PG-Related: Identifying and bringing pain to a known pedophile.
First salvo fired. Y'all should follow this up with more facts and information. Be nice. Bombard with facts. We can make a difference if we keep this up and make that baby killing piece of shit Wilson pay.
Not in my letter to them is a mention of the SVP of Marketing. I'm making no accusations, but I get the creepy vibe -
Ronald M. (Ron) Shaich
Founder & Chairman
[email protected]
Blaine E. Hurst
CEO & President
[email protected]
Charles J. Chapman, III
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
[email protected]
Richard Crannick
Senior Vice President, Company Operations
[email protected]
Patrick Mellor
Senior Vice President, Company Operations
[email protected]
Dear Panera Senior Executive Management Team,
It is a "beautiful day for the ritual sacrification of a virgin" - R. Wilson.
By now, I'm sure you have been made aware of allegations of pedophilia against Panera's newspokesperson, actor Rainn Wilson.
This is not an email I relish writing for a couple of reasons. First, I WAS a long-time customer of both Panera and Au Bon Pain, including corporate purchases - no more. Second, as a researcher into Deep State activities, it has become demonstrably evident that an entire pervasive social class and infrastructure of pedophiles exists in every aspect of our lives. This is not a comfortable realization for anyone - that a massive infrastructure, including the entertainment and advertising industry, as well as all mainstream industries, including government at all levels, has been corrupted and perverted by those who worship Satan and have sex (or worse) with children as part of their "religious" rites. It was all intentional and it is all by design. Coincidences do not exist.
This is a manifestation of how immense and far-reaching tentacles of those who worship Satan and practice Satanic Ritual Abuse, human sacrifice, and cannabalism have reached. This is not a joke, this is 100% real and not comedy, dark humor, etc. Furthermore, Wilson's comments are part of a very demonstrable and identifiable pattern among pedophiles.
Let me be clear: Rainn Wilson is a pedophile based on a mountain of evidence against him - pasta images correlates to pedophile code found in the Podesta Wikileaks; his repeated use of terminology within his Tweets which can be found in those of other known and convicted pedophiles; his connections to Haiti and the raping of that country; etc.
Background: https://thegoldwater. com/news/33708-NBC-News-Claims-Conspiracy-Theorists-Behind-Exposing-Hollywood-s-Very-Real-Pedophile-Problem (start with the Marketing Department; look at the advertising and the talent agencies; look at the producer/director...I think you know where to start).
Collage of Mr. Wilson's Twitter posts, now removed from Twitter:
Rainn Wilson defending Director Peter Gunn, Masters of the Galaxy, fired for accusations of pedophilia:
Rainn has a self-funded charity in Haiti - I wonder why? Haiti, aka pedophile playground via "NGOs" and 501-3(c):
Where there is smoke, there is fire. Wilson is a pedophile - we know it and Panera knows it. I could dump a lot more supporting evidence, but I think you get the picture. General Counsel should be all over this issue.
Very simply put - Panera needs to immediately sever all ties with pedophile Rainn Wilson. We will devise a campaign to alert as many possible Panera customers as possible via electronic means as well as physical means (in-store flyers, letters, etc.). I am sharing this communication with the research community at large. Refer to Pizzagate for more detail.
We will not stop until the pedophiles have been run into the seas.
Where We Go One We Go All.
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greenthumb1776 ago
Panera's Clean Interrupted starring Rainn Wilson
Vegan Website promotes Rainn Wilson & Panera
This is all interesting as those who eat children and drink blood prefer: 1) non-meat eaters 2) non-smokers 3) virgins. Apparently, this makes them taste better. These sick people are probably behind the NWO push for vegan/vegetarian lifestyles (and I am not talking about people who give up meat for real health benefits - am talking about the current celebrity push). Think about it: these people don't care about other human beings so why would they care about Hooty Owls and rainforests? The answer is: they don't! Also, traditional tobacco as used by Native Americans is actually beneficial. But you won't read that in Scientific American, I'm guessing.
sodePllAlliK ago
How do you know that? Historically, cannibal tribes prefer their own women, and do not like the taste of Americans because of our salt-heavy diet.
Blacksmith21 ago
That's a pretty terrifying thought, and I don't shock easily. They prefer virgins, but promote promiscuity, to create more unwanted pregnancies....we know the rest.
The alternate circle of life. Or death.
I'm betting there is some genetic marker for pedophile/cannibal. I hope we find it and make it a mandatory societal test. This is the genocide which needs to happen.
cryptopancakes ago
I’m wondering the same thing about the genetic markers which wouldn’t surprise me, but what about those that give themselves over to pedophilia? Would be interesting if they DEVELOPED a genetic marker after doing so. It wouldn’t surprise me if God designed us that way.
Blacksmith21 ago
Funny you say that. Did you catch this?:
cryptopancakes ago
No, I didn’t see that but that’s sick! The consequences of this is horrifying...
greenthumb1776 ago
Interesting proposition. I haven't heard of a genetic marker but who knows? There are bloodlines that have been practicing this for millennia so we can use this as a tracking device. But what of those who were forced into it and later become perps, or the ones eager to "join the club," if you will, for money and fame? Do they also have a genetic marker? Perhaps. My father always told me that there is no cure for pedophilia. He doesn't know about the cannibalism part yet as I feel it may be too much for him to handle. But I bet he would say the same thing: You put a rabid dog to sleep.