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greenthumb1776 ago

Panera's Clean Interrupted starring Rainn Wilson

Vegan Website promotes Rainn Wilson & Panera

This is all interesting as those who eat children and drink blood prefer: 1) non-meat eaters 2) non-smokers 3) virgins. Apparently, this makes them taste better. These sick people are probably behind the NWO push for vegan/vegetarian lifestyles (and I am not talking about people who give up meat for real health benefits - am talking about the current celebrity push). Think about it: these people don't care about other human beings so why would they care about Hooty Owls and rainforests? The answer is: they don't! Also, traditional tobacco as used by Native Americans is actually beneficial. But you won't read that in Scientific American, I'm guessing.

sodePllAlliK ago

"those who eat children and drink blood prefer: 1) non-meat eaters 2) non-smokers 3) virgins."

How do you know that? Historically, cannibal tribes prefer their own women, and do not like the taste of Americans because of our salt-heavy diet.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's a pretty terrifying thought, and I don't shock easily. They prefer virgins, but promote promiscuity, to create more unwanted pregnancies....we know the rest.

The alternate circle of life. Or death.

I'm betting there is some genetic marker for pedophile/cannibal. I hope we find it and make it a mandatory societal test. This is the genocide which needs to happen.

cryptopancakes ago

I’m wondering the same thing about the genetic markers which wouldn’t surprise me, but what about those that give themselves over to pedophilia? Would be interesting if they DEVELOPED a genetic marker after doing so. It wouldn’t surprise me if God designed us that way.

cryptopancakes ago

No, I didn’t see that but that’s sick! The consequences of this is horrifying...

greenthumb1776 ago

Interesting proposition. I haven't heard of a genetic marker but who knows? There are bloodlines that have been practicing this for millennia so we can use this as a tracking device. But what of those who were forced into it and later become perps, or the ones eager to "join the club," if you will, for money and fame? Do they also have a genetic marker? Perhaps. My father always told me that there is no cure for pedophilia. He doesn't know about the cannibalism part yet as I feel it may be too much for him to handle. But I bet he would say the same thing: You put a rabid dog to sleep.