PGIsDumb21 ago

Holy shit!

More obvious fake bullshit for gullible dumb asses to fall for.

PGIsDumb21 ago

Holy shit!

More obvious fake bullshit for gullible dumb asses to fall for.

AriesianGemini ago

Trust the plan goyim.


13Buddha ago

Saw this yesterday. It's been quite awhile since we heard from FBIAnon. The memories from my then naive mind over 2 years ago before the election remain fresh, thinking the whole thing would blow apart and be revealed immediately. That naivety has been long gone but I am still holding on to hope.

unclassified ago

Doubt it.

FoolsGold ago

White hats don't telegraph their moves against (((them))), I smell a LARP.

1776Jimbo ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Jim Comey and John Brennan have not been indicted by any Grand Jury. No indictments will be made public 2 weeks from Friday. This, you can all bank on.

Adarcer ago

Well may be nothing but Brennan has not tweeted since Jan 30th, James Comey Feb 7 a day before Feb the 8th which would have been two weeks from Friday of post. I know this is not proof and circumstantial at best.

I personally don't believe everything he said especially about a certain person.

gamepwn ago

Not buying into it...hoping so. Hope man, it's strong.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

I can respect that.

Vindicator ago

God I hate the way that angell person makes posts in QRV. "!!!!"

PGIsDumb21 ago

Hey dumbass, you fell for this obvious bullshit too? Good luck waiting for the storm =))

Vindicator ago

Here's what he said. You can add to your post, GP.

FBI Anon here. Jim Comey and John Brennan have been indicted by a Grand Jury. The indictments will be made public 2 weeks from Friday. How will you celebrate?

Not teasing. I have seen the indictments. I will get drunk and piss on Rosenstein`s desk.

Both are getting indicted for lying to Congress. Same as Stone. Also The Clinton Foundation is in front of a Grand Jury now in Arkansas. Two months for the Clintons.

Actually Bannon is safe. Bannon rated out Stone. Nothing else on Trump. Guys, Believe it or not. Just wait two weeks and keep your panties on.

Good luck Ladies. Have to get off this line. Not my system.

I will give you one more clue. Trump just posted on twitter, the ax will fall. He knows. (Posted 01/26/19 (Sat)17:02:23)

Read Trump`s post very carefully in light of what has been said here.

Got to go really. Remember what I said not my system. Do not have a clue what you are talking about. Good Night and Good luck.

The last ref was to someone who had accused him of being Thomas Paine (True Pundit guy). He took a lot of heat. Guess we'll see if anything comes of it. I know there have been a lot of DoJ planes going back and forth between Little Rock and DC on Flight Tracker.

PGIsDumb21 ago

Guess we'll see if anything comes of it.

Definitely =))

gamepwn ago

Just added!

HenryCabotLodge ago

Anonymous (ID: JAbINP4W) 01/26/19(Sat)20:42:08 No.201195439▶ File: 1521600274354.gif (1.5 MB, 250x233) 1.5 MB

201190466 (OP) FBI Anon here. No you're not. Jim Comey and John Brennan have been indicted by a Grand Jury. No they havnt. The indictments will be made public 2 weeks from Friday. No they wont.

Kill yourself and gtfo with this bait larp.

gamepwn ago

gtfo with your shilling.

PGIsDumb21 ago

GTFO with your naivety, lack of critical thinking skills and incapacity to tell when obvious bullshit is bullshit.

You can start making up retarded excuses to explain why whatever you expect to happen didn't and continue to be dumb.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Fool me Once, Fool me Twice, Fool me Three Times, ====== Fool Me Ten Times, Fool me 11 Times, Fool Me 12 Times. ......................

SeanBox ago

what has FBIanon ever said that was proven true?

karenrussell63 ago

that pennsylvania would vote for trump

Pennsylvania has backed the Democratic presidential candidate in every election since 1992 up until 2016, when it was won by Republican candidate Donald Trump