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Hydrocephalus ago

The Catholic League makes a good point. Calling this pedophilia confuses the issue, this should be addressed as typical homosexual behavior. It is typical homosexual behavior to abuse postpubescent teens. Getting this fact out to the public at large would definitely help people understand the nature of the problem. The problem is that "celibate" homosexuals are allowed to serve in the church. Also the boy scouts, and as high school teachers. Homosexuals should be kept away from teenage boys and children.

Lansing-Michigan ago

It is not typical homosexual behavior. Many more heterosexuals prefer girls . "Homosexuals should be kept away from teenage boys and children." How about the heterosexual pedophiles? Or maybe not be allowed to even have children. My father was a pedophile.

carmencita ago

Wow. I didn't know about your father. I am sorry and hope you were not abused. You make a very good point and explain it simply. It sounds to me as though they are trying to blur the lines on pedophilia. We can't let them.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Thank you. I was abused starting in infancy.My father's good friend was Joe Ryan, who started the parapsychology dept. at Duke University.Had long suspected he was Duke is implicated in MKUltra. My son told me he was CIA right before he was killed by a drunk driver last Sept.My dad and Joe were such good friends they each knew when the other was going to call them.Dad's family were of my ancestors helped to start the KKK and founded the Dallas Daily News.

carmencita ago

OMG. I am so sorry. Thank you for your courage for even being able to read this stuff. @StcarlesSeminary is an SRA Victim. A family cult. Someone I know almost sent their Child to Duke and I sent her some info and she mixed it. You sure have some background to deal with You are a Saint really. God Bless You +