SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

Just watched Episode 4. In the scene where the mom says she did evil things, there is an Egyptian looking owl in the background.

Vindicator ago


LightlyToasted ago

Wow, I missed that. Perhaps we can pepper this post with the season's finds and I can do a final post summarizing all we've found.

Vindicator ago

Perhaps we can pepper this post with the season's finds and I can do a final post

That's what I figured. :-)

Also, I saw that the Egyptian heiroglyphic that matches that owl stands for the letter M.

LightlyToasted ago

Did you catch tonight's gem?

"What about that picture with Clinton?" "Might 'ave lined a kennel with it." Episode 5 - If You Have Ghosts

Why would a good 'ole boy from Arkansas -- a major crimes detective -- have a poor opinion of Bill Clinton?

Vindicator ago

Yes I did notice that. I also noticed he was working for the state police during the latter couple of episodes when the girl's fingerprints turned up. I'm pretty sure Rapin' Bill used State Troopers to bring him young women at the Arkansas governor's mansion. And there is a heavy implication so far in the series that the black dude did something for the sake of the investigation that ruined his career. In the last episode, when "Purple Haze" is trying to keep himself from Alzheimer's by revisiting the case, the two have had a falling out because of something they apparently covered up. That hasn't been revealed, as of yet.

LightlyToasted ago

Mining your brain about episode that aired 2/10/19, looks like we're looking at elite pedo (as expected). I found one stand-out image:

Did you catch anything else?

LightlyToasted ago

Yep, Troopergate. ITT his squad had a nickname that I cannot remember at the moment. I've supposed the detective(s) killed the bad guy(s), but I see what you're saying: planting and stealing evidence, the death an investigator mentioned in the TV interview, and state police are nods to Clinton. I would be stunned, however, if HBO would allow it ... they may have to keep it super-meta.

Vindicator ago

We have a sex offender who trolls us as PGisDumb named Rob Robertson. I was amused when I watched TD Season 3 tonight to see they beat up a pedo named "Rob". I think someone is using this board for their story development ideas.

@darkknight111 @Blacksmith21

LightlyToasted ago

I remember that "user"! hahhahahahaahaha, this is epic

joey4track ago

This season has been great so far, after that last pile of crap they tried to pass off as season 2, I am happy to see the show return to form. I'd actually say they were attacking SJW culture by showing how that white leftist lady was projecting her own sense of intersectionality injustices onto the minority character who said he didn't experience anything like that and seemed to be disapproving of her virtue signaling, not to mention the black detective seems to have respect among his peers, when usually you would have expected them to shovel in a scene where the southern white men would have been racist toward him.

LightlyToasted ago

I agree they were attacking SJW jargon in the scene w/the reporter. However, HBO gets their racist white redneck stereotypes, virtuous Native American, etc. IMO the acting and writing were really strong.

joey4track ago

To be honest I think with how prevalent this agenda/propaganda can be it's easy to see it everywhere you look but I genuinely feel like everything presented here is valid within the story. Let's not kid ourselves, the white racist redneck does exist and certainly it would be something a black man of authority/power living in the south in 1980 would face and I think they handled it properly. Also, what is so virtuous about the Native American? So far he is just an outsider war vet that lost his family and picks up trash, could happen to any race and although he does face suspicion from the community, this is also another thing that is perfectly realistic to present and nothing about any of it was over the top. My issue is when that kinda thing serves no other purpose and is clearly shoehorned in, like you see in so many other things, like Bird Box for example. I am pleased that none of that garbage is present in this season, I mean hell, even the minority main character is a republican ffs, that's subverting the narrative. I hate the forced in narratives as much as you do but you have to give a show props when it deserves it and I see no foul so far in these first two episodes. Let's not become so puritanical that we can't even address real issues like these without thinking it's all propaganda.

LightlyToasted ago

You make fair points, thank you.

siegnagel ago

I loved season one and two, thanks for the heads up. I don't watch much TV so would be ignorant as to a third season airing.

heretolearn ago

i am watching episode 2 right now and dorffs character is wearing a masonic ring. its the scene after the franklin scandal being mentioned. they even close up on his hand.

LightlyToasted ago

Good catch!

heretolearn ago


edit: im curious to see how this season plays out

LightlyToasted ago

Me too, I hope for a good ride!

heretolearn ago

title of my sex tape

LightlyToasted ago


praump ago

What does John Oliver think?

Otto- ago

Honestly, knowing Pizzolatto, most definitely an attempt at soft disclosure / education rather than misinformation. I personally think he's a very informed and upstanding guy, the same goes for some of his cast and I think choice of crew. Still waiting for the whole season release before buying, but here is a moderately thorough analysis of season one, posted to v/pizzagate once before:

wokeasfook ago


LightlyToasted ago

I tend to agree with you. We'll see!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The first season was bascially about two detectives who ran into PG like case, and the entire system was in on it.

Gorillion ago

Supposedly the central crime is based on The Memphis Three? (Which Hollywood libshits fell over themselves to free from prison by turning into a cause celeb, got them released via huge PR shitstorms, documentaries and literally throwing jew lawyers at the problem until they got the result they wanted. The three were released. And at least two of them now overtly play into the satanic killer personas IRL.)

think- ago

The head of the Memphis Three is a buddy of Satanist Johnny Depp now, who helped getting him out of prison.

think- ago

According to this Daily Mail article (TRIGGER WARNING)

both the prosecutor and the defendants' attorneys claimed during the trial the Satanic part of the story was all made up, and it was a false confession.

They were convicted for sexual abuse of children nevertheless.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

"The daily mail says"...You are selling that there was no Satanism, figures. That always gets removed. Pedo pedo pedo mods.

Shizy ago

It's a tv show that's being discussed ffs

think- ago

Pedo pedo pedo mods

Ouch. I'm not a mod anymore. Neither am I a pedo, or anyone of the remaining mods. So try to think of something else if you want to spread vitriol.

sigh Please MediaMatters, I beg you to send us better trolls, this is the second time in two days DeathToMasonsASAP was caught with an obvious lie.

The first one was when he claimed on this thread that the mods deleted comments, because he didn't get that it was a new post.

But nobody deleted anything, DeathToMasons is just a troll that is even too stupid for trolling.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @shewhomustbeobeyed @srayzie

think- ago

@Shizy: please see parent. I caught DeathToMasons with another lie. Thanks.

Shizy ago

Sad that people always have to clarify everything, like their taking to a 6 year old, because this troll twists everything that someone writes! Does he even bother to actually read what is presented before he twists it up? I don't think so. He must be paid by the comment not by the hour.

think- ago

Does he even bother to actually read what is presented before he twists it up?

Well, obviously not, lol. This is really getting embarassing for him.

He must be paid by the comment not by the hour.


think- ago

You are selling that there was no Satanism, figures.

No. I'm saying that they didn't believe the initial allegations, and the perps got 'only' convicted for sexual abuse.

think- ago

satanic panic

I wonder what they said about the alleged 'satanic panic'? Was it to counterbalance the redpilling?

LightlyToasted ago

It was in context of two detectives questioning a subject about his black sabbath t-shirt.

think- ago


IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

Fantastic series by the way especially that first season and I happen to be one of those people that actually really likes the second season as well LOL definitely be checking out this third season

16116812? ago

I saw they made a 3rd season so I just started rewatching the first 2 since it's been years since I've seen them. Halfway thru the first season and I'm astounded at how good this show is.

3141592653 ago

Damn, they really mentioned The Franklin Scandal, thats crazy