SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

THAT'S hilarious FB is the CIA

commonsenseisded ago

First I hate everything about Facebook. But with Jane Doe's rational. Say an adult befriends a kid in a store and abducts them. Then the kid or their parents can sue the store because they didn't warn them there could be predators in the store? I'm not following the logic here.

Vindicator ago

Username checks out. :-)

3141592653 ago


carmencita ago

I hate facebook. I was at a meeting and they want us to join facebook. I said NO. I hate it and I will not ever do it. I told them I will not be party to anything Zuckerberg comes up with. They all looked at me like I was nuts and I don't care. People are so clueless.

NCMEC? That's a laugh.

Podge512 ago

Facebook held a poll among its users to find out if they would be okay with adults requesting nudes from children on the site, so I seriously doubt they'll do anything meaningful to combat sex trafficking on the site.

3141592653 ago

I agree1

IShallNotFear ago

Shocked but not shocked. Do you have a link to verify this?

derram ago :

            Facebook, responding to lawsuit, says sex trafficking banned on site | Reuters :

            Facebook, responding to lawsuit, says sex trafficking banned on site | Reuters

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3141592653 ago

Thank u

3141592653 ago
