SearchVoatBot ago

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garlicbulb ago

Joachim has read more on Sue Arrigo than the moderator and includes some in this article Anatomy of the Luciferian Elite’s Global Child Sex Trafficking Pedophile Operations – Joachim Hagopian

garlicbulb ago

Also see CIA – DIA Mind Control and Sex Slavery of Children by Sue Arrigo MD

2015 Mar 25 Cathy Fox Blog Secrets of the CIA’s Global Sex Slave Industry by Dr. Sue Arrigo

2017 Mar 17 Cathy fox Blog Secrets of the CIA’s Global Sex Slave Industry 2 by Sue Arrigo MD

2017 Mar 19 Cathy fox Blog Secrets of the CIA’s Global Sex Slave Industry 3 by Sue Arrigo MD

gogogogostop ago

Saved for later. Thanx.

PizzaMario ago

...and reading about children, orphans and war, i think about all the children sent away from the british cities to manor houses of the rich elite in the country, and i shudder.

wtf_is_happening ago

This is a really interesting read. I'm only half way through, but the part about how containers of trafficked children are unloaded on the docks, auctioned and transported in fleets of special vans (with no windows and drainage holes in the floor) ties in pretty well with the human trafficking general threads on /pol/.

Samson134 ago

Wow what a great find so much info,

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

Hi there, @topletbomb. Normally, we flair personal testimony threads whose claims are uncorroborated by external sources as Unverified or Accuracy in Question. However, due to material like this

Presidential Models often have been trained by the CIA in special ESP skills like having a photographic memory. Other special CIA spy ESP skills they may have been programmed to have include the ability to speak "in tongues" i.e. in any language, the ability to see and hear at a distance, as in clairvoyance and clariaudience) A/K/A remote viewing, shapeshifting, and forecasting the future, including stock prices, etc.

that really stretch credulity to the breaking point, I am giving this the "Possible Disinfo" flair. Thanks.

garlicbulb ago

I have no idea what "see parent " means @vindicator

However, due to material like this - "Presidential Models often have been trained by the CIA in special ESP skills like having a photographic memory. Other special CIA spy ESP skills they may have been programmed to have include the ability to speak "in tongues" i.e. in any language, the ability to see and hear at a distance, as in clairvoyance and clariaudience) A/K/A remote viewing, shapeshifting, and forecasting the future, including stock prices, etc. that really stretch credulity to the breaking point, I am giving this the "Possible Disinfo" flair. Thanks." Which parts of what you put, stretch credulity? or are you bizarrely claiming all of what you quoted?

Lansing-Michigan ago

Possible disinfo could have come from not reading Dr. Arrigo's full text.It is new material....years ago, I read her posts and she was adamant for people to watch the docks for white vans and trucks......she shows real concern for the children to me.

garlicbulb ago

Yes unfortunately on v/pizzagate you have to fight the ignorance of moderators whose actions lessen the chances of people reading a post.

Vindicator ago

See parent means click the button that says "parent" under my comment to see what I was replying to.

And yep, all of that strains credulity.

garlicbulb ago

It strains your credulity, not people who have investigated it. try reading about remote viewing, try reading about presidential models, try reading about mind control and how it affects the brain and hence photographic memory, try reading about external methods of programming the brain. You bias people due to your lack of knowledge, so sad.

Vindicator ago

It strains your credulity, not people who have investigated it. try reading about remote viewing

Not my job. And this isn't v/conspiracy. Posts here have to give linked proof of their claims.

garlicbulb ago

Rather than educate yourself in the issues round the group you moderate you use the jobsworth excuse with the lazy conspiracy angle thrown in. To put a link for every single word that a moderator might be uneducated on is of course prohibitively time consuming for a poster. Definitive proof of many many claims surrounding abuse of course impossible. Highest common factor rather than lowest common denominator might be the way forward.

Vindicator ago

Rather than educate yourself in the issues round the group you moderate

This is Voat, garlicbulb. Voat has a long, long history of giving zero shits about mods; they are merely janitors tasked with removing posts that fail to meet the rules. Mod opinion or knowledge does not have much effect on what most goats think. Our ruleset is set up the way it is -- requiring linked support for every claim that is not common knowledge -- so that people can review the evidence and form their own critical opinions. We don't require "definitive proof". We require clear explanations of how things connect and links to supporting evidence for major claims so people can do their own research.

We created our flairs based on the suggestions of the community regarding what might need additional attention. "Possible disinfo" is used when a thread contains questionable material that could be used to discredit v/pizzagate and the excellent research on global elite corruption we have amassed.

garlicbulb ago

You were the one that said "Posts here have to give linked proof of their claims" . How is it possible to give linked proof to everything in an article or second guess what an uneducated mod might not know about or be incredulous of? It is not the rule that i am complaining about here (though it caters to lowest common denominator not highest common factor) , it is about YOUR interpretation of it and a differential interpretation of it for your own post

Vindicator ago

In the midst of a lot of compelling stuff we have researched and documented thoroughly here about MKUltra, SRS and Dissociative Identity Disorder, garlicbulb, this article claimed:

"Other special CIA spy ESP skills they may have been programmed to have include the ability to speak "in tongues" i.e. in any language, the ability to see and hear at a distance, as in clairvoyance and clariaudience) A/K/A remote viewing, shapeshifting"

Possibilities which have NOT been researched and well documented on this board, are not "commonly accepted facts" and which are exactly the type of speculative claims those involved in information warfare insert with true material to discredit it and slap it with the conspiracy label. We could have deleted this thread completely under Rule 2 and asked that it be reposted in v/pizzagatewhatever, our speculative subverse.

However, for the sake of public awareness about disinfo, we often opt to flair it and leave it on the main board, which is what I did, here. That allows for ongoing discussion and crowdsourced examination of the claims and the possible disinfo pusher.

Flairs can and frequently are changed if new evidence is uncovered by the community.

garlicbulb ago

I think you may be put off by alternatives terms that have been used. If it was written as follows it may be easier for you to acccept, the other names are just to illustrate what some people call them, and no doubt those terms are used to mean other things as well.

"Other special CIA spy ESP skills they may have been programmed to have include the ability to speak in any language, the ability to see and hear at a distance ie remote viewing "

But in fact, contrary to what you say, the article goes on to link to source and reference another "The CIA needed these skills in spies. Shamans had the skills and the CIA did the R&D to get them. (See John Perkins’ “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” [amazon banned domain link?] and “Shapeshifting” books.)"

So this article does give source link but you choose to flair it as possible disinfo, but the one you posted does not and you bend the rule to not flair it. I would advocate not flairing either with "possible disinfo" with its perjorative connotations. If you have to flair them flair "more research needed" or similar. If programing people with language skills or remote viewing is not commonly accepted on this sub then it has not got very far.

garlicbulb ago

What actually are the items objected to credibility wise?

Vindicator ago

See parent.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Maybe read Thanks for the Memories by Brice Taylor? She was a presidential model and Henry Kissinger was her handler. To me, she is very credible and writes of things that are truly astounding, that she could do then. Very similar to the things listed above .......more credible than Cathy O'Brian.

Lansing-Michigan ago

From Dr. Sue Arrigo's book, ""Presidential Models" who get trained by the CIA are in that category. Brice Taylor is an example of that (See her books [on the sidebar]).

She says that 3,000 women got made into Presidental Sex Slaves per the figure she heard. They are mind control victims.

garlicbulb ago

have you a link to her book?

Lansing-Michigan ago

Just tried posting excerpts from Dr. Arrigo's book on FB. They were removed by big brother. It tells of George Bush Sr. raping , torturing children to death while the chief justice of the supreme court was paid to throw the election for his son.

Kahlypso79 ago

The UN in Yougoslavia...because lets face it.. Sex trade, human trafficking, organs cut from bodies.. this is all being protected at high levels.. For those who are new and are just hearin about this for the first time... For a brief history of ORGAN TRAFFICKING..

This article explains very well how the CIA trained up the rebel forces in Afganistan and moved onto Yugoslavia..

WOMAN SACKED FOR REVEALING UN LINKS WITH SEX TRADE August 7, 2002, Wednesday [Posted 13 August 2002]


On the other hand.. it wasnt as if the United Nations wasnt aware that there were trafficking problems and that children were getting scooped up into sex trade/organ removal.. Report date : 2002 - The Experience of Refugee Children in LIBERIA, GUINEA and SIERRA LEONE (remember LIBERIA)

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

I read this a while back, its hard to read but it definitely sounds like she was part of it (human trafficking) It rings kinda true to me. Although I have a hard time believing the psychic part though.

Lansing-Michigan ago

I have read many of her posts....she says her skills can be taught..she did this to US govt. employees.Russia and China help their gifted people and this is one reason they are so far ahead of us..The west wants all of them to be under govt. control. Remote viewing is a fact. This is the heart of pedophelia among the elites........the dark ones try to get the powers from the underworld...

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

you might also like reading this site, thats how i found the gail allen link a while back, back when I thought that the devil was just a fictional character in jack black videos, ive got a more open mind these days.

One thing about what Sue Arrigo says about the trafficking business, is that the victims have their photos taken before being auctioned, now I cant remember who told me this just that it was a conspiracy rumour from a while back, but its that polaroid were secretly commissioned to create an instant camera, because the photograph processing part of the operation was causing a time bottleneck and increasing the fingerprint of the elites human trafficking operation because they would need a mobile dark room on site. Like I said its just a rumour, but I can see how it might be the case.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Tried to post excerpts on my FB page and they disappeared........if Big Brother does not want them shown, it is important. Never have had this to happen before.Anyone who has FB or any other social media outlet, try posting from the last with her link. unable to do that either.

894984654994 ago

Welp, someone involved in this dark world would have some PTSD effects no doubt. Hard on the mind :(

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

that was my thoughts, shes been through alot if its true and a split mind could possibly cause some delusion, or it could all be real because some of it seems so well put it feels real, I get the same feeling with david icke though, im all with him untill he starts saying shapeshifting lizards.

Kahlypso79 ago

a klot of it is hard to believe.