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Vindicator ago

Hi there @AlphabeticalAnon. Thanks for crossposting. v/pizzagate is a bit weird. Unlike most Voat boards, due to the heavy shilling and forum sliding we content with, we have some fairly rigorous submission rules, which are outlined in the sidebar (view desktop site if on mobile). We require titles accurately describe the content and pizzagate relevance, and the body of the post should fully explain the evidence you are presenting with links supporting every major claim.

Here is the material that should be in the body of the post:

The key information Pizzagate researchers need to dig into is:

As mentioned, we have found some data on the fact she has run adoptions through her court numbering in the hundreds of thousands, yet the population of Fort Smith, Arkansas is about 80,000 people.

You'll want a title something like:

Arkansas family court judge facilitating child trafficking?

We'll also need a link directly supporting that statement -- such that folks can see the evidence in one click (it's buried as it is being presented now).

Since titles on this board can't be edited after the first 10 minutes, I will need to remove this submission and you will need to repost per our ruleset (otherwise we will be accused of unfair moderation). I will give this our 24 Hour Grace flair in the meantime, though, so that the community can get to work on investigating this. Please repost in the proper format as soon as possible. Thanks!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

So I just make another post with that title or something similar and add what that link is? Okay, will do. I'm kinda new and I wasn't even planning on staying on this site as I have this guy who's been following me around and stuff. But I stick it out in the meantime.

Vindicator ago

Edit: Is there anyway to save the comments already posted here? I can change the title, if that would help...

You can directly link to any individual comment by clicking the link button beneath it, and pasting the url from your browser window. You can also take a screenshot, upload it an image host like, and past the url. The former is better because it lets people get to all the discussion. The latter is good because lazy people don't have to leave the page. You can do both.

Who is following you around? We fight shills in here like crazy, so it doesn't surprise me. I keep dossiers on many of them. Let me know if I can help.