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FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

CHANGE MY MIND: This is the least effective way to prove a point....Meaning, has there ever been a single conversion based on a Preacher with a megaphone? Maybe there has.... I don't know. If you're going to find god..(perhaps I'm just projecting). YOU'RE GOING TO FIND GOD. It's not going to preach at you from the side walk.

But this is just my two cents.... Maybe they are converting/making people think about the errors of their ways.

And I"m not even gonna lie. I Got nothing against gay people. In fact, I like gay people....I have no desire to change them... Well at least, The David Rubin gays because I know hes not advocating letting kids pick their gender and take hormones at 5 years old.

I have concluded based on my Own, (Most likely flawed research) that a massive majority of gay people, Were abused as children.... So I guess that's an argument to be made... Or something.

SchlongKeyhote ago

i have never seen anyone miss the point of a post more than this.

I have no desire to change them... Well at least, The David Rubin gays

having destroyed german society and made boy prostitutes paid in bread a commonality, Jews are expelled post-ww2 to US/UK where homosexuality goes from criminal offense and only 20 yrs later openly celebrated.

your response is "at least THIS faggot kike loves muh free markets and doesn't advocate drugging 5-year-olds, wow hes awesome"

And you have to assume half of those girls aren't even gay

no shit? women are incapable of defending anything physically so they cant resist virtue signaling for whatever Jews claim are victims, including themselves, homostrannys and non-whites.

But jewish chicks are really fun.

this part is true

you are why we have no hope, fucking NPC closet-fag.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Here's some more schlongkeyhole