

The baby trafficking started two decades ago, but Oprah only got involved with John of God from 2010 onwards. Maybe she is involved in baby trafficking (I wouldn't be surprised, tbh), maybe not.

As I said, it really really sucks that Enty mixes legit info with disinfo.

Vindicator ago

Man, this board is hoppin' today!

think- ago


permindex ago

He isn't. His readers are.

flyingcuttlefish ago


girlinashittycountry ago

When I have time, I will do a megapost with EVERYBODY that Sabrina Bittencourt has denounced before dying, it includes João de Deus, Ge Marques, Sri Prem Baba, Derose Yoga Method (very common up here, also inside bjj gyms), Ayahuasca Temples, Umbanda Temples, etc etc. I wish I could do something more than denouncing but I DONT TRUST no one. I am even afraid of not hiding myself more up here, with SOCKS5 or VPN ... One important fact, Sabrina was asking help for OPRAH on her website: . As I told you all, here in Brazil reddit or voat arent very popular.

sore_ass_losers ago

You might mention the overall religious landscape in Brazil. It's not at all analogous to the U.S., I was surprised when I learned. There's a few Afro-Brazilian religions (you mention Umbanda) with lots of 'syncretism' (adoption of the Virgin Mary and Christian saints) and spiritualism (Alan Cardack). Quasi-Christian religions such as Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons (Bittencourt came from a Mormon family) are big there, I understand. Many of the Christians are involved in big-money evangelical operations.

By the way, I'm curious, what were the religious affiliations of JdD? Did his operation relate to other religious entities throughout Brazil? (I read a rumor he had an Israeli passport, so Jewish.)

girlinashittycountry ago

JdD was a spiritual healer with a syncretism of Christian and Spiritualism. Most sort of Chico Xavier. I remember when I was younger like 20 years ago and saw him on our biggest tv channel, globo (runned by jews), he was shown just like a true god and with that sort of operation without blood. Chico Xavier was also a fraud AND ALSO A FRIEND OF JOAO DE DEUS (this is the official link from JdD place that mentions his friendship , But my friend people here are so ignorant that you can say an A against Chico Xavier. Poor People! I am running of time but i am preparing a post about a big web around these pieces of shit

sore_ass_losers ago


ASolo ago

People are focusing only on the big name in all of this [JOHN OF GOD]. The thing is, there were others killed first in this spree. Oh, and they were all killings. There was no suicide [SABRINA BITTENCOURT]. The claim of suicide was made by relatives to try and ensure their own safety. No one actually believes there was a suicide.

Was it arranged by the mogul [GEFFEN]? It isn't like he hasn't protected child molesters before. It isn't like he hasn't protected billionaire sex traffickers before. It isn't like he hasn't helped out his one named A++ list friend [OPRAH] when they have needed it before.

It isn't his first time being involved in deaths to cover up secrets or to do a favor. I think this was more revenge than anything else. You don't run through the list of victims that were in hiding, all helped by the "suicide" victim and then kill them all. Each killing was accompanied with a message to the "suicide" victim. They were coming for her. She knew they were coming for her. She reached out to people to spread the word they were murdering those closest to her. She knew they would come for her family unless she gave up herself to them first. You know the term suicide by cop? This was pretty similar. Show yourself and get yourself killed or the family goes and then they will come and find you anyway after.

They launched their killing spree from a yacht moored in Vilanova Grand Marina. Guess who the yacht is registered to? Yeah, the same name he uses for all the yachts he bought with this internet tycoon several years ago [GEFFEN/BARRY DILLER/LARRY ELLISON? RISING SUN]. This one he has not bought out, but he is still co-owner.

Piscina ago

Isn't Barry diller married to Diana von Furstenburg?

Vindicator ago

she was using #oprahweneedyou

Oprah promoted the guy AND operated a girl's school in Africa where the girls were sexually assaulted. Highly doubt Oprah is going to help.

think- ago

Obviously, Sabrina Bittencourt didn't know about Pizzagate.... :-/

think- ago

When I have time, I will do a megapost with EVERYBODY that Sabrina Bittencourt has denounced before dying

That would be terrific! :-)


flyingcuttlefish ago

maybe this whole thing will explode and might need its own subverse here on voat. Maybe pizzagateBrazil or similar name.

It would make tracking the story and adding items much more efficient.


carmencita ago

From the Reddit Link

Oprah was probably grooming little girls or boys for the spirit cooking parties or hot dog parties at the White House with Jay Z and Podestas. Didn't Oprah have an orphanage in Africa or a school for children without parents???

Wow. What an assessment. Well Oprah did have a school for older girls and one of the girls was pregnant and they found a baby in her gym bag/satchel. Very interesting.

ASolo ago

Great to see this thread on Oprah, these people think they are untouchable but it looks like I am seeing some nervousness among their crowd finally.

Baichu ago

It would be fantastic to see Oprah and her devotees get the shock of their lives. That being, the deepest understanding of what is meant by child trafficking through this false prophet and then deeply understanding what is happening worldwide. Would Oprah cry for the souls, would her devotees be saddened?

However, the brainwashing is deep to those who watched the exalted idol for 25 years and unfortunately some still do it seems.

carmencita ago

I hope they are having sleepless nights. We need to rattle them up more often. This should not be allowed to disappear like others. We need memes on Twitter.

carmencita ago

Unbelievable. Dr. Wayne Dyer and Oprah with John of God Joao. These are very short videos. 3 & 4 min. and less.

In 2012 Oprah Winfrey made the journey to Brazil to experience the powerful energy and healing that is available at the Casa. Watch here her talk with Medium Joao.

Her visit enabled her to see first hand the work of the entities and the palpable presence of healing in the current room.

WAYNE DYER:Wayne Dyer received work and healing through the Distant Healing procedure which contributed to his recovery from leukemia.

WAYNE DYER:Wayne explains his healing process through John of God. Please note that Distant Healing and spiritual interventions such as Wayne Dyer had are equal in their effects.

These Two Fakes are pushing the Flim Flam of John of God Bogus Healings. What's in it for them? What are they getting? Money? Or something else. I can't really believe they actually believe what they are peddling. A complete sham.

sore_ass_losers ago

Wow, just watched her video about the sex slavery/baby trafficking/murder allegations the other day. She seemed very sincere and impassioned; video was quite dramatic, filmed at night in a windy location, she wearing a headscarf.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/BloodOfEurope comment by @theoldones.

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dundundunnnnn ago

Brave woman. They murdered her.

racmo ago

But of course!

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

If I learned anything these last 20 years, is that justice is just a greek god sheeple pay tribute to lawyer politicians, in the form of income tax

celestial-skylord ago

Probably just a coincidence.

GetWoke ago

Yeah probably....

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/BloodOfEurope submission by @theoldones.

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So did she shoot herself in the back of the head 4 times or did she hang herself on a door knob?

Quicktor ago

Sodomites don't have souls...remember that...

and the Demons who exchange souls for printed paper know that you can't run forever...

compost...compost...may our forests be grown from the composted soil of our vanquished demons and sodomites...

worm shit forever...I love forests...

Lavender7 ago

So this one we believe?

think- ago

It seems that she really killed herself.

johnjohn ago

This whole crazy story needs to have more light. What the hell were Oprah and Bill Clinton doing being involved with this John De Deus guy?

think- ago

Not only Oprah, Marina Abramovic (the Spirit Cooking lady) as well. And Naomi Campbell visited him too.

GetWoke ago

They both drink baby blood?

1031grnis ago

With John of God's Clinton connections, guess this is another "Arkincide" to add to the count.

numina18 ago

That first one seems to be a bad translation. But we get the gist.

think- ago

It seems that the son of John of God, Sandro, now got arrested as well. Sabrina Bittencourt wrote in her last letter:

On Saturday, Sabrina even made a statement about the arrest of Sandro Teixeira de Faria, son of João de Deus, in Anápolis (GO). He is accused of coercing witnesses who denounce the sexual abuse of the medium.

"I confirm that Sandro Teixeira has threatened our witnesses, coerced, entered the house of the people, forbids me to speak with me, Maria do Carmo Santos and Vana Lopes, of the United Victims Group. We are protecting several of these victims and witnesses, "she said.

think- ago

This is from the letter she left:

'Use your own voice. Your own will. Define the rules of your life on your own. Speak up.

Don't be ashamed! It's them who need to be ashamed!'

think- ago

Some people created a Twitter hashtag:


3141592653 ago

Committed suicide? Or suicided?

GetWoke ago


AppliedAspergers ago

What do you think?

3141592653 ago


think- ago

This is what her son allegedly wrote on her Facebook:

Baum [her son] said, "She took the last step so that we could live. They killed my mother."

RockmanRaiden ago

Holy shit

mooteensy ago

She will not be forgotten. RIP to this brave woman and may her family find peace in knowing they are not alone, and we are just getting started.

3141592653 ago


think- ago

She said that she didn't want to get killed by the gangs or by cancer, so I think maybe she had cancer?

Her son said she has been preparing him for a year that she might die, and had organized everything in boxes (the evidence she collected).

think- ago

She said she got death threats from this guy: Paulo Pavesi, an employee of John of God, and that he had several men who would try to find her, and harm her.

Of course he claims that the baby farm allegations and the accusations that the teenage 'breeders' were killed, were made up by her.

Kudos to her for everything she did in order to epose perps. May she rest in peace.

girlinashittycountry ago

Hi think! Mr Paulo Pavesi is a very controversial person. He got mad (literally) when her son was killed by 7 doctors for organ traffick. He wasnt a Joao de Deus employee. He was exilated outside brazil because of his denounce. 3 doctors were arrested. He was against Sabrina Bittencourt because he was supposed from right wing party and she as left wing party. None of them could ever understand that here, in this shithole, there isnt left or right, there are freemansonry and jews behind every kind of power, politics, media, church, police,arts, etc (Note: I dont have prejudice against jews, I ve took a DNA test and found out that I am fortunaley or unfortunately part jew, before someone shouts that I am a neonazi, it's only a fact)

think- ago

He wasnt a Joao de Deus employee.

Ok, I am going to correct that. Thank you!

derram ago :

'John of God' [Clinton and Oprah's] faith healer 'kept teenagers as sex slaves and sold their babies for up to £40,000 before shipping them from Brazil to Europe' - : The_Donald

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