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3141592653 ago

Perhaps they are trying to expose it/keep it in the public's awareness? I havent watched the episode yet.

carmencita ago

If it's even tongue and cheek, it's wrong. Since they are owned by the same co. that owns Nick well I have to be suspicious. Sometimes their shows seem to allow us to view it one way or the other, which I find suspicious. Neither here nor there only confuses the message.

3141592653 ago

You make a good point

carmencita ago

Yeah, I never really watched them until we started posting here, and I too thought they were informing us, and maybe sometimes that's what they wanted us to think, but I started thinking that maybe they were thumbing up their noses at us. You know, like na na na na na. In other words, this is what we are doing still. All the hoopla over Nick and they are still at it. Buggers.