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Shizy ago

OP, why is your username almost exactly like the name of u/SmockingGun who is noted in this post as being a part of the group trying to infiltrate voat?

I posted this on your last submission. Is that the real reason why you deleted that one?

SmockingGunn ago

YOU - “OP, why is your username almost exactly like the name of u/SmockingGun

I tried to get SmockingGun, but the handle already taken so I tried to add an extra N, but I am sure this has never ever happened on the Internet before..

YOU: “I posted this on your last submission. Is that the real reason why you deleted that one?”

I stated the reason at the top of post on why I deleted it, did you miss it? I will quote the person.

314592653 - “I know this might come across as too PC for some, but your title is triggering to some of us. Not only sexual abuse, but sexual torture. Its horrifying, but many of us here have been abused in awful ways. PTSD can cause some survivors to visualize and even physically feel specific pain when statements like those in your title are made. Please dont attack me for saying this.”

I changed it because the title of post may offend people that are survivors of any type of abuse and out of courtesy as not to offend anyone.

YOU: “who is noted in this post as being a part of the group trying to infiltrate voat?”

Now I am going to ask you a few questions addressing your concerns.

Are you a mod? If so, did I break a rule somehow on my topic? I will gladly fix it if there is an issue.

Why does this feel like an interogation with the bright light shown in my face?

Why are you questioning me as if you were a cop?

Is this what you do to new people who want to post a topic on this board? If yes, is this some kind of initiation that is done to for first time posters here to feel them out?

Can you comment on the substance of the topic for now on because It almost feels like you are paranoid or something.

Shizy ago

I tried to get SmockingGun, but the handle already taken so I tried to add an extra N, but I am sure this has never ever happened on the Internet before..

If that's true, you made a mistake picking a username so close to one belonging to a shill. Did you even bother to read the link I posted? That would answer your questions.

SmockingGunn ago

YOU “you made a mistake picking a username so close to one belonging to a shill.”

Sorry I am not someone with ESP or God and I feel like one of those victims that was at the wrong place or wrong time..

YOU “Did you even bother to read the link I posted?”

Oh when you ignored this at the top?

“I deleted older post and created a new out of respect for a commenter in the previous post. I am sorry about title being too graphic, it is something I say all the time in RL never thought of it being offensive to anyone else, and it probably shows how new I am too. Please forgive me.”

I dont know who the hell you are, but you accused me of someone else and disrespected me for not answering the questions I have, and now you are telling me I have to read the post you didn't even make to answer the questions I had for you?

Are you a mental case? If so, I am sorry to offend you, but the tone you have for me and I assume you are not a mod, well you can kindly fuck off.

Dont worry, I get it, it seems I am not liked because my name is similar to someone else you seem to have trouble with, and will never post here again.

Shizy ago

I saw the reason you gabe for reposting this, however it just seemed odd since I commented to you on your original post and pointed out the concern I had about your user name. You didn't respond, and then you deleted the original post, and reposted this one. It seemed suspicious. If you were truly an innocent victim in the "wrong place at the wrong time" one would assume you would have expressed your innocence at the first round of accusations.

disrespected me for not answering the questions I have

If you think it's disrespect to not answer your questions, voat is going to be a really rough environment for you! Here's a tip: get used to it!

You don't "have to" read the post I linked to, but since you're expressing you don't understand why you're being so mistreated, reading that might help explain why your user name raised red flags.

Are you a mental case?

Not that I know of 🤣

but the tone you have for me and I assume you are not a mod, well you can kindly fuck off.

No I'm not a mod on pizzagate. Im a mod on the subverse that's been getting attacked by sock puppet accounts, one of which is U/SmockingGun, hence my concern when I saw your username.

Dont worry, I get it, it seems I am not liked because my name is similar to someone else you seem to have trouble with, and will never post here again.

Just calm down, you're over reacting! If you're truly innocent then there's no problem. I would never ever presume to tell someone where they can and can't post on a free speech site. You're free to post here. I'm not going to bother you!