wokeasfook ago

Many thanks mate. Subscribed. I'll have a good look through over the weekend.

gamepwn ago

No problem haha. You're welcome.

Vindicator ago

Two other pizzagate YouTubers to add:

The Honeybee: https://www.youtube.com/user/Manifest143

AlanNowhere: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJuKBPtNZ8RX7oOFpIDpq9Q

wokeasfook ago

Honeybee has been great from the start. Never heard of AlanNowhere. Thinks for that I'll give it a look. Much appreciated

Vindicator ago

I don't know if he's any good. I just saw him linked in an old thread and thought I'd add him to the stack.

070978098098 ago

This is the video you are searching for, 3 mins:


PGIsDummb3 ago

Why would you post a clip filled with lies and confirmation bias? Absence of critical thinking? Complete disregard to reality?

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Never go full retard.

This link absolutely fucked this NPCs brain.

PGIsDummb4 ago

Never go full retard.

So why did you? Why would you call lie after lie "a good one"?

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

You're calling me stupid but you're too retarded to realize that this video is meant to be sarcastic in order to trick retarded people like you into watching it and paying attention the whole time

Go fuck yourself

PGIsDummb4 ago

this video is meant to be sarcastic in order to trick retarded people like you

Actually, this video is full with untrue information in order to trick retarded people like you that don't give a shit about what's true or not. Sarcasm has nothing to with the fact that the video is a clusterfuck of untrue information.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

You know what when you put it that way

wokeasfook ago

Ah the sarcastic debunking. Brilliant. I've used this recently. Very effective. Thanks for the reminder.

PGIsDummb2 ago

Why would you call a clusterfuck of lies and confirmation bias brilliant? I know why because of the absence of critical thinking.

wokeasfook ago

Are we sure

PGIsDummb3 ago

Nope. Remember I told you that you easily tend to buy into falsehoods.

wokeasfook ago

"remember i told you"

Nope. Nothing you say can penetrate my kikeproof mind.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Its a good one to trick the npc mind

13Buddha ago

What a great idea.

And, it was one-hell-of-a ride reading all comments and replies.

Vindicator ago

I'm giving this the "Share!" flair -- lots of folks might find many of the links here helpful.

wokeasfook ago

That is awesome. Thanks a lot. Hopefully we get some more great suggestions.

Vindicator ago

Found a really great Twitter thread with videos in it, too, going all the way back to Shirley Temple: https://twitter.com/MandiReiSerra/status/1020944952610545664

think- ago

I'd recommend 'An Open Secret', it's kind of the classic redpill on Hollywood pedophilia. It's still free on vimeo IIRC.

wokeasfook ago

Yep i know about that but that vimeo is the watered down version that doesn't name names. Its also a bit long for starting someone out. But it is a brilliant red pill. I have tried using it before but never got much feedback so i'll keep that in the back pocket for now.

think- ago

K. :-)

think- ago

Hi @wokeasfook, you might want to consider adding a link to your post (see rule 2 in sidebar), otherwise the post will be flaired by the mods.

Maybe add a link to a video suggested in the comments?

Thanks! :-)

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

Vindicator ago

@wokeasfook, all submissions to v/pizzagate need at least one link (Rule 2). Can you edit your post to include one or more of those mentioned below, so I don't have to remove it? This is a great topic. I'll give you our 24 Hour Grace flair. Thanks!

wokeasfook ago

no problem thanks for the heads up. Also thanks for the reply and advice in your other comment.

Vindicator ago

:-) Flair removed.

Vindicator ago

wokeasfook, I am not a big fan of videos (too time consuming). I know @gamepwn has a YouTube channel and covers this topic. @darkknight111 is something of a Pedowood expert and might have some suggestions. We really should have a single link in the sidebar that contains all the best videos people have made. That would be a great thread.

It's not limited to Hollywood pedos, but this video about pizzagate overall by @AppliedAspergers is awesome: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2950173.

This thread has a video that might be worth a look: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2644756

Darkknight: We should do an executive summary of Hollywood pedos. I'm not a viewer of any of the Pedowood folks whose names have come up here. If you give me a list of all the names you can think of off the top of your head, I'll start a thread that we can all collaborate on. It would basically be an index with hotlinks to all of research on each name. Thoughts?

darkknight111 ago

I agree on the “one stop shop” idea regarding Pedowood. Gonna start looking through what we have on various people.


https://searchvoat.co/?t=“Dan%2BHarmon”&s=pizzagate&u=&d=&df=&dt=&b=on&nsfw=on Hits for Dan Harmon.


think- ago

Johnny Depp + Roman Polanski - both are Satanists. Robert deNiro - bought underage prostitutes in France.

Woody Allen. Leonardo DiCaprio: collects artwork of an artists whose paintings have satanist, MK Ultra and cannibalism references. Kathy Perry is a buddy of this artist too. (name?)

Vindicator ago

Bob Saget. Elvis Presley.

Victims: Brooke Shields, Shirley Temple

wokeasfook ago

This is an awesome idea. 1 stop shop.

Cheers for the links. You guys have already helped loads.

Omnicis ago

Ben Swann's news story on it. Oh, and then ask him to play "where in the world is Ben Swann" post news story.

wokeasfook ago

Yep its a pretty good one. It was listed on the right hand side of the pizzagate page but the youtube video behind the link has been removed. Perhaps the mods could replace it with one that works.

here is a working link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GZFHLAcG8A


Vindicator ago

Thank you. Doing it now.

wokeasfook ago

You guys are legends.

darkknight111 ago

Look up the youtube user Jamie Dlux.

He has TONS of videos regarding Hollywood pedophiles.

Jamie Dlux’s source is highly credible too. That source being none other than the very guy who outed Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacy, and Matt Laur at least a YEAR before those stories went public.

Be sure you use that source’s credibility as your chief talking point.

As for any one video, drop the big emotional bomb on him and select the WTF Happened to Heather O’Rourke video.

wokeasfook ago

This is a brilliant reply. I'm literally gonna copy paste it to him.

I'll explain where it came from and why. Top top reply. Thanks a million.

I'll let you guys know how I go with updates.

Podge512 ago

Good to see in the comments that 'are we sure' tore himself away from his wank sock to create an alt account!

wokeasfook ago

Yep. Obvious.

MolochHunter ago

yer, cool i been looking for a new sock to downvoat dashittoutta

MolochHunter ago

not sure fella, my Pedowood learning curve has been all kinda piecemeal

wokeasfook ago

Same. It takes time and a bit of effort. That's why it's so difficult to actually wake people. They all want instant convincing. Instant gratification. "Convince me in one 10 minute video or fuck off" kind of attitude

Still I decided to accept the challenge and bouncing the idea off you guys was probably a good starting point.

knight222 ago

Oh look a pedophile apologist!

wokeasfook ago

Die in a Grease fire you pedo cunt

PGIsDummb ago

Why do you call someone who you don't know a pedo you digusting retard?

NoBS ago

There is only one thing worse than a Pedophile. Those who go out of there way to protect Pedophiles at the cost of minimizing the the child's pain and suffering.

You are not only Pedo-Protector but your talking points expose your agenda on a public forum.

PGIsDummb ago

There is only one thing worse than a Pedophile.

What is with your obsession with talking about pedophiles? Are you guys sick or something?

You are a not only Pedo-Protector

Please provide me a single example to when I have protected a pedophile.

wokeasfook ago

What is with your obsession with talking about pedophiles? Are you guys sick or something?

What is with your obsession with covering for pedophiles like as if none exist? Are you sick or something?

You are hell bent on going after people who are going after pedophiles. Dress that up however you like but thats exactly whats happening. Why do you care if we are all just lunatic retarded conspiracy theorists. Could being a pedo yourself have anything to do with it James.

Please provide me a single example to when I have protected a pedophile.


PGIsDummb1 ago

What is with your obsession with covering for pedophiles like as if none exist?

It only exists in your head, because you're a retard.

NoBS ago

Next you will demand proof of personal opinions and informed conjecture.

Oh, too late. The control freak in you has demanded proof of my opinion.

PGIsDummb1 ago

How is accusing someone of "go out of there way to protect Pedophiles at the cost of minimizing the the child's pain and suffering" just an opinion you dumb fuck?

NoBS ago

I could believe in your emotionally charged denial that Pedo-Protectors are not organized to protect more than just Elitist Sadistic Ritual Abuse.

Or I could believe my lying eyes...

wokeasfook ago

Because you are definitely a pedo. A kike pedo at that. Out protecting your ready supply of children you disgusting piece of dog shit

PGIsDummb ago

Out protecting your ready supply of children you disgusting piece of dog shit


Hey retard, does this bother you? Quote:

“Pizza Gate” (a fictitious online conspiracy theory).


I hope it does you fucking retard.

wokeasfook ago

Rather be a retard than an inbred hooknosed pedo kike

PGIsDummb1 ago

Rather be a retard than an inbred hooknosed pedo kike

Well alright, but what does that have to do with me? Glad you admit you're a retard though.

wokeasfook ago

'Are we sure' we don't know what this has to do with you.

Hint: you're a kike. Hint 2: kikes are inbred. Hint 3: Kikes are overwhelmingly the pedos in hollywood and government. hint 4: kikes defend pedo. Like your mate Ben Shapiro defending James Gunn while salivating at the attacks on Roseanne Barr. Inconsistancy gives you pedo fucks away every time.

PGIsDummb1 ago

'Are we sure' we don't know what this has to do with you.

The same shit for brains that led you to believe that I'm "covering for pedophiles like as if none exist", also led you to believe that I'm "are we sure". That's what shit for brains do, lead you into believing falsehoods over and over.

MolochHunter ago

how does saying 'pizzagate is fiction' UN-arrest Jeffrey Epstein?

and before you answer, im only saying anything to get you to respond so i have another comment to downvoat and render your account functionless

PGIsDummb1 ago

how does saying 'pizzagate is fiction' UN-arrest Jeffrey Epstein?

How does pointing out that Jeffrey Epstein was arrested change the fact that pizzagate is a ridiculous and obviously fictitious conspiracy theory?


PGIsDummb1 ago

how does saying 'pizzagate is fiction' UN-arrest Jeffrey Epstein?


render your account functionless

I use an account for usually few minutes. Good luck with that.

MolochHunter ago

what's this? 4 separate videos of people who refuse to actually engage the evidence that has millions convinced something is going on with Comet ?

whats your point ? if you have one its not demonstrated in these videos. They debunk themselves.

PGIsDummb ago

what's this? 4 separate videos of people who refuse to actually engage the evidence

Nope, those are just some reactions from 4 people who are not irrational conspiracy theorists with major problems at discerning fact from fiction, when faced with something as retarded as the pizzagate conspiracy theory. The list can go on and include the metropolitan police department statement on the issue, fact checking sites etc.

Quote: "It's pure insanity and it should be recognasibly insane for anyone who cares about what's happening in the world."

the evidence

There isn't any evidence of a crime behind the pizzagate conspiracy theory. All you can do is claim that it is, but If you'll take that evidence to authorities reality will kick in.

MolochHunter ago

well thats real funny because Ryan @IsThisGameOfThrones took screendumps of Comet's webpage back- end showing there was premium content ON A PIZZA PARLOUR WEBSITE ??? and gave them to the police but the police never investigated and he was shadowed and threatened for months , and then someone did an FOIA request to see the official results of the Investigation into Comet that the police ALLEGED they did but FOIA came back to them and said the govt has no record of any such investigation

but aaaaaaall this is laid out in multiple threads in the archives of this sub, so anyone reading your brainless drivel has everything at their fingertips to know that you are a pedoapologist

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

That wasn’t me. I’m Pegasus guy

MolochHunter ago

ah sorry, thx for clarification

PGIsDummb ago

well thats real funny because Ryan @IsThisGameOfThrones

Oh yea that dude who lied about Alefantis theatening him then selling pizzagate merch. You pizzagate are a rare bread of disgusting pieces of shit.

the govt has no record of any such investigation

OF COURSE THEY DON'T YOU MONUMENTAL IDIOT =)) In the real world police don't launch oficial investigations over retarded obviously fictitious conspiracy theories.

mrohm ago

Tony Podesta owns "art" depicting nude and scantily clad children. That is a fact.

PGIsDummb1 ago

Tony Podesta owns "art" depicting nude and scantily clad children. That is a fact.

Oh really? What's the evidence behind your claim?

mrohm ago

No reply, Robbie? Not surprised.

PGIsDummb2 ago

Wut? Why do you call me Robbie you idiot?

PGIsDummb2 ago

The way you pizzagaters blindly buy into this PGIsDumb is Robert delusion is a clear proof of how retarded you are. Other pieces of proof would be just about any damn comment you retards post.

mrohm ago

Okay, I'll call you Slappy instead.

So Slappy - nude photos of teenagers is child porn. Tony Podesta owns a bunch, according to the Post.

Therefore, Slappy...

PGIsDummb2 ago

Anything else you need from me?

PGIsDummb2 ago

Okay, I'll call you Slappy instead.

Why don't you suck my cock instead?

nude photos of teenagers is child porn.

You don't know what porn is apparently.

Pornography (often abbreviated porn) is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the exclusive purpose of sexual arousal.

If that would have been the case, Katy Grannan and all the people involved in making of the photos/people owning them/publishing them on their websites would have been in jail or in trouble with the law.

Tony Podesta owns a bunch, according to the Post.

Very vague reference with little details about the photos.

Therefore, Slappy...

Therefore Slappy your conclusion is wrong since your first premise "nude photos of teenagers is child porn" is wrong.

Therefore Slappy you're dumb.

mrohm ago

I'm afraid I am much too old for you.

You're very hostile, but I must admit that you are probably more familiar with the intricacies of CP law given your current troubles. So I defer to the information your defence attorney gave you.


PGIsDummb2 ago

Why did you send me this link? It doesn't explain WHY you called me robbie.

mrohm ago


"Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents' suburban homes.

"They were horrified," Heather recalls, a grin spreading across her face."

Naked photos of teenagers is CP.

MolochHunter ago

Oh yea that dude

that dude who provided EVIDENCE of the premium content. We saw it on our screens, dude. Talk about that. Talk about the evidence - none of the clowns in your 'debunking video' seem capable of that either

Every single bit of pizzagate "evidence" is based on lies, half truths, speculation and confirmation bias with zero evidence of a crime behind it.

desperation of a faggot

PGIsDummb1 ago

that dude who provided EVIDENCE of the premium content.

I don't know what premium content you're talking about and a google and voat search shows nothing about it.



As far of that dude providing evidence...I remember the story about him claiming that he was being threaten by Alefantis on facebook and phone. That could have been easily proven. All it would have taken was a recorded phone call or video with a Alefantis conversation. Every piece of evidence that he provided can be created by someone who hasn't spoken with Alefantis, plus he also claimed that he filed a police complaint, which OBVIOUSLY led to nothing. I wonder why?

none of the clowns in your 'debunking video' seem capable of that either

What are you talking about? The point of the videos was not debunking the retarded pile of crap that you pizzagaters call "evidence". The first clip was a podcast and the point of the other videos can be found in the title. They're more of a natural reaction when faced with the plot of something as retarded as the pizzagate conspiracy theory.

If you want me to show you how easily the pile of crap that you call "evidence" behind the pizzagate conspiracy theory can be debunked, I'm happy to do it.

mrohm ago

"You will call me your father!!"

MolochHunter ago


satanic kiddyfucker asswipe, go hang yourself

PGIsDummb1 ago

satanic kiddyfucker asswipe, go hang yourself

Retarded conspiracy theorist with zero skills in discerning fact from fiction.


I'm obviously not gonna watch an hour video. What is the point here? Do you have any evidence of a crime? I bet the answer is not.

MolochHunter ago

"u has no evidence "

*prodides evidence *

"I'm not going to watch that, ergo you have no evidence "