If you're still wondering if that's Podesta in the ski trip picture from the "Debunking Pizzagate" video. (pizzagate)
submitted 6.1 years ago by AppliedAspergers
Edit: Look, objectively, betaface classifies Podesta as closer: https://imgoat.com/uploads/edebb6e872/182327.png
Test it yourself: https://www.betafaceapi.com/demo.html
Edit 2: Seriously though: https://imgoat.com/uploads/edebb6e872/182336.png
Vindicator 6.1 years ago
What I notice about the Podesta photo vs. the guy in the hood is that Podesta's nose points down at the tip (which is round), whereas the guy in the hood's nose is pointy and does not point down.
AppliedAspergers 6.1 years ago
The picture is from a low angle.
Yeah, but a nose with a blobby tip doesn't look less blobby from below or suddenly pointy, like this.
Oh_Well_ian 6.1 years ago
That's not Podesta and the 3 guys in the original pic were not a on 'ski trip', they were on the streets of DC.
stand by for proofs...
Some people out there seem kinda faceblind I guess. It's clearly him.
Why did you just link to the picture of Podesta again?
why are you doubling down on your disinformation when this issue was sorted out nearly 2 years ago?
Alex Soros looks nothing like ski-mask guy. This is fascinating.
Vindicator ago
What I notice about the Podesta photo vs. the guy in the hood is that Podesta's nose points down at the tip (which is round), whereas the guy in the hood's nose is pointy and does not point down.
AppliedAspergers ago
The picture is from a low angle.
Vindicator ago
Yeah, but a nose with a blobby tip doesn't look less blobby from below or suddenly pointy, like this.
Oh_Well_ian ago
That's not Podesta and the 3 guys in the original pic were not a on 'ski trip', they were on the streets of DC.
stand by for proofs...
AppliedAspergers ago
Some people out there seem kinda faceblind I guess. It's clearly him.
Oh_Well_ian ago
AppliedAspergers ago
Why did you just link to the picture of Podesta again?
Oh_Well_ian ago
why are you doubling down on your disinformation when this issue was sorted out nearly 2 years ago?
AppliedAspergers ago
Alex Soros looks nothing like ski-mask guy. This is fascinating.