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Lansing-Michigan ago

Pope tells priests in his Christmas address to hand themselves in..He didn't seem to happy making the announcement. This reads to me, Vatican is going down. Who better to improve kid's and adult public awareness.?


I really really hope so.

The question is how much do Matt and Trey know? And who are they protecting w/in the Hollywood Pedo industry?

I once interviewed a Hollywood Limo Driver who picked up Matt & Trey after a visit to South America

They had just returned from Cuba and explained many Hollywood Peeps visit Cuba (this was when travel to Cuba was illegal).

They explained it's easy to drive or fly into Mexico then fly to Cuba without getting your passport stamped. Seemed a bit shady. He also explained that many Hollywood guys go to Cuba and Mexico for child prostitution availability.

P.s. I hate to use the term child prostitute as these kids aren't in this industry voluntarily, but it's the easiest way to communicate the concept

carmencita ago

Getting into Cuba was really shady and as you say illegal AND there was a woman that was caught. From Canada to Cuba and she got fined $12K!!! Not worth it. If I remember correctly she forgot and left a baseball cap on her head. Now I believe that you still have to have proof of some kind that you are in the art field. Correct me if I am wrong. But that's just up their alley, easily verified for them and they have a pass to little Cuban Boys. They always seem to set things up just right.