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letsdothis3 ago

At least they are touching the subject! Talking about this in congress is kind of a big real, is it?

No, they are taking the piss and painting everyone here as wackos. GEDDIT? Liz Crokin was one of the pizzagate 'investigators' pushing frazzledrip. I hope people wake up to her and anyone else pushing that BS.

And who's the guy in the back with the white moustache?

septimasexta ago


"Let's look at semite Rep. Jamie Raskin who is the one questioning Google head about "Frazzledrip" and comments on Edgar Maddison Welch incident at Comet Ping Pong as well as claims of child sacrifice and cannibalism mentioned by researchers. His video exchange is covered currently at He wants Google to sensor this research without any investigation as to its authenticity. What is his background?

Washington Jewish Week Editorial Board: Jamie Raskin for Maryland District 8:

"Raskin rises above this year’s crowded slate of candidates, and does so in an impressive fashion. Since being elected to Maryland’s upper house in 2006, he has built a solid, verifiable progressive record. He has been the floor leader on bills to establish the right to same-sex marriage and to repeal the death penalty. He supported expansion of Maryland’s ignition interlock device program. He has worked to protect women’s reproductive rights, and has a solid record on the environment, including backing legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. His work in immigration reform has been practical, and he’s kept his sights on comprehensive reform."

"As a constitutional law scholar, author and law professor Raskin has a deep understanding of government and the legislative processes."

"Raskin also has a strong, deeply rooted support for the State of Israel, and a clearly expressed commitment to work toward the achievement of a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians."

"Add to all that Raskin’s strong ties to our Jewish community..."

"New Jewish congressman from Maryland talks with ToI about anti-Semitism, Trump’s presidency, Israel’s predicament and the meaning of politics"

"Raskin said he wanted the Trump administration to authorize an investigation into the ongoing trend of anti-Semitic episodes, which he argued was far more necessary than the new office within the Department of Homeland Security that Trump was establishing to investigate crimes committed by people in the country illegally."

"Raskin is emphatic to note that while he received support from J Street, he also had backers as a candidate more aligned with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, also known as AIPAC."

"Israel, Raskin insisted, needed to prioritize disentangling itself from the millions of Palestinians living in the West Bank, something he argued was necessary for the sustainability of the Zionist ideal."


If Tony Podesta can hang a nude decapitated body sculpture cast in bronze (The Arch of Hysteria) in the open staircase in his Falls Church D.C. home, what's a "frazzledrip" video among friends? "

ADDENDUM: Much research was done by VOATERS regarding an alleged file on Weiner's laptop marked "insurance". It was originally reported that the NYPD gained access to the laptop when searching for evidence in Weiner's phone texting scandal with a minor. That's when Clinton emails were found. Alt news researchers reported that Chief of NYPD police was sickened at CP evidence found on the laptop. It was after this that references to "frazzeldrip" video appeared and claimed it was on the Dark Web. All the other claims about Weiners' laptop have proven to be true. "Frazzeldrip" has never been DISPROVEN. Raskin, a Clinton supporter, brought this up. His intent is to make the claims sound crazy, and use GOOGLE to shut down free speech by using this perceived extreme as an example. There was other info on who supposedly leaked the video to the dark web. I'll try to locate and post.

septimasexta ago

FOUND IT: note, the sites reporting this story were known sketchy sites. Sometimes accurate, sometimes not. The reporting on the arrest of pedo suspect Peter Dalglish appears to be accurate and was thoroughly discussed on VOAT when it happened. His involvement with "frazzeldrip" has not been proven.



"The original video for this post was taken down. This is Defango’s report about it. He refers to a “PDAnon”, which may have been Peter Dalglish who has been indefintely detained in a Tibetan jail, pending trial since April 8, 2018. More details about Dalglish below."

"I have it on the authority of my own “Deep Throat” that what I’ve written below is true."

"Peter Dalglish, a Senior Adviser to the UN’s World Health Organization, celebrated for over 30 years as a champion of charitable causes for at-risk children, the recipient of numerous awards in recognition of his humanitarianism, including the Canadian equivalent of a knighthood was arrested two weeks ago in Kathmandu, Nepal by local police on allegations of child sexual abuse. Preliminary investigations suggest that Dalglish might have sexually abused many children and he’s been in custody ever since.

Dalglish is the one responsible for leaking a copy of the infamous Hillary-and-Huma pedophilia s*uff video to the dark web, codenamed Frazzeldrip on Anthony Weiner's computer. Yes, this video clip and others like it are real and Dalglish posted them all the way from Nepal. He had been threatening to do this, presumably to blackmail powerful people to help him avoid arrest.

You may recall reports of this video being found on Anthony Weiner's laptop in a folder named “Life Insurance” and that the NYPD and FBI each have copies.So how did Dalglish get it? That is THE question. This video has been likened to a Rosetta Stone that connects senior American politicians like Clinton to an elite global pedophile ring."

Other sites reported the same story around the same time.

Here's another alleged angle to the story involving then CIA Director Pompeo. Again, Sorcha Faal is known to publish disinfo sometimes. Can't find it now, but this account was also reported by more reliable sources.

Interesting critique of Peter Dalglish and his capture.

septimasexta ago

"Reportedly the CIA advance team arrived in Nepal after analysts recorded a “significant increase” in “dark web” communications emanating from the home of Peter John Dalglish during the first week of April, which is believed to be when he released to the “dark web” a video file code named "Frazzledrip"....."

"It is not understood why Peter John Dalglish has posted these horrifically demonic videos to the “dark web”, but it can be assumed to be an effort to blackmail “Deep State” leaders, including Clinton, in order to stop his capture by newly installed CIA forces loyal to President Trump, being overseen by Director Pompeo, who successfully aided in his capture."

Comments from a site named "News From the Perimeter" - one I had never heard of.

MY OPINION Seems that the "frazzledrip" story came from one source and was spread to "popup" websites. Given the nature of the disclosure and the fact that this video, if it exists, could not be viewed, means that the story could be true or not. If such a "Life Insurance" exists, the owners would want it covered up and would go to great lengths to do so. If actually found during a police investigation and became known to others who want it released, the current story might be true. The story of the video's existence and release is at least PLAUSIBLE, given the surrounding evidence. Currently, it would be hard to prove without finding the source of the story and video.

septimasexta ago

More on the artist who created "The Arch of Hysteria" owned by Tony Podesta:


She was also into performance art: "a scene from Bourgeois’s 1978 performance piece “A Banquet/A Fashion Show of Body Parts.” "

"Bourgeois’s husband died in March 1973. In 1974, she created The Destruction of the Father, which was shown for the first time in a solo show at 112 Greene Street that same year. In 1978, she staged a performance (A Banquet: A Fashion Show of Body Parts) within her first spatial environment, Confrontation (1978), at the Hamilton Gallery of Contemporary Art, New York. In 1980, she met Jerry Gorovoy, who included her in a group show he curated at the Max Hutchinson Gallery, New York. Gorovoy would subsequently become her full-time assistant and remained a constant presence for the rest of her life."