Sackajahweeda ago

I wonder what Kirk Cameron would say about child actors and their management in Hollywood? This guy and Leo does his christian mouth have anything to say about anything BUT Darwin??

TexasInfidel ago

Dig into the Hip Hop world if you want to see total domination and submission.If they are or have been a Rap Star they have been violated by the Masonic Order.The higher their level of stardom the higher the level of evil they have committed.(after being punked in) JayZ,Will Smith,50cent have all been punked and work for the system that controls them.

dundundunnnnn ago

I've been trying to explain pizzagate/pedogate to my family for some time. My dad was heavily in the camp of "this isn't as big of a deal as you're saying it is" and you know what changed his mind?

This video.

My dad calls me up and says "watch this video!"

I watch it. I know all of this.

I laugh at the part where Owen says something like, "some of you aren't ready to admit how big this is; you are dead weight."

I fucking laughed out loud.

Some people are so reluctant to admit the world is run by pedophiles.

Throw up. Accept it.

Anyway, my family is waking up and I cannot believe Owen Benjamin had a role in that, lol

stabwoundproductions ago

Unfortunately due to his popularity most will never believe he is a pedo, because people believe what they want to believe.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

This guys level of awareness is really low, but it is interesting watching the mind of somebody starting to discover this stuff. Watched a video of him making a case for what an evil scumbag Bono is. But he did not go far enough, didn't say a word about Pope Francis being a satanic pedo, said he digs Ashton Kutcher and he is a regular guy, doesn't understand what the Illuminati is like most people, doesn't understand our entire government are compromised occultist and the orginall government was dissolved in the 30's. One thing after another goes over his head, but he is slowly figuring things out and is outraged. No doubt he is like most in this sub, not counting the gatekeepers and shills.

Sharipie ago

That's ok, that's how it starts. Slow and first, then like an avalanche.

magic3383 ago

Part of your description of Owen should be "Zionist". That dude loves him some Israel.

Conway ago

I have little doubt all(most) of Hollywood is so sick we can't even comprehend it. I'm an old fart now, and all of my life Hollywood pedos have been a joking not joking kinda thing. How many people have came forward through out the years that nobody bothered to notice.

Oh_Well_ian ago

'Have you ever seen a grown man naked, Bobby?' -Airplane!

Written and Directed by David and Jerry Zucker

Charlez6 ago

Careful though. He is a Jew, remember.


I just hope he doesn't get sued for the "James Gunn is a Pedophile" statement. Without proof, it's slander/defamation

I think JG is a pedo. But twitter jokes and cheese pizza references won't be enough in court.

Oh_Well_ian ago

let Gunn sue him..

That puts the issue in a court of law and opens up discovery.

Gunn knows he's guilty and is in fear of evidence or testimony that proves it.


What evidence do you think they can discover?

Serious question. I dont know how discovery works in a defamation case

Feds can't just bust in and take Gunn's computer can they?

IShallNotFear ago

Here is the backup of the video:

benjitsu ago

OB has gone full VOAT GOAT. I can't imagine he will be able to stay on platforms like CRTV (let alone jewtube) for long

SearchVoatBot ago

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maggiethatcher ago

Thanks also added the bitchute link in the post

think- ago


IShallNotFear ago

He had just recently done a video exposing mainstream sexualization of kids.

dundundunnnnn ago

The one with Crowder? That one was good. There are so many other examples they could have given. You could do a 24 hr show with all of the sexualization examples.

IShallNotFear ago

In the video, Leo di Caprio (age 16) is shown being very touchy-feely with Brian Peck. Brian Peck had been arrested for being a pedophile but was rehired in Hollywood afterwards. Later in the video, di Caprio is shown doing an interview where he starts giggling and says "my publicist (Brian Peck) is looking at me."

Owen Benjamin's analysis is that di Caprio is now a mouthpiece for globalists. "Di Caprio stands up there, and even though he owns a yacht and a private jet, and five mansions and says that we're the problem because of our carbon footprint and that we should submit and give in to the globalist agenda. Why? Because he's owned. HE'S OWNED! They raped him into submission and now he's a mouthpiece for whatever they want him to be."

Yuke ago

Raped into submission or...inducted into the club, encouraged to do the same to some kid, and then they turned round and said "Okay, we've got that on you now, you must do what we ask of you, always, or we'll let the world know what you did", and they may even have footage of it or photographs as proof. Classic 1960's CIA move.

benjitsu ago

This notion of the talent rising to the top in Hollywood is pretty obviously bull shit (Adam-stick-that-shampoo-bottle-up-my-ass Sandler has got to be goddamned close to being a billionaire now). If professional athletes are such poor role models for our kids I can't imagine why we should look to professional liars for morality.

Vindicator ago

I wonder if that has anything to do with why it took him so long to get an Academy Award. Until the Revenant, it used to be a standing joke that he'd never gotten one.

maggiethatcher ago

Thank you for this summary, I'm working at the same time as watching. Also watching another stream more or less at the same time which exposes Bono and his links to Haiti, Globalism, Illuminati and paedophilia. He doesn't actually use the word pizzagate as far as I could make out (it's an hour long) but it does seem that he has researched the subject himself, as fas as I can see from the way he is talking.

Baichu ago

Bono is another huge sell out and one of the most annoying "rock stars" on the planet.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

He does mention spirit cooking.

Rajadog20 ago

He's a good guy

maggiethatcher ago

He seems to be. Seems to be friends with Stefan Molyneux who hasnt touched pizzagate directly yet (occasionally drops in the odd bomb about human trafficking and Weinstein)

darkknight111 ago

Archive this immediately. @shewhomustbeobeyed

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I am unable to archive video.

IShallNotFear ago

Yea, unfortunately archive sites won't back up video due to the file size. The best option seems to be just to upload it on another site.