Vindicator ago

a camp was found in Tucson Arizona by V4CR

I thought it was discovered by that other vet group that looks for homeless vets roughing it? Can't remember their names.

Type-o-Negative ago

Craig Sawyer is controlled opposition, no need to waste your time with this actor.

SterlingJB ago

Wonder if the same awareness will happen in regards to OUR. Really surprising how many don't ask certain questions there.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Is this better? @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

I can't remove the edit flair until you fix the last link. It talks about Sawyer deleting tweets, but links to Barnet.

adaya ago

Wow! dead over target.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

After a brief search I have not been able to find a current court case for him with an offense date for Johnny Angel Salazar on the date or after the date listed on the news articles. He has a long list of misdemeanors in the Pima County misdemeanor court. And he has some old cases with earlier dates on the felony court website. I am not sure yet why I am not finding it. Maybe he got offered a deal and it was scrubbed. Or maybe the story is fake. Hmmm.. someone else help me. I'm gonna look up the judge that they mention and keep looking for an active case

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Here is his tweet with the mug shot of the perp:

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

OK, so I am not blocking you and he is not blocking me. That solves one issue, he's not blocking you because of the same block together account if that is indeed what happened.

Here's my tweet. Amy James, J.D. ‏

@amyphilo 2m2 minutes ago More Replying to @ianspencer @LWesleyChrist and 8 others Let's get to the heart of the story. Look up the judge in the rape case. Find @CraigRSawyer's tweet about perp. Look up his case. Should be relatively simple to figure out who the judge is, that's public information. The victim's name won't be on there. Anyone can fake accounts

So basically if you missed out, the Lift The Veil show guest from last night accuses some sort of LARP with Craig Sawyer. The issue is whether the judge in the rape case is really who the show's guest last night said it was, which was that it was a judge of a juvenile court. Figure out where the court case is, in what court, and the judge's name. If the Aspen whatever profile was slamming a judge who isn't really over that perp's case because he's a juvenile judge, then you know that

1) Either the Aspen profile posing as Craig's daughter iis fake 2) The Aspen person is larping and she isn't the real victim of that perp who is on trial for rape 3) The juvenile judge was assigned to her case because reasons

Whether or not Craig Sawyer abuses his daughter is kind of irrelevant. But it was a good point that she shouldn't be asking for money for food and gas if she is living with him and he's just raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for his charity. That is all.

IWorshipQAnon ago

I would bet money he has blocktogether. Am I auto blocking you? I don't have Twitter on my phone. Go check @amyphilo.

A group of fake Trump supporters that was actually not was tracking people inviting them into a Twitter group and operating a honeypot. They committed a fraud and possibly an intercept operation by listing a fake gmail address for the secret service and posting it to Twitter. Then the leader invited people to follow her on blocktogether. A year has passed and I keep finding people I've blocked and can't get rid of the app. One of the users was @shorthorse. Another was something about jellybeans which is a cipher.

You may have been an unwitting victim of her block list and he's probably following someone like her too especially if he is a scammer.

notagame ago

I have 96 followers, why would he block me?

It's not the number of followers that get you blocked, it's what you say. I was blocked by a guy for asking a question about Q. It wasn't even rude.

But Sawyer is a fraud, a shill, a disinfo specialist, an asset, an asshole, and anything else you want to call him. I don't know anything about him abusing his daughter so will not speculate on that. Take it as a badge of honor, open a sock puppet again, and then you can see his posts. Just don't make any comments other than likes from the sock puppet account and you'll be fine.

Vindicator ago

Hi there @Zzzmmm333. Your third link doesn't appear to link to the text it highlights, so I need to give this the edit flair for Rule 2. If you could add the direct link to the FB post that is buried in your first link, that would be a big help, as well. It looks like the daughter is trying to get back at her parents by shit talking on FB. Is there any documented history of domestic violence on Sawyer?

Seems kind of suspicious that Fiona is retweeting the daughter's social media claims as evidence against Sawyer. That is a pretty shitty tactic. But his deleting his tweets is also suspicious.

Several of us here have been curious about the Twitter war going on between Fiona, Sawyer and others and have not seen anyone really make a solid thread sorting it all out. What happened immediately prior to it starting? Was it the alleged trafficking camp in AZ? What tweets were deleted by Sawyer? How do they connect to his being subpoenaed by the guy who found the camp in his trespassing trial? We really need a full timeline of this whole story to fairly assess what is going on.

@think- @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall

Zzzmmm333 ago

Thanks mate, will edit when I finish work i won't have time this morning.

adaya ago If you scroll up, can kinda see fbook screenshots Fiona thought girl, Aspen, trying to move in w/ “Nana” b/c CS abusing her. Then Aspen’s twitter jumps in today to say, not my Fbook. Previously, Aspen had been going at Fiona b/c of what Fi saying about CS. Fiona blocked her. Then Fiona’s sees fbook plea to Nana and decides Aspen is in danger and can’t say publicly

Vindicator ago

There have been others PG personalities involved in this as well, haven't there?

adaya ago

I saw it starting yesterday, I don’t know about others besides Fiona and Craig, but after watching this post think our special teams unit should run a “Craig Sawyer is a fraud” play to draw off the schills

Vindicator ago

It started well before yesterday.

adaya ago

Impressive, growth accelerator. moss faces North

carmencita ago

There was a tweet a couple weeks ago and his daughter took down her Go Fund Me because someone discovered she was asking for money. CS and "daughter" are fakers. He is connected to OUR and Tim Ballard who is a limited hangout.. OUR claimed to raid traffickers in Haiti and that turned out fake and it was on the beach by a hotel that Bill and Hillary stayed at on their honeymoon. NOpe you can't make this stuff up.

Vindicator ago

OUR claimed to raid traffickers in Haiti and that turned out fake and it was on the beach by a hotel that Bill and Hillary stayed at on their honeymoon.

Could you dig up the links for this, carmen?

carmencita ago George Webb on OUR at 10:50m. He says OUR is an NGO that is Out of Control George Webb on OUR at 8:30m. He says OUR is a 3rd party agency with no LE oversight He claims it is funded by Booz Allen

I am only putting a couple in each reply because some are coming up banned sites which causes me to end up canceling my whole report.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I am only putting a couple in each reply because some are coming up banned sites which causes me to end up canceling my whole report.

I believe that if you put a strategically placed (space) in the links you try to post they will bypass the ban.

Then if you ping me I'll try to get an archive of the link.

You should probably ask @Vindicator or @think- where the best place to put the (space) would be.

Vindicator ago

I don't think it matters where you put the space.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

ok, ty.

carmencita ago

Oh, they won't allow that. I tried that before, when someone advised me to, and I had to remove the (com). I had a really good perfect one, but I couldn't use it. This is one of them but I could not get it to work!topic/ezilidanto/JiScWbBf3ns

carmencita ago

Thank You. It is sad that the post has been deleted. Many will never read the info. This is only my opinion, but Sawyer and Ballard are a real scam and putting these so called "trafficking interventions" on and they are anything but. I believe they end up with those children somehow. But like I said, that is only My opinion. I am going to look up Elizabeth Smart's Group. She has just joined with OUR. Thanks for the archive. Hopefully someone will still see it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are welcome, as always.

Vindicator ago

Hmm. Interesting. Webb isn't exactly a reliable source.

carmencita ago

I think sometimes he gives credible info but it is for us to research. The numbers kept fluctuating on the number arrested. The Webb info and the arrest numbers I think is proof that this org. is up to no good. Webb also connects them to Mormons. While checking on this I saw that Elizabeth Smart has now joined with the org. That right there is a red flag for me. I never did believe her story.

carmencita ago

The spokeswoman for the commissioner’s office, Substitute Commissioner Mirlande D. Prévost, who was present at Sunday’s police operation, initially reported that 18 adults tied to the child-trafficking ring had been arrested. By that evening, Commissioner Leger had, and has since, been saying 12 adults were arrested. By Monday morning, in an interview with Marie Lucie Bonhomme Opont of Vision 2000, police spokesman, Inspector Gary Desrosiers, said 9 had been arrested.

Vindicator ago


carmencita ago


carmencita ago

Ugh. I had a feeling I may have to back it up. It exists. I just am not that good at the SEARCH. OK, I will see what I can do, if anyone has this info please come forward and help me out.

ProudTruther ago

I got into it with him on Twitter for Tucson gate. I,backed down but I was like you did, see the part about a Rothschild mayor, Centex connections, the renting of the back hoe...

GeorgeT ago

Sawyer is a shill/limited hangout. He was promoted by Infowhores tranny-porn loving Fake Jones. And after Craig's retraction on Tuscon Arizona it is all too clear! 'The best way combat the resistance is to lead it ourselves' - Vladmir Lenin

think- ago

Sawyer is a shill/limited hangout.

Yes, that has been my impression as well. And/or in for the money, but certainly not doing this 'to help the kids'.

Piscina ago

Lol, he blocked me about a week ago and I've never even interacted with him! He's highly sensitive for a supposed tough guy. There's no way you get that kind of platform if you're a good guy fighting the elite.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I didn't really believe he was legit back when Alex Jones gave him 100k. But if his real daughter is living with him and is really asking for food and gas money on a gofundme, that's pretty strange.

Anything is possible at this point. There are probably 100 detractors assigned to each and every single one of us, waiting for the right time to pull some kind of a LARP or scam to destroy someone's reputation.

carmencita ago

Since you deleted this from pg Do you think you could post it in the 1A subverse now? I think it is a Very Important post. I came back in to upvoat people and discovered it was deleted.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't know who originally posted it, I think it was someone named ZZzzzzzzz3333 or something hang on. I PMed him.

carmencita ago

Thanks so much I don't want to lose this. Idk why I thought you did but thanks anyway. Hope it's reposted.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I have to leave, if ZZwhatever doesn't repost it I'll do it later tonight.

carmencita ago

TY! <3

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

The entire thing got deleted in his lead. I don't know why. I'll PM you the link from my browser history. Seems he doesn't want it up now for some reason.

EDIT: I looked in my browser history, searched for twitter, and imgur, and while it appeared at first, the second attempt to search for it, it was gone. That's pretty annoying and weird. Can you just PM the PP and ask him for it?

carmencita ago

OMG I am so sorry I cannot stop! Pics of elite looking people wearing medals around their necks.

by=elizabeth_smart_official Utah Minute Men Awards. Looks like a society to me with those medals.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I will check these out. Feel free to make a new post on this in pizzagate1A or something so we can get it all in one place! =)

carmencita ago

May take a couple of days. But I hope to. I have long had serious suspicions about her and her father and uncle.

carmencita ago

On Eliz. Smart's Instagram I found this pic. Look at the floor. They are Mormons and surely hang around with only other Mormons. Also notice someone replies She knows that house!

Also notice that she puts in a lot of pics of children. Some have writing in the picture so it implies they are Missing. Others have no writing only a picture. Why? Are they ones with no wording, are they available? She has partnered her Foundation with O.U.R. It is my opinion that they are taking some of the Children they supposedly rescue. I have no proof but have read that they are a bogus outfit and we have discussed it on here as well. Some have done research verifying this. Look at this about OUR Since Smart Found just joined with them, well I think there is much more to be found about these two org.

Here is her Instagram I am still checking it out. She also just recently set up a Go Fund Me Hmm.

carmencita ago

Another checkerboard napkin that gets squeezed into the picture. I forgot to add that her husband is Scottish born and he wears a kilt. Scottish = Masonic

by=elizabeth_smart_official The wedding was in Scotland they were at. A Kilt Wedding. I will stop now. Don't want to bombard you. I just have this 6th sense.....

carmencita ago

Elizabth is at Billy Blanco's burger and taco restaurant with her son. Red and white checked napkins and cloths. Billy is Billy White of Bill White's Farm. They give tours to kids and he is a non profit. Something is getting rancid. Farm. Kids. I don't know. do you think I am barking up the wrong three? @Cc1914

carmencita ago

OK. I will try. I am going to try to see if I can research Elizabeth Smart's Group joining up with OUR. Something real weird about that.

Piscina ago

She was asking for money. Then when it was highlighted, she shut down her GoFundMe page. She then said that her dad was abusive and hitting her and needed somewhere to go. When that was highlighted, she shut down that page too and denied it all.

I feel sorry for all the people who've donated money to Sawyer. The dude's worth US$18 million. If he was such a good guy and serious about catching pedos, he would be using his own money and not money-grubbing from the public.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Well, I agree with you about that. But I'm kind of irritated at the moment because it took me about 2 hours to find the actual court case and verify that the judge is an adult judge over an adult felony court, and he used to also handle juvie cases. Lift the Veil was promoting a rumor that the judge was only a juvenile judge. I had to stop and think about it before realizing it's possible they might not understand what's happening there. I made a post about it.

If anyone can figure out how to pull up the case aside from the un-clickable case information I found on their website through looking up the court calendar for the exact judge's court, I would really like to see the court docket sheet on this perp.

derram ago :

Fiona Barnett on Twitter: "Er, I took the fb posts from Truth Cat's FB site. Now fake accounts by Krause etc are saying I photoshopped them. But then Gretchen and others claim yes the argument was true, but she's just emotional. I think Aspen is at great risk from the CIA scum coz she blew Sawyers cover.…" : :

Fiona Barnett on Twitter: "Er, I took the fb posts from Truth Cat's FB site. Now fake accounts by Krause etc are saying I photoshopped them. But then Gretchen and others claim yes the argument was true, but she's just emotional. I think Aspen is at great risk from the CIA scum coz she blew Sawyers cover.…"

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