Matt_Helm ago

Google for "Laura Silsby Hillary Haiti" and you will see how involved Hillary has always been in taking kids from there.

lookingforadvice1 ago

Oh, I've been known about that. I always see that. I'm just saying the articles from the Haitian newspapers talking about her and Bill being down there for voodoo ceremonies seems like fairly damning evidence in painting a picture of her connections down there, but I've almost never seen it mentioned in all the rehashings of pizzagate and the info graphics about pizzagate floating around

Matt_Helm ago

it's more practical for Hillary and her cabal friends there are so many kids in Haiti who are orphans from all the poverty and hurricanes and earthquakes some of those disasters are man-made by the way so it's easy to take kids from Haiti and ship them to the USA where they can be sold for a very high price then they are raped and tortured and killed and eaten.

9217 ago

Yes it has been on the mind of researchers like myself, I wrote about it over a year ago:

"... Haitian voodoo provides an especially important example of ritual possession that may represent an ancient variety of multiple personality disorder, borne of the extreme trauma of Haiti's past. Haitian's focus of reaching altered states through the body, the use of sacrifice in Haitian voodoo, and the bloody ritual practices involved therein are fundamental to an understanding of ritual abuse. Altered states through ritual practice are also seen in other indigenous shamanic cultures and the states reached in these cultures may also be compared to multiple personality disorder. Haitian tradition is a particularly strong example that can stand in for other traditions with similar practices from various countries. The discussion of all of these rites would require a book."

Haitian ritual

"... Haitian folklore describes a "pact with the Devil," which was said to have inspired the rebellion that led to independence. The idea of a pact with the devil would correlate with the overall idea of a 'left hand path' mentioned by the previously referenced Stephen Flowers."

Haitian ritual - NSFW, Triggeringl

"... The use of Haitian traditions by Hillary and Bill Clinton is also fundamentally important. A strong connection between Haitian ritual, Clinton, and the specific practices of Maria Abramovic is very literally shown in the following image from a Washington Post article discussing Hillary and Bill Clinton's participation in a Haitian Voodoo ritual:"

"...Alternative news sources like Infowars have also noted allegations that Clinton attended 'witch' ceremonies with a 'coven' of women, regularly. It is interesting to this author that the Coven was allegedly located in California, where I've previously written about the issues surrounding Esalen and Harbin in connection to RA Anon's abuse."

Haitian ritual

Again, the entire post is here, but fair warning that includes NSFW & triggering images:

lookingforadvice1 ago

Thanks! This is interesting! I think, when we get into the rituals/magic traditions of different cultures, using western analogies to make sense of esoteric acts perhaps fails us. I'm going to look through all of this, but this whole thing has lead me into deep studies of the occult, and I've come to believe 'magic' exists in way that the western scientific tradition doesn't have the tools or capacity to articulate or explain. Summonings, demons, angels, the whole kit-n-kaboodle. Our 'scientific' approach assumes certain 'realities' that are at odds with ancient ideas or understandings, and thus puts us in an 'outsider looking in' position, trying to to make sense of something more ancient and obtuse/obscure than we possess the tools to actually understand.

Thank you for the link though. I'm gonna delve into it soon!

9217 ago

"when we get into the rituals/magic traditions of different cultures, using western analogies to make sense of esoteric acts perhaps fails us"

First: esoteric applies to a small number of people (like Egypt's priest class or Western secret societies), and in the cultures at issue, the practices being discussed, like Voodoo rituals, are not esoteric, as they are participated in by the general public, and even an outsider like Bill and Hillary Clinton could join in. Look up Haitian rituals, and an entire crowd is involved. So I don't classify that as esoteric.

I am not saying this to parrot my work, but because of your comment: I have another two-part article on the possibility that, at the core of it, ritual abuse may essentially be a considered form of shamanism, but that, and this is important, not all shamanism is ritually abusive.

Shamanism is unique because it is not a religion located in one region of the world in one period of history, but is a set of recurring practices that show up across the entire globe and across vast time spans. While a shaman is a person privileged to unique experiences in a tribe, they are not practicing esotericism because they minister to their entire group as individuals and as a whole. A shamanic practitioner is as esoteric as a minister or rabbi whose pastoral care encompasses all the members of their church individually and as a whole.

I don't allege that shamanism is evil or by nature ritually abusive, but that when ritual abuse does occur, it shares much in common with shamanism and might be considered a deviant form of it.

I don't apply Western esoteric concepts when discussing Haitian Voodoo, South Korean shamanism etc, because to me, the aesthetic of pentagrams and goat heads has nothing to do with ritual abuse in "real life," where it is much more similar to Mayan or Aztec blood sacrifices.

The theory that there are spiritual forces beyond our understanding is just that: a theory, but I would suggest that another explanation is that there are experiences undergone by the human mind and body that science (at least not the public "Science") does not deal with or explain. I would also suggest that this exact same set of experiences and biological functions has been a topic of great scrutiny for Western intelligence agencies since the dawn of the 20th Century if not earlier.

Gurus like Gurdjieff and Crowley were both associated with intelligence agencies, and intelligence agencies/their members have been directly involved with some "spiritual/cult" groups like Subud, the Finders cult, and many many others. A trio of OSS members created places like Findhorn, a "hippy" resort/commune.

lookingforadvice1 ago

Okay, so ‘esoteric’ just means ‘understood by a small amount of people’. It has nothing to do with how many people believe in it’s feasibility. I’m in Brazil right now, and I can walk into a macumba/umbanda/condomble place (which is equivalent to ‘voodoo’ down here, or black magic) and ask them to perform some miracles for me. Plenty of people believe in it, it doesn’t mean everyone is able to perform the actual actions. That’s the esoteric side, the priest class that understands the knowledge and is able to put it into practice.

Secondly, I'd say every culture has an 'esoteric' side of belief...the greeks had one (look into Aristotle's thoughts on astronomy/celestial bodies) the indians (vedic mystics), Arabs (sufi-ism…which is what Gurdjieff exposits) Chinese (taoist mystics), christians (gnostics), jewish culture (quabalah)....the only places where 'spirits'/magic don't pop up separately is where there's no 'exoteric' religion that separates from 'magic' and 'traditional' belief, which is I guess what you would call ‘shamanism’....shamanism would be where the 'spiritual' side is fully incorporated into the belief system, and there's no 'exoteric' front to separate from it. In haiti, they’re ‘exoterically’ christian. This is almost getting into arguing about semantics, but I maintain after studying it, almost every culture has a portion of the religious tradition that involves a ‘mystic’ side…which involves spirits, summoning, tapping in with the cosmic spiritual side of life, which extends beyond the physical.

I think, if you read the Kybalion, a lot of the ideas of most religion are based on an understanding of how reality actually operates. The universe is mental, different planes of reality can be manipulated with belief, and higher planes with their own entities can be tapped into with the right practices.

If almost every culture around the world for thousands of years has believed and practiced these things, and has spent a large amount of time writing about it and building megalithic structures to aid this process, then perhaps there’s something to it?

MK Ultra (which I believe comes from SRA, which is thousands of years old) is just an understanding of psychology applied with no ethics weighting it down. But if the believe system that spawned it believes in a spiritual side, isn’t it arrogant to assume there is none?

I appreciate this conversation, and I will read all of your articles, but I also encourage you to read hundreds-of-years-old source material that discusses these things, and then see if you still doubt there may be other forces at work in some of these processes.

Happy to recommend some works if you’re interested in learning more. PM me.

Love and light brother!

3141592653 ago

Great comments

flyingcuttlefish ago

Hillary's brother is down in Haiti digging for gold.

cestboncestpas ago

...Or burying bodies.

Lansing-Michigan ago

How the clintons got their power from voodoo in Haiti......won bush I's heart since he is satanic....and their continued connection...possibly why they wanted these particular children.

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