dayvidday ago

Pompeo is A BOSS

mrohm ago

There is no evidence of frazzledrip.

Vindicator ago

This is true, mrohm. @Honeybee_ spent days trying to find evidence of it on the darkweb, and I believe enlisted the aid of AnonHive to find it. The came up with nothing.

The pic that was going around was sourced to a fashion ad or something along those lines. Somewhere in the archives, we've got a thread on the debunking of it.

Truthseeker3000 ago

What has happened to Honeybee? She’s been gone since Halloween when people called her out in regards to Craig Sawyer. People donated money to her film and still no release date...

Vindicator ago

She got very busy with work and personal life, as I recall, and had to step down as a mod. Not sure what she's been up to lately.

Joe10jo ago

It was a picture of a woman who runs a restaurant frequented by the DC Elite, but god only knows what was served.

septimasexta ago

How do you know?

septimasexta ago

Hmmm. The FBI and the NYPD both had possession of Weiner's laptop, believed to be the source of a file called "insurance policy." Comey was in charge of the FBI at the time, and the NYPD was under pressure to keep it all under wraps. I believe the original source that told us the name of the video as "frazzledrip" was Sorcha Faal, a known questionable source. However, other more reliable alternate news sources picked up the story in a publishing blitz. That's what made me think there was something to it. Pompeo did go to Nepal. Dalglish was arrested for child trafficking/pedo. Something dropped to the dark web would now make it available for him to scoop it up for CIA evidence (he was still chief there when the alleged incidence occurred). Q keeps saying "We have it ALL." Maybe they do.

septimasexta ago

The description, whether real or not, was so grotesque and totally against Christian culture, that most people would never be able to dream it up. Yet, here is a documented non-Christian culture that HAS practiced such evil. So where did the idea come from to just make up "frazzledrip"?

Lansing-Michigan ago

Do you include the catholic church in christian culture? The vatican, top 4 levels of freemasonry, intertwtined, all worship satan. So, would not include them....Mexico and South America are heavily indoctrinated in catholicism.

septimasexta ago

The article specifically states that the temple predates Spanish occupation. The Catholic church is not the original New Testament church. Many pagan practices have been added in.

Here's a good summary about what the Bible says about blood and sacrifice: Meat sacrificed to idols: This does not address human sacrifice, specifically forbidden in the Bible. Animal sacrifice (lamb) was allowed under the Old Covenant, and was ended with the Crucifixion of Christ. He alone fulfilled the required human sacrifice as a substitute for that required of us because of our fallen sin nature (Garden of Eden). This is why Satanic ritual is focused on human sacrifice, in DIRECT OPPOSITION to GOD who desires that "none should perish."

Vindicator ago

Wasn't it pretty much the thesis of Silence of the Lambs?

Lansing-Michigan ago

This link explains a lot re. Clinton and their proclivities. .......connection to Haiti.

Vindicator ago

That was interesting. Someone should do a thread that goes through all the Haitian sources that reported on this at the time. A research post. This sounds very similar to Spirit Cooking.

septimasexta ago

I never saw the film.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Its dey cultcha. Poopskins are just like us!! Civic nationalism for all!!

septimasexta ago

Pizzagate related. See "Dems concerned with censoring Frazzledrip (purported HRC snuff film)"

Kim Kardashian's $1,500 'vampire facial' is a Hollywood hit that promises younger, firmer-looking skin

"The extreme reaction is because her treatment includes the invasive Dermapen, a device that uses nine tiny motorized needles to cause puncture wounds in the skin before applying the platelet-rich plasma mixure."

Hmmmm. Perhaps these ancient Flayed god priests made small cuts on their arms/legs before applying skin? Ancient people were not stupid. They must have experienced some change during/after the ceremony. SICK, SICK, SICK!

benjitsu ago

Artists pic below certainly seems to indicate punctures in the "old" skin at least

septimasexta ago

Is this a thank you to Nepal for the arrest of Peter Dalglish, Canadian/U.N. pedo kingpin (who allegedly dropped "frazzledrip" on the Dark Web)?

"WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Nepal's Foreign Minister Pradeep Gyawali here on Tuesday, discussing further development of bilateral ties, said the U.S. State Department. The secretary of state highlighted the people-to-people ties that form the foundation of the relationship, according to a statement issued by the State Department. Pompeo also noted that the meeting with his Nepali counterpart demonstrated the U.S. commitment to its partnership with Nepal, and emphasized the potential for the further development of U.S.-Nepal ties."

"The two sides also discussed the compact between Nepal and Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), which is MCC's first such compact in South Asia and worth 500 million U.S. dollars."

"A 60-year-old Canadian humanitarian worker and former United Nations staff member was arrested in Nepal and is under investigation for child sex crimes, according to police....Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police (CIB) confirmed to Global News that Peter John Dalglish was arrested Saturday on suspicion of pedophilia.

CIB Chief Pushkar Karki explained to Global News the case against Dalglish is before the court and he “is being investigated for child sexual exploitation abuse.”

Piscina ago

I count at least three pedo swirls on that image.