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HenryCabotLodge ago

Anonymous (ID: JAbINP4W) 01/26/19(Sat)20:42:08 No.201195439▶ File: 1521600274354.gif (1.5 MB, 250x233) 1.5 MB

201190466 (OP) FBI Anon here. No you're not. Jim Comey and John Brennan have been indicted by a Grand Jury. No they havnt. The indictments will be made public 2 weeks from Friday. No they wont.

Kill yourself and gtfo with this bait larp.

gamepwn ago

gtfo with your shilling.

PGIsDumb21 ago

GTFO with your naivety, lack of critical thinking skills and incapacity to tell when obvious bullshit is bullshit.

You can start making up retarded excuses to explain why whatever you expect to happen didn't and continue to be dumb.