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truthdemon ago

U just observed that u r living inside a pedoempire..

How the Satanists work is they think this world is a stage show.. For example on this forum...the ones who seem to be actviely involved in a positive way...posting info..are acting a part.. To think that voat has not been infiltrated by these Satanists would be naive.. It is easy to spot them out ... They will divert and not addrrss the connecticut avenue child procurement logistics hub...

I pose a few questiins on how they would go about solving this stepping outside the debt stage show..and there is silence ..

Ure observation that there is a supra culture , with their own caste and heirarchy system is correct... But u have to go further to realise that they operate and take part in a stage show ..for us it might be life ...but for thrm it is a stage show.. And.the stage show ie our lives are based on a debt game.. U r literally inside a monopoly board game of debt funny money... U cannot win inside this ,THEIR , DEBT game ...they need us as players to make their stage show and funny monopoly money real... When u legally get out of it ..their courts or police wont be able to touch u u would have released the lien they have on ur name .. Its to do with the crusades and how the templar soldiers handed their property to teh templars before their attendence inside the war game long as the war or crusades lasted Rome and their creditors the lombard merchants had a lien on them..

They set up the stage show with us , by having us pledge our property ie the title to our body , the birth trust their collecctive fictional war game of debt... When u use thier ceasar money u have to pay ceasar ie taxes and extinguish other charges..sales tax etc... They have a lien on the property u gave them ie the brith run their fictional debt stage show long as they have u using their debt system game show...they have a stage to act on.. This they encode in their propoganda about aliens ..podesta is talking in code when he is talking about aliens on unidentified flying objects..mother SHIPS...extra not on land but on the water

Even this forum is one of their stage shows and they have placed their actors from their culture here .. We give them the consent to trick us..and they do... Nacash , nasa mean the serpent in the garden..the sorcerer, trickster..and we always end up taking a bite off of their offer of the poisoned fruit of debt inside their stage show... They own the show ..they just want u as players ..otherwise their war game ends.. They are afraid to death that u will step out of their war game...becasue when u do..and all it take sis one dollar promissory note or bank credit to do that when u instruct them.ti extinguish that note via their debt reductiin department...when u do that u will be able to exercise universal.jurisdiction over them , their game and render them powelress to use their police and courts against u they wont have a lien against u .. ... Get out of the game ...they run the CRS..ade....

Get out of the cube ...U HAVE TO.SAVE URSELVES FROM UR SELF...( ur self ..ur own birth title that u lend to them for them to have power over u , ur mind , ur life..stop lending to them and their game show

We have the key , its our birth title and credit created out of it..extinguish it at the US treasury.. Its US ..the us is US ..we fund the war we r fighting against ..

They run the Crusade with ur money..u r their game player ..stuck inside their war game ...its end using ceasar money and paying ceasar to war against u.. To win the war as the warrior one has to surrender ..steal from their debt pool.and extinguish it at the treasury..not lend it to their templar banking debt system..

The thief has comes with a sword Who is it ? Its all of us ..the US is us

Piscina ago

Yes, we're pawns on their chessboard.

truthdemon ago

But outside the chessboard we r kings...even better we r sureties...whoncan exercise surety rights over the US ... All it takes is one dollar to gain that status..but that means no more delegation of authoriity..we stand with full responisibility..we become the law ..the police...and the US treasury and army which we built with our sweat becomes our tool of execution..operating under universal jurisdiction.. Wiki : universal jurisdictiin

They know its coming ...but theybhavent a clue where its gonna come from..