Matt_Helm ago

This is why DeNiro hates Trump so much he shouted "Fuck Trump!" on TV last year at the Tony Awards. DeNiro is terrified he will go to prison for what he did long ago if Trump orders his arrest and Trump should give the order to nuke the entire Hollywood pedo-network. Rob Reiner is another crazy Trump hater and there are many rumors about Reiner raping Corey Haim and other boys like Elijah Wood. What is Trump waiting for? If he orders the arrest of DeNiro and Reiner it will be awesome. Hollywood and Elite Media will go crazy then Trump releases all the evidence against those two.

9217 ago

Forgive me if this has already been mentioned, but, Di Nero was already reported to have been involved in a Malaysian human trafficking ring., so he's more than a suspect. From the article:

"Six people are charged with the running of an international prostitution ring, whose call-girls entertained the actor Robert de Niro, the former tennis player, Wojtek Fibak, two senior (but unnamed) French politicians and several Gulf princes. The agency specialised in tricking, or trapping, star-struck teenage girls into selling their bodies with the promise of careers as models or actresses."

darkknight111 ago

That’s important and relevant.

061916 ago

Funny, I remember making a post on r/the_donald calling him out probably two years ago and I only got a few replies along the lines of „did he have beef with Trump?“ turns out he did and now we know why

darkknight111 ago

Those who scream loudest.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Great, he is a pedophile. What happened to pizzagate?

21yearsofdigging ago

Something about this one smell fishy. I know Enty sometimes throws out red herrings...

Podge512 ago

Makes you wonder about the disturbingly recurring theme of paedophilia in De Chomo's collaborations with Scorsese; from the child prostitute Iris in Taxi Driver, to the violent, psychopathic child rapist Max Cady in the remake of Cape Fear, to the prostitute Ginger McKenna whose pimp, Lester Diamond, fondly reminisces in a phone conversation on her wedding day about how he had been pimping her out since she was 14 in Casino.

YogSoggoth ago

"The De Niros had a kind of salon on Bleecker Street, where art critic Clement Greenberg, film essayist Manny Farber, and artist Margaret McKee, among others, would drop by and discuss Freud, Kierkegaard, Gertrude Stein, or Zen. “Nobody had any money at all,” painter Buffie Johnson said." Greenburgs work for the Rothchilds. Freud was a pedophile like his son. He traveled to Russia with Michael Powell and Martin Scorsese to work on a film project; he grew his hair shoulder-length and went on location in Colombia, where he played a slave trader turned priest in Roland Joffé’s The Mission. De Niro was also in a jackass film called Dirty Grandpa. Jackass boys are friends with Sir Richard Branson of Virgin airlines fame.

greenthumb1776 ago

Thanks for sharing. Reading through the other blind item reveal and there is this article on LeRoi Moore's (from Dave Matthews Band) suspicious auto accident. He was connected with Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell via the movie they wanted to produce about child trafficking. And as we know, their lives were also taken. Apologies if this is old news. I had never heard of Moore's name before in connection with the child-trafficking movie.

darkknight111 ago

Did a thread a while back.

On that very blind.

Still good to bring up that it got confirmed.

greenthumb1776 ago

Thanks! There is nothing that gets past you guys!! Spent a little while on the site and there was some really messed up stuff about rumored killings, sex slavery and such. These people really have no shame. Keep up the good work!

digital_minuteman321 ago

Those who are the loudest have the most to hide.

NotHereForPizza ago

Don't say that too much or Tallest_Shill will stalk you

digital_minuteman321 ago

I troll him with bee movie script and paragraphs about the mitochondria.

auralsects ago

lmao look at how dumb women are:

Sylvia11:32 AM What a disappointment especially when he was one of my favorite actors.

Hollywood has been about subversion since DAY ONE when Jews bought the rights to the recently invented physical equipment, the distribution and screening of nickelodeons, etc. and this was lost on NO ONE.

Great American hero Henry Ford wrote about it in his book "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem."

Even before that in the 19th century Jews started the news-wire service (e.g. Reuters) and before that the newsletter -- only they had an internationally connected and locally influential network to do so.

Fast-forward to post-Fake-Holocaust clown-world where they can troll brainwashed idiots like you people by openly admitting their subversion

So if you have a favorite actor/pop star you're a dumbfuck and a tool still enjoying the false reality Jews have created, yet you call yourself 'red-pilled' LOL

Try as you might, by its nature "Pedowood" and pizzagate will never NOT be about Jews like Polanski. It's simply a necessary consequence of controlling entertainment, finance, politics, the press, etc. Stop being a pussy-faggot about it.