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5 days ago @Vindicator claimed:

"Well, Q promised Iran would be taken care of by 11-11, so we will soon see!"

Today Iran announced the creation of a non-petrodollar based crypto-currency

And they sentenced a state official to 10 years in prison for spying

Seems like Iran is doing just fine. When will the mods acknowledge Q as (at least) "possible disinfo".

YogSoggoth ago Iran is in turmoil at the present, and I hope will be just fine. Video: Students in Iran refuse to step on US flag - Iraq News ... Chris Rea - Nothing to Fear - YouTube


Your link has nothing to do with Iran. Its about Iraq

YogSoggoth ago

Iread ME news almost every day. Trust me. The only difference between Iran and Iraq is tribes and religion. Yes, Iran is Persian, and mostly Shiite, but so is the capitol of Iraq. My comment was more directed towards the general region with an emphasis on what is going to happen. Christians and Jews have nothing to fear in Iran, unless they are from another country without a passport. This is monetary related, and outside the scope of this general discussion.


I'm glad you read the news. Maybe you could provide a relevant link?

So what is going to happen? your initial comment makes a claim that is totally unsupported by the link. Then you mention a video that isn't in the link.

I truly don't understand at all what you're trying to say. Help me out. Are you supporting the Q 11-11 iran claim?

YogSoggoth ago

Not sure what you are talking about. I told you to trust me, because I have been following this for many years (translated). Either you do, or don't. Matter of fact, I don't know you. I kind of feel it is in the best interest of National security of Iraq to shut up right now. The gold for trade thing that India did with Iran was a small step. The rest of the countries had to quicken this non reliance. I don't save all those links. There are many websites devoted to this conversation, but it is pointless, and all speculation, as I truly believe this is coming to a head quickly. Look for an action packed year from now on. Those sanctions are hurting right now, but speeding up necessary change In my own humble opinion


Neocons have been trying to "initiate a crisis" with Iran to benefit ISRAEL

Patrick Clawson, member of the globalist-controlled think-tank and neo-con influenced Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP); recently spoke about the use of false flags as a necessary way for instigating a war with Iran. Clawson remarked that Obama has had a difficult time “getting the US into a war with Iran” and advocating the use of conventional means (i.e. using a false flag to provoke a military strike). [...]

[Clawson also served as an economist for the International Monetary Fund from 1981 until 1985, when he took a position as a senior economist with the World Bank.]