SeeHear ago

Desmond and his mom are purposeful devils

pby1000 ago


Yuke ago

I posted this question elsewhere on Voat but I'll ask it again here:

Does anyone know, or has anyone read anything anywhere, about who this kid credits as his main influence and/or reason for becoming a 'drag kid'?

I ask because the other one 'Desmond is amazing' credits the Rupaul drag race show as his influence and I want to know if this is this 'Queen Lactacia's' influence as well, or if it has come from somewhere else. Help a man out someone.

pby1000 ago

Not sure. I saw a post about the mother of one of these kids doing an AMA. Did you see it?

hurgona ago

I guess a 'drag performer' is the new term for letting your kid dance for men in a club.

GritD2 ago

Oh yeah, nothing wrong here.

SearchVoatBot ago

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rooting4redpillers ago

Some “images have been removed.” Of course they have. Someone’s recognized the GUILT, SICK, and ILLEGALITY in this sexual exploitation of a minor, and hope to bury it. Profiteer RuPaul can do what he wants, and profit from whatever sells legally, Like the many products spewed up from sick and dysfunctional Pedowood, under protection of our liberal courts. In this sub, I can’t see all the pics, because they’ve been removed. HA! I’d like to know WHY. Do traffickers, pedophiles, and “entitled-because-they’re-homosexual” celebrities KNOW they’re participating and furthering CHILD exploitation and abuse? Of course they do. They delete the blantly obvious and that’s enough? Yes, so far, because the courts are scared to death of every case with a leftist human rights agenda. Not like that’s anything new here.

Piscina ago

If that's not grooming what is?

pby1000 ago

Yeah... They want to gauge our reaction.

NoBS ago

Fake News is in the child Grooming biz because they FBI is still solvent.

Roughboy ago

How is this not a pedo offense? Why? Can't people see wtf is going on?

NoBS ago

Grooming the useful idiots with the old shock and awe. No different than breaking a stubborn horse, only easier.

Imnotshocked ago

Since I don’t have enough points to make a post yet, I thought you all may want to see this response to the “Desmond is amazing “ in a gay bar, performing in front of grown men etc, written by Desmond’s mom . I can’t believe the comments of support she’s gotten on IG

think- ago

You can do a post, you have 78 CCP, you only need 10 to do a post.

When you submit, please do as 'Discuss post', just copypaste the link into the submission sheet, and please add two or three sentences what the link is about.

Please let me know if I can help.


Imnotshocked ago

Omg! Lol I’ve been literally waiting to reach 100 😂 thank you for that .. it was the downvoats I can’t do till I reach 100 doh!

think- ago

I can’t do till I reach 100 doh!

Yes! ;-) You're welcome!

pby1000 ago

Thanks. Hopefully more people will become aware of this.

SayNOtothedress ago

How is this different from the modeling industry? They've been posing prepubescent girls in S&M gear for decades. This is nothing. At least the child is fully dressed.

NoBS ago

You have the Pedo grooming lingo down pat. At least it's out in the open, ya sick fuck.

SayNOtothedress ago

Yeah, that's the problem. You're just surprised now it's affecting boys.

NoBS ago

I used to do drug counseling for the disenfranchised in the late seventies. Back when homosexuality was classified as a mental defect.

The suicide rates today are not a surprise to me. Could be due to my aversion to project on others or the prelude to mental suicide known as denial.

SayNOtothedress ago

You now see this because now, it's strange to you. But look at the modeling industry, look at Hollywood. They've been building up

NoBS ago

The hell you say strange. This is grooming at a base level and it's evil to non-feral humans. Might be strange to sub-human's who don't know better due to mental deficiencies.

SayNOtothedress ago

As I've said. Drag kids shouldn't be a surprised but apparently they are to most people, when the modeling industry has been obvious to anyone who is the least bit aware.

hang_em_high ago

I hope we start killing these sick fucks in my lifetime.