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septimasexta ago

Pizzagate related. See "Dems concerned with censoring Frazzledrip (purported HRC snuff film)"

Kim Kardashian's $1,500 'vampire facial' is a Hollywood hit that promises younger, firmer-looking skin

"The extreme reaction is because her treatment includes the invasive Dermapen, a device that uses nine tiny motorized needles to cause puncture wounds in the skin before applying the platelet-rich plasma mixure."

Hmmmm. Perhaps these ancient Flayed god priests made small cuts on their arms/legs before applying skin? Ancient people were not stupid. They must have experienced some change during/after the ceremony. SICK, SICK, SICK!

benjitsu ago

Artists pic below certainly seems to indicate punctures in the "old" skin at least

septimasexta ago

Is this a thank you to Nepal for the arrest of Peter Dalglish, Canadian/U.N. pedo kingpin (who allegedly dropped "frazzledrip" on the Dark Web)?

"WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Nepal's Foreign Minister Pradeep Gyawali here on Tuesday, discussing further development of bilateral ties, said the U.S. State Department. The secretary of state highlighted the people-to-people ties that form the foundation of the relationship, according to a statement issued by the State Department. Pompeo also noted that the meeting with his Nepali counterpart demonstrated the U.S. commitment to its partnership with Nepal, and emphasized the potential for the further development of U.S.-Nepal ties."

"The two sides also discussed the compact between Nepal and Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), which is MCC's first such compact in South Asia and worth 500 million U.S. dollars."

"A 60-year-old Canadian humanitarian worker and former United Nations staff member was arrested in Nepal and is under investigation for child sex crimes, according to police....Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police (CIB) confirmed to Global News that Peter John Dalglish was arrested Saturday on suspicion of pedophilia.

CIB Chief Pushkar Karki explained to Global News the case against Dalglish is before the court and he β€œis being investigated for child sexual exploitation abuse.”

Piscina ago

I count at least three pedo swirls on that image.