IamJulianAssange ago

Those that did noting must be burnt at the stake as befits such monstrosity. O men of Albion where are you?

Pablolove ago

Anyone who doubts that paedophiles are running the world needs to wise up

con77 ago

the police in England will have to be eliminated

auralsects ago


she was 'raped' for YEARS and had TWO of his kids.....ok..

women do not believe in absolute truths or objective meanings of words, that's why "I believe (self-described) victims" is a slogan they'll mindlessly support.

this was always a truism of Western thought, which is why feminists had to invent their own dumbshit theories:

Traditional ethics has a "male" orientated convention in which moral reasoning is viewed through a framework of rules, rights, universality, and impartiality and becomes the standard of a society. The "female" approaches to moral reasoning emphasizes relationships, responsibilities, particularity, and partiality


^^^now watch the women here chimp out and deny it, completely unable to accept their own manifest nature XD


keep deflecting responsibility for your own teen-slut daughters hanging out on the streets with SHITSKINS selling their bodies, i'm sure that will help a lot.

dianemdeath ago

What a vile, hate-filled, and sickening reply. All I can do is pray for you. God bless your miniscual heart.

Shizy ago

Wow! She was a minor, but ok.

You're a nasty piece of trash donkey!

Botanist ago

They had paki rapists kids... The kid is part rapist, and they still had them! The white girls are all whores, underage scummy little paki fucking, nigger fucking whores. They are a diesesed filthy evil cretins trying to abuse the system for Gibbs.

They deserve this for having their rape baby. Whole generations of whores raising whores. That British white women for you...

auralsects ago

and these dumb british cuck faggots subsidize it LMAO! https://i.imgsafe.org/59/59c5d5b582.png

Botanist ago

We see it in the streets all the time the white firls are waiting in bus stops in boob tubes and mini skirts at 7 for their paki lover boys and niggers. The white women put them first, even before their own kids.

They are the worlds biggest group of whores. I can’t defend them, as I know they are up for it. If you tried to intervene they’d have you arrested and call you a racist. I’m surprised that they even have the audacity to cry rape. And they only do when it suits them.

Billions of little white girls have been fucking pakis and niggers in primary school here this decade, and they even have more coloured kids than white kids. They ain’t white women, they’re coloureds women.

They chose the coloureds over us, and enforced it on us, expecting us to pay and then even expecting us to white knight for them.

I wouldn’t piss on one if it was on fire.

They’ve been fulleing the pornography and the rape gangs for generations. They are as evil as it gets.

I’m ashamed of “white” women.

Hey, when I go to my community Center it’s all white women and niggers, and white girls and pakis. Not white people... They did this to us on purpose. And they’re surprised we don’t come running when they cry wolf?

Evil cunts the lot of them. They have destroyed our country from within, and turned Britian into Pakistan and Africa. They chose the coloureds law over ours. They should be made to live by their laws not ours. They aren’t welcome here.

A global sell out by white women since the 70’s Interacial child prostitutes, that’s even what the police called them before all the bleeding hearts made them intervene.

They’ve got legalised brothels all over the place, and kids in all the bus stops. It was the white women in powers plan, it still is. They’re replacing us. They sided with our natural enemies

No other races women do this to such an extent.

Even the young white girls kill white boys nowadays and don’t even get punished for it.

Evil cunts the lot of them.

Sorry, speaking from experience. I won’t buy the bullshit. They’ve destroyed so many communities and places here for they’re evil gain.

auralsects ago

UK girls are known throughout Europe to be the biggest whores by far.

the shitskins are already here (and women, even here, don't accept that JEWS brought them here on purpose), so read this post I made explaining how to benefit by removing womens' 'rights':


Blacksmith21 ago

WTF is going on in the UK?

Oh I know...y'all gave up your guns.

MolochHunter ago

sammy woodhouse also experienced this

girls all over the country are being forced to fork out tens of thousands of pounds for legal help , in many cases the men just see it as a way to keep retraumatising their victims and dont give a shit about the kids

TrishaUK ago

Sick, just sick!

MolochHunter ago

Compulsory Miscegenation

'Multiculturalism' is an Authoritarian Movement